After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 197

Gabriel shrugged. "The article, or even the stares."

"I'd ratherno" she replied, not once turning to look at him.

Gabriel took note of the coldness in hervoice, it was the same tone she had used each time she intended to put a wall

A sign that she was feeling uncary, that she didn't want to let him or anyone in

Gabriel respected that and chose to remain silent for the rest of the ride,

By the time they arrived at Leonica's place, Ashley had already dosed off, his bear clutched tightly against his chest.

Leonita didn't bother waking him. She scooped him out of his seat, being careful not to wake him and stepped out the car, only to find that Gabriel had joined her,

"You don't have to walk me to the door. She informed him, watching as he pocketed the lays to his car

She was about to say something else when the designs on Gabriel's keychain caught her attention.

It was a forget-me-not flower, the very same one Ashley had given her to give him after the tier incident The cart sale symbol that was on her necklace.

Her eyes went to foldey's sleeping foun and she sighed, "Ha, clever child."

Unsettling News.

"The stranger asked, glancing from Leonica, who had a neutral expression on her face despite the wave of contusion running amuck inside, and his phone which still had the article open on display

"I mean, you don't have to make an official statement or amthing like that. I know how you rich people are, reputation and all, but-

"That's enough," Gabriel interrupted him, pushing the phone away from Leonica's path of view. "It's very nude to question someone over a falsely written article. "Well, how can you say for sure that it's false?" The stranger retorted. "And who are you to say it was written based on true facts?" Leonica asked, finally gaining her com

What a loaded bullshit.


composure after the tabloid she had read.

thought as she shook her head, people sure were thirsty for her family's downfall to have enough time to create a bullocks cumot like

But then again, she shouldn't be surprised, it was expected.

"Nothing." Leonica shot him a glare, causing him to shrink back and step away, then she smiled. "Please leam to mind your own business from now on.

with that, she turned around and picked Ashley up, not failing to notice the way a couple other people looked at her once they recognized her. Some even pointed and whispered.

to make her feel uncomfortable.

Now it was rally starting to

"Let's go Ashley," She said and walked away from the stranger, Gabriel following along

The atmosphere was filled with silence until they had reached the parking lot and Gabriel was the one who broke the silence.

"Leonica." Hecalled out as he gently held her wrist and pulled her in the opposite direction of her ear. "I'll drive you guys home." He added upon seeing the look of confusion that gathered across her face.

"No, that won't be near." She rejected without a second thought. "Thanks for the offer though"

In normal cases, Gabriel would have backed ott, allowing Lennica to wallaway, have her way, but not today.

Today was different because he could tell how unfocused she was. The way her epes seemed to flicker back and forth, the way her fingers twitched, the way she bit her lips, he could tell she was over thinking, probably trying to make heads of the article she had seen, along with those people's states.

No matter how unique Leonica is, she was just like every other elite, caring greatly about her family's reputation and an article like that, true or false, was sure to leave a temporary dent

He could tell she was feeling unsettled.

So, rather than allow her to drive home with her mind clouded, most likely put her, along with Ashley in danger, he held her tighter.

"Init" He stated and continued leading the way to his par

"Really, there's no need." Leonica saidnoveldrama

"But I'm taking you

""Thave my owncar."

"I'll retum it tomorrow." He pulled open the passenger door to his caratter unlocking in "Just let me drive you home, okay? Leonica was conflicted. A part of her wanted to reject him and go home with her own car, while another part of her was too tired to argue "Fine," She eventually agreed and placed Ashley in the backseat, before settling in the passenger seat.

As soon as they were buckled up, he started the engine and they drove off, the silence between them remaining the same.

However, Gabriel was the one who decided to break it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" Leonica asked in a nonchalant manner. Gabriel

I shrugged. "The article, or even the stares.

"I'd rather not." She replied, not once turning to look at him

Gabel took note of the coldness in her voice, it was the same tone she had used each time she intended to put a

a wall up.

A sign that she was feeling uneasy, that she didn't want to let him or anyone in Gabriel respected that and chose to remain silent to the of the ride.

ed out the car, only to find that Gabriel had joined her

By the time they arrived at Leonica's place, Ashley had already dosed off, his bear clutched tightly against his chest. Leonica didn't bother waking him. She scooped him out of his seat, being catelul not to wake him and stepped i "We don't have to walk me to the deer." She informed him, watching as the pocketed the keys to his cat

cas about to say something else when the design on Gabriel's chain caught her attention

It was a forget-me-ant flower, the very same one Ashley had given her to give him after the fire incident The court same symbol that was on her necklace

Her eyes went to asdóry's sleeping form and stir sighed. "illa, clever child *

But could she really blame him? Every child wanted their parent together.

"Thanks for the drive home. "Leonica spoke, turning her attention back to Gabriel, who offered a slight nod.

"Don't worry about it." He looked like he was about to say something more, but opted against it, ruffling Ashley's hair instead, before he bid then goodbye and

walked away.

Leonica went inside after that, placed Ashley in his bed and went to get herself a drink, throughout which her brain replayed the article she had read and soon, she had pulled her phone out and began browsing the different type of articles based on what she had read. As expected, they were all about the same thing.

But it wasn't what had her worried.

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