After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Meeting The Father In-Law, Again.

Irene kicked off her shows as she walked into the dim living room of her newly rented apartment. It was small, tacky with faded walls, busted pipes and The furniture were worn out, stained and torn.

But the apartment was cheap, and considering the current situation she was in, it'd make due and price aside, it was the only place in the entire of Oslo that the landlord had agreed to rent to her. Apparently bad status not only affected her business, but also the willingness

of Landlords to rent out their place to her.

Clearly, they feared being on the Romero family's bad side more than a few hundred thousand bucks.

But that didn't really matter to Irene, after all, she had no plans of staying in this rundown apartment for too long.

Walking into her room, she strolled towards the wardrobe that looked like it could fall apart with a single push from a toddler and pulled it open and turned on the red light she had installed inside.

There was none of her dress or accessory inside, instead, it was occupied by pictures and news letters pinned to the wall by needles, a small map of Oslo, marking a few places in red marker and lastly, pictures.

Jamil's, which was now crossed out with a red marker. Cassandra's was next and after that was Leonica and in the center, the star of her world, was her father Benjamin Romero.

"Daddy." She uttered with a smile. "If only you'd take me in, I wouldn't have had to go through all this trouble."

But she didn't blame him, after all, it was the fault of his favorite daughter, Leonica and that slut Cassandra. They were the ones manipulating and messing with his head.

But soon, she's get rid of them, just like how she had gotten rid of Jamil who looked down on and once they're gone, she'd finally be able to live the life she's always wanted, and deserved.

"Just wait, Daddy." She spoke, her eyes fixated on the pictures of Cassandra. "I'll soon get rid of these pest, then you'd see how much you need me."

After an unexpected tour to the aquarium, suggested strongly by Ashley, Owen successfully pulled into the drive way of Leonica's place.

The three had been out all day, spending some quality time together, which was something Leonica had really needed.

And as a result, the stress she had previously carried had disappeared and was replaced by a smile, bright and warm, and Owen couldn't be more happy to see that.

"Did you enjoy today?" He asked, turning his gaze away from the rear view mirror towards Leonica.

She nodded. "I did, thank you."

Owen smiled more when she took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to emphasize her words.

"Are we home yet?" Ashley called from the back seat, rubbing his eyes as he woke up from his sleep.

"Yes sweetie," She turned around, leaning her body to the backseat to help Ashley undo his seat belt. "We're home."

"Finally," The child muttered, yawning.

Owen laughed and helped him out of the car, taking him in his arms. Leonica, after locking the car, followed the two in.

As soon as Grace saw them, she walked up to Leonica. "The young master must have had an exciting day." Gently, she took Ashley from Owen, stating that she's put him to sleep.

Owen was reluctant to let him go, but eventually did. "Goodnight buddy." He kissed Ashley on the head, waving as the child managed to mutter goodbye.

"I should get going," He sighed after glancing at his watch.

"I'll walk you to the door," Leonica suggested, which Owen gladly accepted, allowing his Fiancée to walk him the short distance.

Once they were in front of the door, about to part, Leonica stuffed her hands into her pocket and hesitantly asked. "You and Gabriel talked about something while I was away, didn't you? What was it?"

"You. You were what we talked about." Owen said as he leaned down and pecked her cheeks before she had the chance to respond. "Don't forget to wear the dress I bought for you, luce mia. I'll see you on Saturday." And with that, he left her standing there, stunned.

"That man," She huffed while closing the door. "He sure is unpredictable."

That Owen was, but right now she didn't have the luxury to think about it as internally, she was panicking.

They were going to visit his father on Saturday and surprise, Saturday was just around the corner. Knowing how Taehyun treated her the last time, Leonica was certain the older man would not be happy to see her, not even in the slightest. She sighed. "I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a disaster."

Saturday rolled around faster than Leonica could have expected and she was currently seated in her dressing room, playing with her fingers as Grace combed her hair, humming softly, completely unaware of the current dilemma her mistress was having. "Do you want your hair done up, Ms. Romero?" She asked, stopping midway her song when she finished combing.

"I don't know. Any style is okay." Leonica answered half heartedly, barely paying attention to what Grace was doing. Although she appreciated the special treatment from the caretaker today, she couldn't bring her mind to fully focus.

"Any style?" Grace parroted. However she had to disagree. Even though Leonica did indeed look good in 'any style' today wasn't one of those days.

Today was one of her important dates with Owen, Grace could tell. And what did she love more than seeing her paycheck go higher? Simple; Leonica's absolute happiness.

So, without another word, Grace got to work, doing Leonica's hair the best way she knew how, and in less than twenty minutes, the girl was ready.

"You look perfect, Ms. Romero," Grace stated, a hint of pride in her voice as she stared at the final product. "Mr. Lee is going to be pleased."

"Thanks Grace." Leonica flashed her a smile and stood up, admiring her own reflection.

The dress Owen had picked out for her was a red cocktail dress, short enough to show off her long legs. The hem of the dress was trimmed with black lace, making the already gorgeous dress, even more exquisite.

To add a bit of her own flare, she wore a pair of black leather high heels, and the diamond bracelet she had received as a gift from Owen.

Her hair was left loose, only half of her locks were tied at the back of her head with a red ribbon.

She looked all dolled up for the perfect night and Ashley's expression as he rushed into the room confirmed it.

"Gorgeous, isn't she?" Grace questioned, earning several nods from Ashley before he spoke.

"Owen's down stairs."

And that was her cue. "Thank you honey," She picked up her small black purse and pecked his head. "Mommy's going to be out late so don't wait for me, okay?"

Ashley mumbled a 'okay' underneath his voice, still not happy that his mother and Owen were going out to have fun without him.

Leonica had just climbed down a few steps when she spotted Owen.

His eyes immediately found her, and his heart skipped a beat as he admired her beauty.

The red dress really complimented her, not that she needed any further enhancements, he thought, stepping towards the foot of the stairs, his eyes never leaving her.

"You look...absolutely gorgeous." He stated, extending his hand for her as she neared.

"As do you," She answered, gently placing her hand into his, feeling her heart race the moment his fingers brushed against hers.

"Are you ready?" He asked, his voice a low whisper and Leonica nodded, letting him lead her to his car.

Owen opened the door for her and waited until she was comfortably seated before closing it and walking to the driver's side.

"So, your father isn't going to splash a bucket of mop water all over me?" Leonica joked as they drove towards Owen's family Vila. "You know, considering the fact that I indirectly ruined his last dinner." Owen chuckled. "He wouldn't dare do that." He sounded too confident and Leonica didn't question.

Shortly after, they arrived at the family Vila, being welcomed by the smart butler, Philip, as Leonica recalled his name to be, who greeted them both.

"Hello Young master, Ms. Romero." He bowed. "The master is waiting for you both in the dinning room." He turned, suggesting they flow him.

Leonica hesitated. Meeting Taehyun for the second time felt more serious than the first time. Perhaps it was because she was coming to properly introduce herself this time around.

"Luce mia?" Owen's voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she chuckled when seeing the look of concern on his face.

"It's nothing," She reassured him. "I just got a little tensed."

He could tell. Showing his support, Owen gently placed his hand on her lower back, rubbing it in a soothing manner.

When the large doors to the dining hall was finally pushed open by Philip, both Owen and Leonica spotted Taehyun, the former's father, seated comfortably in the head chair. "Took you forever," He said in the same guff and dissatisfied voice Leonica remembered. "Well I can't blame you, your mother never thought you manners after all. Come, sit." "Hello father." Owen greeted as he led Leonica to the chair free chair, choosing to ignore his father's words towards his mother since today was an important day to him. "Hello," Leonica greeted politely, offering the man a small smile, hoping that it was enough.

"Great, you brought the internet Queen," He sassed as one of the servants dished him a portion of food. "I still don't get why you refuse to marry that sweet girl I introduced you to." "Because I don't love her, father." Came Owen's answer as he took Leonica's hand and smiled at her. "Leonica's the one I love."

She blushed at his words, mirroring his smile. But the lovely moment was quickly interrupted by Taehyun as he chuckled. "Your mother said she loved me, preached about it in fact, yet where is she? Miami Florida enjoying her fucking new family." "Leonica isn't my mother." Owen defended vehemently, earning a loud laugh from his father.

"All Women are the same Owen, they'd screw you over at the slightest sign of trouble. Ms. Internet Queen over there is no different."

"I'd appreciate if you don't talk about my fiancée that way, father." Owen stated.

"Fiancée?" Taehyun looked almost surprised by his son's words. "You were serious about that? It wasn't just some stunt you pulled?"

"It wasn't." Owen answered and didn't speak after that, letting His father stare from him then Leonica, with a serious expression.

Seconds turned into minutes and just as Leonica was contemplating if this was a bad idea, he spoke.

"Love's going to mess you up, boy. It's going to turn you dark."

"I'm not you, and never will be." Owen stated firmly. "And neither is Leonica, is nothing like my mother."

Said woman, remained silent, allowing the father and son duo sort their differences out. It was something very much needed.

"You're making a big mistake, boy." Taehyun stated once again. "A big one."

"If it's going to be a mistake for Leonica, then I'd gladly do it." Owen replied, his voice a tad bit more softer. "Please accept her as my fiancée, father." Another few seconds of silence went by, after which Taehyun sighed loudly and dropped his cutlery.

"I've lost my fucking appetite." He stood up, instructing the servant. "Tell Philip to prepare the plane, I need a vacation after the whole PDA show."

Owen's face slightly fell as he

watches his father walk towards the door. He didn't essentially need the old man's approval to continue with his engagement with Leonica, but still hoped that for once in life. He's be a father, act like one and give his approval.

He scoffed. It looks like even that was too much to ask for.

"What are you laughing about? Don't

think you can populate here with mini nuisances just because I've decided to watch you get your heart broken." was Taehyun's turn to scoff. "Children, give them you're approval and they won't hesitate to disrespect you." He muttered underneath his breath as he walked out of the dining hall, leaving

Leonica and Owen in confusion.

They weren't completely sure what to think. Although his attitude showed disapproval towards their relationship, his words said otherwise.

But in all honesty, it was his word that counted to Owen, meaning...

"He approves." Leonica said, almost as if she had read his mind and Owen couldn't help the smile that bloomed on his lips as he took both of Leonica's hands in his and kissed it.

"He did, luce mia. He did."

"Sir," Philip called out to his master as they boarded the private plane headed for London. "Are you sure it was a wise decision to accept Leonica Romero?" He asked, just as worried for Owen's heart as everyone else in the mansion was.

Taehyun chuckled. "Yeah, like henoveldrama

wouldn't still proceed with the

engagement I didn't." Taking a sip from his drink, he looked out his window, and muttered. "Leave him to learn the hard way. Although I doubt that would happen." He muttered the last part, not wanting to admit out loud the love he saw between Leonica and his son because for Taehyun Lee, there was no such thing as love.

"I'm not you and never will be."

He scoffed upon recalling Owen's words.

"Boy sure does got balls. Let's just hope you don't end up regretting your decision."

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