Alpha's Second Chance

Chapter 0196


"Hey baby," I say, seeing Liv walk into my office.

"Hey, Babe. What are you doing." She asks.

"I am trying to locate the Alpha that helped me when I sent Mia away," I tell her.

"Did you contact the pack?" she asked.

"I did. There was a big attack on the Alpha and his family when they were outside the pack, most of his family was killed and he killed himself. The Beta contacted another pack, and they merged. Some wolves

left, others stayed. Mia was one of those leaving. But she can't leave Europe, so she is still there

somewhere." I tell her.

"I am sorry about Alpha. He helped us, and I wish we could have helped him." She says.

"Me too. The Alpha I talked to would try to see if he can find something." I tell her, and she nods her head.

"I will leave you to it then." She says and kisses me before she leaves.

I sit for a long time waiting to hear something and almost get a shock when the phone rings.

"Hello, King Logan here." I hated to use a title like this, but it was expected.

"King Logan, Alpha Bane, here." He said.

"Hello, Alpha. What do you have for me?" I ask

"I am afraid it is not much, My king. The former Beta said she was one of the wolves leaving. Over the years, he has heard very little about her. But as far he heard last time she was traveling toward Italy, something about hating the cold." Alpha Bane says.

"OK, yes would probably sound right. Thank you, Alpha, for the help." I say.

"You welcome, it's not a problem at all." He says


"I will not take more of your time, thank you again," I say.

"Goodbye, my king." He says, and we hang up.


After leaving Mom and Dad I went back to my place and showered, after that, I went to the school where I went almost every day to help with the youngest pups. I had been here for a few hours, and went outside for a break, passing a group of teenage girls, standing with a bunch of last year's guys.

"Look, that's "princess" Rosalie. Noah's sister." I hear one of the girls chuckle.

"I feel so sorry for Noah, to have a sister like her." Another girl says.

"Why's that?" One of the guys asks.

"She has no wolf and doesn't even have a Lycan. It's such an embarrassment for the royal family." The first girl says."

"She's still hot, though, I could do her with the light on." A guy says.

"Mom says she met her mate, some visiting beta, not even he wanted her. And rejected her. Mom has said she font understand why the king and queen did not send her away." Another girl says.

I wouldn't say I like this, and it is not the first time heard packmembers talk about me like this. They think I don't listen to them. But I do have some of the strong senses, like good hearing and smell. They keep talking, and just as one of the guys says I am not a word more than to use like a whore, Noah comes around the corner, shit.

He doesn't stop. He goes straight over there pulls the guy to the ground, and starts throwing punch after punch.

"Do. Not. Ever. Talk. About. MY. SISTER. Like. That." Noah says between Every punch, and the girls


"NOAH, STOP," I yell.

"No, I won't let him disrespect you like that." He says, still punching him.

"You will get in trouble," I say.

"I don't fucking care." He says back, and I go to pull him away.

I knew he would never hurt me, and the second he felt my touch, he stopped. The guy is unconscious,

and I check his pulse, letting out a relieved sigh when I can feel it.

'Dad, we need help. A guy at the school has been beaten unconscious. He needs a doctor.' I mindlink Dad.

'What, what happened? Never mind, I am on my way." He says.

'Thank you.' I say and look at Noah.

A teacher came running and took care of the guy.

"My dad is on his way," I tell, and she nods her head.

It doesn't take long before Dad, and Dr. Joseph come, and Joseph goes straight to the guy, and Dad comes over to Noah and me. He looks at me, then at Noah, who still looks furious. I know that he has already figured out who did this, and I feel the anger from him.

After Dr. Joseph has taken the guy to the hospital, Dad tells us to go back to the house, we know now isnoveldrama

not the time to say no, so we do as told.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO," Dad yells as soon the door is closed, and Mom comes running. "What is going on?" Mom asks.

"Our dear son here just beat the shit out of another student to the point that he was barely breathing," Dad tells her calmly while still looking at Noah.

"What? Why?" Mom asks.

"You didn't hear him, Dad, you didn't hear what he said," Noah says.

"I don't care what he said, you the future King for fuck sake, you can not walk around sending others to the hospital," Dad yells.

"If you think I will just stand and hear him disrespect Rose, and call her a whore. You dead wrong Dad, I would gladly kill him for that." Noah said, and both Dad and Mom looked shocked.

"Wait, what? He did what?" Dad says more calm.

"Yeah, they were all being idiots. I felt Rose's emotions. Because it was close by, and I know others are idiots. They had been talking about Rose for years, and only when got there heard him say she was hot worth more than a whore. He deserved that beating." Noah says and I can see Dad doesn't know what to say right now.

And Mom is just shocked.

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