Chapter 1 The Chosen Warriors
Chapter 1 The Chosen Warriors
"Selene.....Selene, where are you?" The sound of my mother's voice brings me out of my trance.
My mind had traveled away, back to my thirteenth birthday. Back to the day when our first shifting
ceremony had taken place.
I'd always been the kind to isolate myself away from everyone. I didn't like being in the company of
others, especially in the presence of other girls. They all seemed to want to get close to me for one
thing get close to my twin brother Tyler, and his arrogant best friend, Blake Landon. Blake is
the next in line to become the alpha of our pack. My brother Tyler, as he says, will become his beta.
That day, I had gone out to walk by myself. I loved taking long walks through the forest, it's just so
peaceful. The feel of the ruffle from the branches, the crinkle sound of the leaves crushing under my
feet, the warmth of the sun on my skin, and the smell of the woods. Everything about the forest is just
It must have been just a few minutes before my eyesight became blurry. Everything around me
became dazed, and I began seeing color circles in the air. The pit of my stomach balled up in a painful
knot, and I had a sharp-like stab in my chest. My body vastly lost its energy within. I could hear the
voice of a woman echoing in the distance. I wasn't able to make out what she was saying, her voice
faded away as I had struggled walking. It sounded as if she sang, or perhaps she chanted?
Nevertheless, her voice sounded so sweet. I faintly remember how she looked from the small glimpse I
saw of her; her beauty was indescribable, her physique like no other. She was a mere image of an
Before long, everything around me went blank, and my body lost all of its energy. I was awakened
at what seemed minutes later by my mother, Rebecca Slate, and our Luna, Christy Landon. Our Luna
talked to my mother. They held a conversation among themselves and argued for a while about
something, but I was so dazed, my mind could not process or comprehend what was happening. I
couldn't make out what they were saying at all. My father picked me up since my body was felt so weak
it was unwilling to respond.
My eyes fluttered at a rapid pace on their own, as if they'd spasm. Before I knew it, I had passed
out once more in his arms. That day, when I woke up, I had a loud ringing in my ear. I felt a huge
painful throbbing headache that was stilling me from moving an inch without me feeling as if my head
would explode. All I could do was lay there, wondering what it was that the mystery woman had said.
Why was she calling for me? Who was she? What did she want from me?
My dad's name is Chansey Slate, he is Beta to our Alpha, Brock Landon. My father is married to
Rebecca Slate, and I have a brother named Tyler, who is my twin. We look like complete opposites. I
have dark brown hair, he is raven black, which I envy, to be honest. He's darker-skinned toned than I
am. He's extremely well built, meaning he's super muscular for his age, since he is always working out!
And I mean working out all the damn time, just like his arrogant best friend, Blake.
I, on the other hand, have fair caramel skin, just a bit lighter than Tyler's. I have fair plumped lips,
and I'm short in stature at five feet and four inches. As I said, my brother works out almost all day long.
When he's not in school or training, he's lifting and training. But always working out.
He'd always say, "You don't get it, little sis...It's because, we're getting close to our eighteenth
birthday, and I have to look my best for my mate when the time comes to finally meet her." If you ask
me, they should be more focused on training in case of a rogue attack. Typical, most men in our pack
have the same mentality as him. All they look forward to is their eighteenth birthday and finally finding
their stupid mate. Complete arrogance if you ask my opinion. I can care less about finding my mate.
For the past few weeks, Alpha Brock, and our Luna have been announcing a party they will be
hosting for tonight, in honor of their son, Blake. He is turning eighteen today, and in just a few hours he
will officially become our next Alpha. Then, he will find himself his mate, IF he hasn't found her already;
afterward, we will be introduced to our new Luna. Well, as soon as their mating bond is completed of
course. Yay, how fun.... can you hear my excitement?
Please!.... I rather lock myself in my room and bury myself in my books.
I don't do people. Anything that has to do with talking, or interacting with others, is out of the
question for me. I don't like being around anyone, no matter how much I try, I just like being alone! Call
me awkward if you want, I just can't be around people for too long! It's just....not me.
Luna Christy had asked to speak with me before the whole ceremony took place. I was hoping it
had to do with that day when I had my first shifting, and why I kept passing out. The whole thing was
just so weird. Every time I tried to ask my parents about it, they would just change the subject on me or
act like they didn't hear me. But, ever since then, the same thing has happened to me again. Each
year, days before my birthday..... And I mean, literally, every freaking year, like a clock!
I start feeling all weird, I get my energy drenched from my body, see things , hear things, and
then…I just...pass out! I have no idea how I even make it back to my room, or who brings me.
NOTHING! I remember nothing.
There are times when I don't even recall how I got to the damn forest.
Here is a fact; as a werewolf, everyone is so eager to find their mates on their eighteenth birthday,
that even my damn wolf, Hazel is looking forward to it. But, all I want is answers! answers as to what is
happening TO ME!
"Selene? seriously now! I have been calling for you for the past ten minutes, child. Get your head
out of the clouds. Luna Christy and Alpha Brock are waiting for you at the office. Please, don't have
them waiting. Hurry up and go!"
"Ok, sorry!! I'm coming," I answered sarcastically, making my mom frown. I sigh and get off of my
bed, placing my book on the nightstand and make my way down the steps to the office. I knock on the
door and wait for permission to be let into the office. I can hear someone's footsteps nearing. Soon,
Luna Christy opens the door smiling and gesturing me to enter with a sweet and gentle smile.
Although I have never been the kind to care about looks, I have to say that both my mother and
our Luna, are the most beautiful women I have ever met in my life. Of course, our alpha and my dad
are not exempt as well. They are extremely good-looking for their age. Even their wolves are beautiful.
Well, all except for my mom's. I don't recall ever seeing my mother shift before, weird right? But, I give
it no thought, it's whatever to me.
"Come on in sweetheart," Luna Christy says. "Thank you," I respond dryly. I know it may be rude of
me, but being used time and time again for fake friendships, just to get to my brother, made me get on
edge over time. So yes, this is the reason why I always respond dryly or unemotionally.
As I make my way into the office, I see Alpha Brock sitting in his chair that is fixed in the middle of
his dark mahogany desk. My dad sits on a lazy boy chair in the small sitting area that is arranged to the
right side of the office.
Luna Christy makes her way back, slowly, and stands next to her husband, alpha Brock towards
his left-hand side. Behind me, my mother walks in and makes her way, sitting next to my father in the
small living room.
"Selene, have a seat," Alpha Brock demands. I make my way over and sit on the cold brown
leather chair, fixed in front of his desk. Utter and awkward silence overtakes the room, making me feel
unease. He clears his throat as he commences to speak.
"Selene, do you have any idea why we have called you here?" He says and I stare at him in
awkward silence, dumbfounded by his question.
"Umm, No, Alpha!" I reply. Luna places her hand on his shoulder, giving him a warm smile, which
he humbly returns a bright smile to her. He places his pen down and fixes his sleeves before setting his
hands back down on top of his desk, pursing his lips in a thin line before he sighs.
"Selene, do you recall anything about what happened to you, days before your first shifting years
ago? Do you remember anything at all from what happened that day?" I narrow my eyes, 'seriously? I
came here for answers. Not to be questioned!' I think to myself. I had completely forgotten about the
mind link and forgot about canceling them out.
He clears his throat and lunches his jaw, letting out a stern growl, his eyes becoming dark. He
narrows his eyebrows as he tries to not lose his cool. "Shit!" I mouth out in a whisper.
"Selene? watch your tone!" Mom warns me in a low voice tone. "I'm sorry!" I say, lowering my gaze
to the ground in submission.
Luna Christy sighs and makes her way slowly towards me. She brings herself down, bending her
knees to meet my eye level. She places her warm hands on top of both of my knees and takes another
long endearing sigh. Her eyes look so full of worry and sadness. A look that makes me feel unease and
a bit scared, worried, and maybe a bit uncertain. Something is wrong, and I don't know if I'll like what
I'm about to hear.
"Sweetheart, our goddess has chosen you to be honored with the blessing of becoming our next
lead warrior," Luna Christy explains. My mind becomes clouded as I turn my eyes sight towards her.
My eyes go wide in shock and my mouth gawked openly, "I, wait ....what?" I narrow my sight. The
words barely escape in a whisper.
She gives me a sincere but melancholic smile. I can feel my eyes become trickled with tears of
confusion, yet excitement. "What...does that mean, exactly? And....why do you make it sound like it's a
bad thing?" I avert my sight from one adult to the other. My fingernails piercing the armrests of the
chair, and I can feel my whole body tremble with adrenaline and nervousness. My wolf, Hazel, starts
becoming unease and is going crazy. She doesn't know what is happening either, just like me. She's
excited and nervously jumping around.
Unlike me, though, Hazel was looking forward to us finding our mate this year before our birthday,
this definitely feels like a big game-changer.
"Please tell me this is not as bad as it sounds? What do you mean by all this? what exactly are you
trying to say? and......why do you look so worried?"
"Selene!" Alpha says in aster voice, demanding I calm myself down from bombarding them with all
this sudden interrogation. "Dad, what does this mean? Please, tell me?" I calmly ask dad as the tears
in my eyes begin to blur my vision.
"I'm afraid that you must pack your stuff, my sweet angel. You will be leaving for training. As of
tomorrow morning, you will not be training with the other females in our pack. I'm... I'm sorry, baby girl."
He stares at the ground, his gaze filled with anger and sadness. My mom and Luna begin to silently
"Huh...Is this a joke? I mean, seriously? No woman has ever!!! And I mean never been chosen to
become a lead warrior in the history of our pack since like a thousand years ago, so, why me? Are you
sure about me? And, Why do I have to leave for the king's palace to train? Can't I just train here? Why
do I have to leave? I don't get it." I ranted angrily, pointing to myself with all the frustration I was feeling.
Luna Christy takes a long sigh, she slowly grasps my hands squeezing them gently. Taking ahold
of my hands, she smiles sadly, one of the most melancholic smiles I've ever seen in her pretty face.
"My dear, I'm afraid it's true....but it's more complicated than that. You're not leaving to train with our
king's army for a year like most of our top warriors have," She says locking eyes with my mom.
"Wh,.... this is crazy! You ..... you guys are not making any sense, I mean, I am completely
confused! Please explain? because I am just getting more, and more confused, and frustrated as I
listen to what you're trying to tell me." I furrow my eyebrows, squeezing my eyes shut. This can't be
real, I have to be stuck in a stupid dream again, right?
None of this makes any sense, all.
"Dad?" he ignores my calls, closing his eyes, and turning away from me it almost seemed as if he
was trying to fight back his tears.
"Selene, we have an alliance with a Colonel in a special force inside the military. He conducts a
special elite group of werewolf-soldiers, who....protect humankind and our own. You were selected to
join him and his team. You have to leave tomorrow morning. After Blake's ceremony this evening, you
may go upstairs, and begin to pack.... tomorrow morning, you will have officially become part of this
team." His words echoed in my mind. This can't be real, werewolves and humans do not even coexist,
it's just far too dangerous! Bad things have happened before. That's why we are completely secluded
far away from them... how can this be happening?
"I'm sorry, Selene. They somehow knew that you had been chosen by our goddess as our next top
warrior. They have specifically asked for YOU to join their team. We can not afford to jeopardize our
pack's safety and say no. If we refuse, and we break our agreement, we will be forcing them to break
our treaty of peace with them...If you don't go, they will have the right to overtake our land. We have to
keep our part of the deal, if not, who knows the dangers our pack may go under? We will be exposed to
other creatures and roaming rogues. I know it's a lot to ask of you... but our pack is in your hands at the
moment, we need you to cooperate."
My heart raced, I fought back the tears in my eyes. I suddenly became quite fond of this pack! my
pack! Including every member that was in it.
Hazel kept trying to merge through, to speak, she was running in circles and whimpering. I can feel
her sadness and frustration. She nipped at me to let her out.
"Please Selene, you are our only hope to keep the government away from our land. Our pack's
safety is in your hands at this moment. " Luna Christy implored. "But what about Ty? Why can't we
send him instead? We can ask for a new agreement treaty with them....debate the obvious with them.
He's so much stronger, and he'll be a better warrior than she can be?" Mom implores, hoping to find a
way out for me, to get me out of this mess and not have me leave. I can sense the frustration from
each of them.
Before they could break into an argument, I decided it was for the best for me to answer, I had to
do what was best for my pack, and my family. "No, it's ok mom. Alpha Brock, it's ok, I will go. If that will
be all for now, may I have permission to leave?" Alpha Brock nods, pursing his lips and giving me a
sympathetic smile.
I began to stand, getting ready to leave. "Question, though Alpha Brock... if you don't mind." "Of
course, what is it?" Alpha Brock responds.
"It's just, we still have a few months left before the school year ends. I'm supposed to graduate this
year, will I not be allowed to graduate high school? Can there be a way for me to still attend and call Ty
to congratulate him on our eighteenth birthday, or call home?" He takes a long sigh. "Selene dear, our
contract with them will consist of a five-year leave. You will attend classes there, and receive your
diploma there. While you are training, you will receive a rushed introduction to a career of your choice.
Before coming home, you will receive your bachelor's degree. While you are out there, you must not
contact anyone. No one must find out where you are. No one must know of when you are leaving,
besides us, in this room. Everyone will think that you are away at college, nothing else, is that
"Yes, Alpha."
"Yes, sir?"
"No one.....Not even Ty." He warns.
I steal a glance at my mom, her eyebrows narrowed as she tries to fight back tears, and my dad
with his gaze down towards the floor. "Understood Alpha," I say as I stand to take my leave. I slowly
make my way to the door, cringing my hand to the brassed knob, feeling the cold grasp of the copper-
colored metal; I swallowed deep, inhaling rapidly before I close my eyes and turn to alpha once more.
"Alpha, One more thing if I may?"
"Yes, Selene? "
"May I go for a run? to clear my mind before I have to pack?"
"Very well, but be back before the ceremony. I want every member of our pack to be there to
welcome and receive Blake, as our new alpha."
"Yes sir." I open the door, my mind is a complete bliss of utter frustration and anger, entangled in
every inch of my being. 'It's for the good of the pack.... even if I can't stand most of them... they are still
my pack... and I must protect them.' I whisper under my breath. I take a long sigh, making my way out
of our packhouse. The warm rays of the sun caressing my skin as I feel a graceful and warm breeze
flowing through my hair. I think I will miss this place after all.
I make my way out towards the trees... I sprint a good distance in. I take off my shirt and pants
placing them neatly on the floor. I can hear the twist and break of my bones that last only but a few
seconds before Hazel, my wolf, appears in my place. I let Hazel take over as she starts to sprint out in
the woods, not wasting time to have her run.
I can feel the soft earthed soil between my paws. I let loose as I run as fast as my paws can take
me, running through the many branches, bracing past them, scattering them about as they fall on the
ground. The gush and whizz of the wind, and many trees as I pass in seconds. I can smell the beauty
of the forest. The wind whistling about, the trickle of the water a mile away, and the love song of the
birds chirping about.
I stop just a few miles before the end of our land. The silence of the day uninterrupted by the quiet
sounds of the forest....undeniably peaceful and quiet.
"Selene...." a silent whisper is heard in the distance.
"Hazel? who's there?" Selene and I wander around trying to see who is calling. We gaze from one
side to another. But Nothing is seen but the beauty of the forest.
"There it is again, Haze. Who's out there? Who is it?" Selene asks. "I I don't know! There's no one
out here."
"But I can feel someone's presence... there has to be someone else here with us." I feel utter
frustration as I try and make out who could be out here. I shift back to human form and let Selene take
over. I shift back, my body is left completely naked at the moment as I wander about, trying to make out
who is out here with us.
Everything begins to become a blur. Again, my body feels its energy being drained away. I begin to
lose sight, as I see the same beautiful woman with an angelic resemblance come to view, her face is so
beautifully, and I can see a white aura so strong it makes me feel completely at ease.
"I've seen you before, haven't I? Who are you?" And suddenly, everything goes blank.
I wake up minutes later, completely alone, the sun begins to set. "Shit, I'm late," I gather my things
quickly and sprint back to our pack, but I still keep struggling to keep my conscience.
I woke up in bed. I don't even recall how I got back. Did I run? Did someone find me? Goddess,
this is making no sense... I can't believe all this is happening. I decide to get up, but my head throbbed,
and an echoing ring in my ear is deafening me, it's so intense my vision keeps blurring. My back hurts
as if it had been torn open, right between my shoulder blades.
"Just rest, Selene. We'll have to start packing soon. The ceremony has already begun anyway, if
we go down now, we may be spotted by alpha Brock. He will be so disappointed that we were not there
from the start." Hazel says.
"Your right Haze, we may as well just start packing. Gosh, I don't even know what to take. We may
as well just leave most everything, and just take a few essential things with us. A picture of my family
for sure. Books, phone..... No, No phone, we may be tempted to call home. Oh, it got pretty dark, let's
get packing before it's too late." I tell Hazel.
I make my way to the door to turn the light on and stop in my tracks, my heart begins to raise at a
million per second...
"Haze, what is that smell? It smells so good. It's like...heaven."
"Mate," Hazel yells. noveldrama
Ever since I was thirteen, I have wondered how my mate would be. Would she be a good Luna?
Will she be as beautiful as I'd hope she'd be? Will she love me the way I already love her? My father
has always trained me harder than any other member of our pack. Any free time I have I must practice,
I train, I work out, not because I want to look buff like my best friend Tyler presumes to do so, since his
goal is to look good for his future mate. But, because I need to make sure I am ready to defend and
protect my pack at any cost. I do it to be able to defend my future Luna at all costs. She will be half my
soul after all, and if I can not defend her, then I am worthless as an alpha as well. I train just as hard or
double, I time myself running and shifting. I practice my tactics against multiple attackers and work
harshly on maintaining my session higher than anyone else.
I turned eighteen today. The packhouse has been filled with members running about all day. Our
ladies have been busy preparing food for all the guests. Members have been clearing paths and
cleaning their homes to accommodate all our guests arriving from allied packs, and neighboring packs.
The whole packhouse was filled with members of my pack, and from guests that were already arriving
as we speak.
I had already bathed and gotten myself ready for the ceremony since early. I am not the kind of
person to wait until the last minute. I have very little patience and as my mother puts it, I'm very
temperamental, but can you blame me? I just like things to be perfect. I have been like this since I was
small, and I don't care what anyone has to say. I will not bother with someone who wants to waste my
time, nor will I amuse arrogant people.
I take my school, and my work very seriously. I expect the same from my pack members as well.
My father has been a modeled alpha, respected by many, including myself. We are a strong pack, and
growing stronger each day. As of tonight's ceremony, I will be taking over, and all the responsibilities of
our pack will be under my care. I intend to do as my father has taught me. Work hard, protect, demand.
I started making my way down the steps of our packhouse. I immediately went to the kitchen to get
a bite to eat. My mom and dad seemed to be busy holding a meeting, but I kept my nose away. I still
had a few hours before the ceremony commenced, so any matters that went on now...were still out of
my jurisdiction.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed one of the sandwiches that were already prepared. I began to
make my way to the living room to sit since the dining table was completely covered with platters of
food and appetizers.
As I made my way, my eyes diverted to the ground. I heard the clash of the front door open, and I
was immediately engulfed in the most beautiful scent I had ever known to exist, magnolia and
honeysuckle. A beautiful mixture of some of the most beautiful and exotic flowers in all existence.
"Mate." Alexander proclaimed inside my head.
I immediately placed my food down and walked towards it. When I opened the door, there was
nothing there.....Nothing.
No one in sight but a few male members of our pack, who instantly gazed upon my presence as I
came outside, standing on top of the deck.
"Good afternoon, Alpha Blake." They greeted in unison. Although I wasn't alpha yet, they greeted
me with the same respect. I glanced around, unable to make out where her scent was coming from. My
eyebrows narrowed, Alexander wanted to run towards the forest in front of us. I declined his demand
and went back inside the house.
If she is here, she will eventually find us.
The ceremony had begun. Father called me over to start our ritual and gave me passage to
become the new alpha. He began with a speech, my mind and gaze diverting everywhere... I could
smell her, but I didn't know where her scent was coming from.
"Mate" Alexander pranced around like a pup. I was trying to focus but it was rather difficult
because he kept yelling louder and louder.
"Mate, mate, Blake, .....go.get. mate!"
"Shut up Xander... I need to focus on the ceremony. After we are done, we will go in search of our
mate. For now, SHUT UP." "Fine, but you have to find our mate." He yelped happily.
The ceremony continued, we did our ritual. Dad cut his hand with a dagger, I grabbed it from his
hand and did the same. We joined our hands and asked our elders for their blessings.
I could feel how my bond with the pack increased. Members vowed before me, wishing me well,
blessing me, others proclaimed faithfulness. It felt so good to feel all this power. I could feel all my
senses heighten and increased by the second...there it is.....her scent again.
I opened my eyes. Diverting my eyes everywhere trying to find her. Then I remembered, with so
many guests tonight, we'd usually accommodate guests in the rooms upstairs. Some members that
stayed in the packhouse didn't mind sharing rooms with someone else that had come to visit from
another pack.
I went upstairs and stopped at a door. I could smell her sweet scent. "Mate.. she's inside... Blake,
get our mate, Now." He demanded. My heart raced at a million per second. I grasped the door handle,
quietly turned the knob, and went inside. I meant to turn the light on, but just as I was, I was pinned
against the door.
One hand over my lips to stop me from speaking, the other soft hand interlaced my fingers in hers.
I could feel the burn, the feel of sparks surging from my skin and onto hers as we touched. It was a
spark that made me feel excited, wanted, loved. "Shhh..." she placed her lips close to mine. I wrapped
my hands around her waist, pulling her close to me. I claimed her lips vigorously, making my tongue
dance in a sinful matter along with her tongue, her kiss was as sweet as candy. I pulled apart for a
second, to gasp for air. "Mate..." we whispered in unison.
"She wants us, Blake.... she wants us, I can feel it. Claim her, mate with her now." Xander
demanded. I took her, making her mine. She felt so intoxicating, good to the touch. Her body was a
mere perfection of love and lust. The room was completely dark, keeping me from seeing her beautiful
face... but I didn't care, she was mine.
I picked her, sitting her on top of me, slowly placing myself inside her, she winced for a second as I
broke her virginity. I made her straddle me, she rocked her hips slowly as her pain succumb. She felt
so so good. I grunted involuntarily at the feel of her. I gripped her hair softly, moving her head to the
side, I exposed my fangs and marked her. She winced for a second as she felt the piercing of my
canines. I retracted my fangs, licking her wound, sucking it gently to ease the pain. She moaned at my
touch, making me growl profusely at her melodic voice.
Her moans were utter ecstasy for me to hear as she rocked her hips on top of me. She continued
her pace on top of me, rocking her hips, she grasped my nape, kissing my chest and lips. She kissed
my neck, and I moved my neck back to allow her more space. I could feel her breathing erratic, I
moved my arms over her back, tightening my grip on her waist, she lifted herself a bit, gripping my neck
as I felt the piercing of her fangs. It stung for a second, I could feel her now. Her every being, I felt. The
love and lust she had for me. My heart was content. "She loves us Xan.... she loves us, and she wants
us!" I said to Xander, he pranced around happily.
I woke up early the next morning. It had been the best damn night of my life. I had found my mate.
Regardless of not being able to see her last night, I was bound to find who she was. I turned around as
I laid on my stomach... but no one was there. Her scent still lingered in that room... but, she wasn't
here. Only a rose, and a single note.
My love, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't stay. I promise I will be back one day soon. I love you with
all my heart. I hope you can forgive me, I didn't mean to leave, but I must. Until we meet again. My love
is forever yours. -S.
Blake (Five Years Later)
It's been five years.... five fucking long-ass years since she's been gone. I can't explain our bond.
The fact she's been gone and I still have not become weak it's incomprehensible. I should be dead, or
weak, or,... I don't know. I just can't explain it. I have gone so many times to ask the elders of my pack
about this, and they have no answer. I thought maybe of the possibility of asking for a second chance
mate, perhaps she's forgotten all about me, but they came back saying I was denied my request. I
must wait for her to come back.
I thought she would have come back right away. I was hopeful. I still am in a way I guess, but the
fact she hasn't come back yet is making me bitter inside. Xander hasn't talked to me in I don't know
how long. He wants to go and keep looking for her. But, I just can't keep getting distracted and leaving
my pack unattended for so long to seek her anymore.
I've thought of hiring special men to look for her... but how can I? I don't even know how she looks
like. I don't know who she is, her name, nothing.... all I know is her smell, her touch on my skin, the
sparks her touch makes on my skin, her taste on my lips, her mark on my neck. How am I supposed to
describe these things to them so they can find her?
Knock knock
"What?" I storm, I've been secluded in my office for the past three days. I'm swamped with pack
work and business. I haven't left my office other than to sleep and bathe. I don't allow anyone to disturb
me when I work. Not even my parents.
"Alpha, your parents are asking to speak to you." Informs Tyler, my beta. "Not now, I don't have
time. Tell them I will call them next week or something." I say, without raising my head to speak with
him as my pen continues to write.
He sighs heavily, "What Ty? I have no time for bullshit right now. Alright?" I narrowed my
eyebrows, I was starting to get annoyed. "Blake, you need to tone your damn voice man, those are
your fuckin parents for fuck-sakes. They just want to know how you are… You haven't spoken to them
in over a month, man."
"And what? I'm busy... now if you have no other business, get out. I have work to do." I say as I
grab the glass cup by my right, full of whiskey, drinking the whole thing in one go.
"Ah, man... you're unbelievable," he says shaking his head in disbelief.
"Get out, Ty," I demand.
"Look, I just want to remind you about this weekend, we are throwing the welcome home party you
asked to host manually for all the college graduates from our pack."
"And?" I narrow my eyebrows as I keep writing away on my files.
"And, I would like for you to be their man... my sister is coming back this year from college too." He
says with a stupid smile on his face.
"What about it Ty? Do you want me to make her feel special or what? I can't just take work off just
to accommodate your little twin." I snapped, I was seriously getting pissed off.
"Fuck, Blake, that's not what I meant. Look, I get it... all these rogue attacks we've had these past
few years and your mate being MIA is getting to you. But you gotta look at the bright side, Blake."
"Bright side? And just what exactly is the bright side for you, Ty? That I lost meaningful men and
loyal members to those fucking rogues? That I almost got you killed last time too, you remember
Candice, your mate right? It was my fault she's dead too...Or what about the fact that my mate is
somewhere out there not giving a shit to come back?" He hangs his sight, nodding slightly. I was so
hoping he gets out so I can continue with my work.
"Look, I'm sorry, ok.... but you gotta stop being so damn hard on yourself. If what you say is true,
and you still feel the bond between her and you being this strong? Then wherever she is... I'm sure she
is probably hoping to find a way to come back to you." he says sternly. "And by the way, I know you
meant to try your hardest to save my mate... but it was more my fault than yours she is gone. Don't be
so hard on yourself for it."
I smile a bit, guilt still lingering inside of me. I'm hoping that he's right. My mate's out there
somewhere, and I hope she comes back soon.
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