After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

A Trip To The Center Of The Sea.

The moment Owen heard the line go dead, a sense of dread filled him. He quickly tried to recall her, but much for his dismay, his call went to voice mail. "The user you're trying to reach is currently not available. Please try again-" He ended the call before the automated voice could complete it's words.

He had a very bad feeling.

He tried calling her once more, but his call went to voicemail again.

The next time he tried to make a call, he called Cassandra instead. Steading his voice as he heard the phone ring, Owen reminded himself to be as subtle and calm as possible. Because for all he knew, Leonica could have possibly butt texted him her location and then ended up dropping her phone, cracking the entire thing.

Yeah, that sounded like it, he thought, but deep down, he knew Leonica's voice when she wa relaxed and when she was anxious and on edge and her voice a few minutes ago had clearly sounded like she was anxious and on edge.

"Hello?" The sound of Cassandra's voice pulled him away from his own mini world.

"Mrs. Romero? Hi. Sorry to intrude, but I just wanted to confirm if you've sent Leonica home."

"Yes, yes I did, so don't you worry." Cassandra said and muttered. "Young lovers nowadays sure are quite clingy."

Owen would have made a jest out of his soon to be mother in law's words, but not in this situation he couldn't. He was anxious, pacing the room back and forth before even he could notice it.

"I see. Thank you, Mrs. Romero." He said and was about to hang up when Cassandra asked.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes," He lied, knowing fully well that if he were to put the elderly lady on high alert over nothing, Leonica would have his head.

So, he forced a smile and lied, "Yes, everything's fine, don't worry, Mrs. Romero."

"Well, okay. Have a good day and don't overwork yourself. Bye now."

And just like that, Owen ended the call, but he couldn't stop pacing, even after Cassandra's reassuring words.

Something was wrong, he could feel it. Glancing at his phone, precisely at the location Leonica had sent him, Owen grabbed his jacket and keys and dashed out of the room.

He couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad had happened, and he was not going to sit and wait for Leonica to tell him that she's fine.

Not when he had a very bad feeling.

"Owen? Where are you going?" Alistair asked the moment he spotted the blonde striding towards the exit.

"I need to leave." Came his answer.

"But we're not done here, yet. Can't you just-"

"I need to leave, Alistair." His manager nearly flinched at the look of seriousness on his face. It was very rare to see Owen, national idol, looking all tough and serious, but when he was caught that way, Alistair had learnt on few occasions that it wasn't to be taken lightly. So without any more words said, Alistair stepped back. "Just have your boss know that you're leaving early."

Owen didn't say anything, but as he rushed towards his car, GPS tuned in on the location Leonica had sent him, he thought, if only Alistair knew it was because of her that he was rushing off this way.

"Alright people, give me something!" Robert said as he walked into the meeting room made up of the officers He and Candace had let in on the situation with Irene. "Do we have a location yet?"

A silence he didn't like overtook the room, indicating that the answer his team had for him wasn't the one he wanted.

Sighing, Robert went over to the laptop connected to the projector and turned it on, the big bright screen gaining the attention of his team mates.

"Look at this," He pointed at said screen which had a map and one third of the map was red. "Do you know what that is?" Most, if not all of his teammates shook their heads, making Robert angrily slap his hand on the table. "That is the fucking map of Norway, the entire Norway and do you know what that red place is?"

His teammates shook their heads once again.

"That is the percentage of Norway under the influence of the fucking Romero family and this is the prescient," He pointed at a tiny dot in the center of the red map. "What exactly do you think would happen if Benjamin Romero were to catch wind of the fact that we allowed someone who's considered a threat to the Romero family, escape?!"

His team mate, who had never for once heard their captain yell, flinched at the increase of voice.

Many, if not all of them present knew how influential and powerful The Romero family is in Norway, but seeing their captain this way, really made them question just how much hold did the Romero family have in Norway.

After all, the captain they all looked up to, looked sacred at the moment merely at the thought of Benjamin Romero knowing about the escape.

"Now listen to me," He began, his voice returning to it's normal volume. "You're all going to get up, right now and your going to go out there and find me Irene Rosewood and you're going to do it as quietly as possible because whosoever slips up and allows Benjamin Romero, not any of the Romero family, get wind of this, can kiss their fucking job goodbye. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes sir." His team mates answered, some of them even sounding unsure.

This angered Robert. "I said have I made myself clear?!" He repeated, voice raised, his eyes glaring at the members of his team.

"Yes, sir!" This time around, his team mates, his subordinates, responded with more determination.

Robert nodded, satisfied. "Good, now go out there and quietly turn this fucking town around and find me Irene Rosewood Romero."

Leonica woke up to being blindfolded. The moment she tried to move her hands, she found them tied together and the feeling of the rough material around her ankle brought her attention to the throbbing pain in the ankle she had twisted. But all that was nothing compared to the pain she felt on the left side of her temple.

'I got hit in the head?' She thought, wincing at the pain.

She could already feel the bump and the cut.

'It must have been quite hard. Maybe the guy hit me with a log of wood or something, because there's no way the blow was that strong.'

"Oh good, you're finally awake." A familiar voice said and when the blind fold was taken off, she came face to face with a familiar face.

"I-irene?" Her voice came out weak and scratchy.

"You seem surprised." Irene smirked. "Didn't think you'd see me anytime soon."

"Robert said you were being transported to the hospital for a medical check up." Leonica muttered.

"I was, but then I escaped." Irene said nonchalantly and took a few steps back, giving Leonica the chance to scan her surroundings and it was then she noticed she wasn't in any room or car or something of sort, but rather on the deck of a docked boat. "Where are we?"

"The pier. I've always liked the ocean." Irene responded, not answering her question any further. "And I think you'd like the ocean too, once I'm done with you, at least."

"What are you going to do with me?" Leonica asked, swallowing the fear and unease.

"I'm going to kill you, Leonica. Isn't that obvious? trene smirked and reached for the knife she had on the small table, not far from where Leonica tied up. "You're the last

obstacle that stands bet last net


and well everything. Once I'm rid of you, the Romero family would have no choice but to accept me as their only daughter."

Leonica's lips twitched into a frown. "You're still going on with that delusional mentality, I see."

"It's not a delusional mentality!" Irene snapped. "I'm saying the truth. The only reason why father was harsh on me is because you've poisoned his mind, made him think I'm a useless illegitimate child. You've brainwashed him."

Leonica shook her head, but instantly regretted it as her head throbbed with pain. "You're delusional. You have to get that checked."

"I'm not delusional!" Irene yelled,

grabbing Leonica by her hair and

pulling her close, so their faces were inches apart. "Father loves me! He doesn't love you. No one does. And once you're out of the way he'd realize that and as for your mother, well I can see Myself forgiving her, only if she promises to be a good step mother."

Leonica laughed, a full belly laugh, even though her head was throbbing in pain, and the laughter only enraged Irene even more.

"Shut up!" She pulled harder at her hair and then pushed her head away, causing her head to hit the pole she was tied against.

Leonica cried out in pain and Irene grinned. "Now you know how it feels to be humiliated." She spat.

"What the hell did I ever do to you?"

"Everything!" Irene cried. "You took

everything away from me, starting from my life! My husband and even my daughter! Do you know the pain feel each time I awe Daisy smile at you and look at me like I'm a monster? I'm meant to be her mother, her role model, not you!" Her last words were accompanied by a harsh slap, and this time, Leonica was certain her cheek would bruise.

"Your delusional, Irene," She said, truly meaning those words this time around as she recalled what Chief Robert had told her.

Schizophrenia indeed, she thought.

"I am not delusional, Leonica!" Irene yelled, her voice echoing across the empty dock. "You're the delusional one, not me, thinking you can take everything away from me."

Irene walked away, muttering incoherent words underneath her breath before she walked back and picked up the blind fold and knife, kneeling down in front of Leonica and putting the blind fold over her eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Shut up." Irene said as she tightened the blind fold around Leonica's eyes. "However, If you wish to shorten your remain time on earth, go ahead and blabber your mouth."

As Leonica felt her stand up and walk away, she thought, Damn, Irene sure was dangerous this time around and what was different, her unstable mental health.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Irene call.

"We leave in one hour, I want to arrive at the center of the sea before sundown!"noveldrama

Huh? Center of the sea?

It only took Leonica a few seconds to fix the piece together. The weights on her body, the boat, and now they were heading to the center of the sea, it was obvious that Irene was planning on fucking drowning her!

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