Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Drake’s Story Chapter 28

She looked surprised. Did she expect Angel to answer the door? I should’ve been at work so chances were she wouldn’t catch me here.

She was wearing high f**k-me heels, a short tight black skirt, her hair down. She had her signature bright red lips all done up. Lots of cleavage popping out of a purple low-cut sweater. f*g tramp.

“What the f**k? How’d you get in here?”

She shrugged, “I didn’t think you’d let me in if I buzzed up so I followed behind someone.

I rolled my eyes and let out a huff, “What do you want?”

“To talk. Can I come in and talk to you?” She eyed me from head to toe and then back up.

“I’m f*g busy.”

Her face went sour, “You mean busy f*g?”

Middle of the afternoon, half undressed. I hadn’t even gotten my jeans button done up. I probably had just-f****d hair. Angel’s fingers had worked my hair over repeatedly.

I raised my brows and waited for her to continue, not saying anything.

“If I can’t come in, can we go for a coffee?”

“What could we possibly have to talk about?”

“Are you serious with that girl? The one you were with yesterday?”

I waited a beat and then looked over my shoulder so Deb would know that girl was here. I said, “I am.”

She gave me a deflated look.

“Can we have a coffee? It’s really important that I talk to you.”

“Meet me at the Starbucks on the corner in fifteen,” I muttered.

She smiled at me, “Thank you.”

I shut the door in her face and went into the bedroom and fished my cigarettes and lighter out of my blazer pocket on the bedroom floor and put my gun back under the mattress. Angel was in the bathroom. I walked out to the terrace and had a cigarette. Then I went back into the bedroom to finish getting dressed. Angel was now in my robe and she was sitting on the bed, the bed made. She looked up at me, looking guarded.

“You heard that?”

She nodded.

“I’m just gonna meet her at the coffee shop. See what she wants.”

She nodded again.

“Don’t think you have anything to worry about where she’s concerned, okay, baby? I promise you that you do not.”

“You don’t owe me anything, Drake.”

I scowled at her, “Are you fuckin’ serious?”

She jolted in surprise.

“Are you and me a we?” I demanded.

She swallowed and blinked a few times.

I jerked my chin up, urging her to answer.

“Yes?” Her eyes were huge.

“Yes? Yes! Yes, we f*g are. So I do owe you something. And I’m telling you that with Debbie or with anyone else, even, you have nothing to worry about.” I opened a dresser drawer and got out a Henley and then opened another and got a pair of socks.

When I got my head through the neck hole I saw a look of wonder on her face. I sat on the edge of my bed, got the socks on, and then leaned over and pinned her to the bed by her wrists, her arms above her head.

I kissed her hard on her mouth, “Want me to bring you back a treat?” I smiled.noveldrama

She smiled big and nodded and then she gave me a heated look. She squirmed in a very s**l way underneath me. fk, how could she be ready to go again so quickly?

I smirked, “Done. Now turn over so I can spank your a*s for saying something so ridiculous.”

I backed off her. She got a giddy look on her face and turned over onto her belly and put her bottom up in the air. “It’s supposed to be a punishment, baby. You’re not supposed to be so eager.”

Instead of spanking her I pulled the pj pants down and gave her a little love bite on her a*s cheek. She squealed. I pulled the pants back up and gave her bottom a squeeze.

“Your phone is ready. Start dinner, yeah? Let’s eat early. Thanks to all those calories you made me burn I’m half starved. I’m not going back to the office today after all. Be back in half an hour or sooner. Oh, and I’m programmed in your new phone if you need me. I’ll hook your app store up to my credit card later if you wanna download anything.”

I winked at her and buttoned my jeans, went to the closet for a pair of shoes, and left. She was laying on the bed on her belly, still, her chin propped up on a pillow, hair over one shoulder but fanned out, a beautiful smile on her gorgeous face.

I’m sure I had a smile too, as I left, until I got to the elevator and realized who I was walking away from and who I was walking toward.

As I was getting out to the sidewalk in front of the building my phone made a text sound and it was Angel texting me.

“Thank you for the cool phone. Xoxo”

“You’re welcome, angelbaby. Xoxo”

“and I’m very sorry you were worried about me.”

“Okay my baby.”

My smile returned.

I saw Deb when I entered the Starbucks, sitting at a corner table for two with two coffees in front of her. I sat, giving her what I imagine were dead eyes.

“I got that for you,” she motioned toward the large cup in front of me.

“What do you want? And before you tell me lemme just say don’t even think about approaching someone I’m seeing. Ever.

It’s not lost on me that you probably expected her to answer the door today, not me. If you wanted to see me in the middle of the day we both know you woulda come to my office. No games, Debbie. Make this quick. She is at home waiting for me. In bed.”

Shot to the heart. Deb’s expression dropped.

“Do you ever think about us? About how good it was?” she asked, giving me that submissive s*x kitten look. That look she used to give me.

I narrowed my eyes.

“I do,” she continued, then licked her lips and gave me a few slow blinks, “I think about it. A lot.”

I shook my head and folded my arms across my chest.

“Don’t go back to her at your place. Come with me instead. Come to my place. Please?”

I let out a laugh. This was f*g rich.

“You talk about me with anyone, Deb? You ever have a conversation with my Uncle in the last three years?”

She shook her head

, “No. Why?”

“No reason.”

“But I saw in the paper he was murdered. I’m very sorry about that, honey.” She reached across the table for my hand. My arms were still folded across my chest. I looked at her hand and shook my head, disgusted.

She pulled her hand back and got a desperate look.

“I never got over you,” she said quickly, “I haven’t stopped thinking about you for three years. Then I heard about Tom dying. I wanted to come to the funeral but I heard it was private.

Then it hit me extra hard when I saw Luc the other day. She just joined my gym and I approached her to give my condolences about your uncle and she tried to rip me a new one and then she told me you were with someone else and that it was serious.

Then the next day I saw you and it felt like fate. My chance to do something about it. It hit me really hard to see you with someone and I knew I had to act fast before I blinked and suddenly you were married with kids and it’d be too late.

I know your sisters hate me because they said I froze your heart. I’ve changed. I was too young to settle down but after all this time not having you? I’ve grown up. The guy I’ve been seeing, he asked me to marry him.”

She looked down at her lap, “I told him I’d think about it. But I don’t wanna say Yes. No one compares to you, Drake. If I’m ready to get married, and I am, it has to be you. I messed up so bad.

I don’t deserve this but you have to know I think about you all the time. About how lucky I’d be if I were your wife, what beautiful babies we’d make together, I…”

I shot to my feet so fast that the chair fell down behind me and then people were staring.

“Go f**k yourself, Debbie. You think I don’t know that you killed the baby we might’ve made together?”

She flinched like I’d slapped her. I leaned forward and said in a low voice, almost a growl, “And it’s already too late. I don’t think about you at all. In three years I haven’t thought anything about you except for thinking I was lucky I caught you sucking that goof off because you are one skanky b***h that I was lucky to get rid of.

I plan to get married just once and if I’d married you it would not have been forever. It would’ve been a huge mistake.

Don’t darken my door again. Ever. If you do, I’ll fk your life up so bad that what I did to that pencil dk DJ will seem like nothing. Do NOT underestimate me.”

Her mouth was wide open and she looked like she was gonna s**t herself.

I left and didn’t look back.

I didn’t head home. I went in the other direction. There was a bakery a block away that I was heading to instead. I was picking up dessert.

Then I stepped into a jewelry store next door to it and bought two more necklaces for Angel. In case the first one I bought wasn’t right. I told them not to put these ones in a gift bag; I slipped the necklace boxes into my jacket pocket instead.

When I got into the apartment I smelled food. It smelled good.

“What’s cookin’?” I came up behind her; she was at the sink washing mushrooms. I kissed her earlobe.

“Loaded baked potatoes and pork chops with mushroom sauce,” she said.

“Mm.” I put the bakery box on the counter and said, “And angel food cake for my Angel.”

As I kissed her temple she smiled and said, “Mm, can we skip dinner and do dessert first?”

“That dinner smells too good to miss. We’ll do dessert later in bed. How ‘bout that?” I winked suggestively, “I’m gonna go check in on some work s**t in the den. How long till dinner?”

“Twenty minutes,” she said, with a smile, “I’m not much of a cook but I did this meal for home ec and aced it. So we’ll see if I remember the recipe.” She chuckled.

“It smells like another A+, to me,” I told her.

I went into the den and reached into my jacket to pull out the jewelry store boxes. I stuffed them into my desk drawer. I flicked the computer on and saw a message from my brother waiting for me.

As I opened it I thought about the fact that Angel hadn’t even quizzed me about Debbie. Was that because she was trusting or was it because she was still under the mindset where she wouldn’t question her Master?

She made us a really nice dinner. After dinner I loaded the dishwasher while she changed and then we went out for a stroll, walking off the dinner and getting her out of the apartment. I wanted to start her on a path to getting toward normal.

I figured it’d be good to make sure she got out of the apartment every day. We stopped at a store and bought a loaf of bread to take to feed the ducks at the park where I’d seen Deb. Angel didn’t ask me about Deb so I brought it up.

“So, you didn’t ask me about coffee with the ex.”

She looked at me carefully for a moment and then said, “I figured you would tell me about that if you wanted to.”

“Not that you didn’t have a right to ask?” I c****d an eyebrow.

“You told me I had nothing to worry about and so I’m not worried. If you want to talk about it, I’m happy to listen. If you don’t, I respect that.”

“Because that’s what you’re trained to do?”

She shrugged, “Believe it or not that’s always how I’ve kinda been. Sometimes people don’t feel like talking, especially about stuff bothering them. I don’t push. You’ve given me no reason to mistrust you.”

“And I never will. She wanted me back. She wanted me to go back to her place and f**k her. She heard I’m serious with you and told me to forget coming back to you, to come back to her place instead.

Said she wished she was my wife, talked about the beautiful babies we’d make together. I think she showed up at the apartment today hoping to intimidate you, scare you off. She got a big surprise when I answered the door instead.”

Angel’s eyes changed, they went kind of fiery there for a sec. It looked like anger, jealousy. It revved my engine up, actually. But then her fire flickered out just as fast.

If I hadn’t been watching her I would’ve missed it. That was promising, though. And if that’s who she always was it was a rare quality to be so trusting. Most women I’d been around were jealous, territorial.

“What’d you say?” she asked softly.

“I told her never to darken my door again or I’d f**k her life up.”

Angel got a small but satisfied-looking smile. And I’m sure that as we went around the block back toward home I probably had one, too.

I had no intention of continuing to be the kinda guy to f**k someone’s life over out of revenge if I could help it but by the look on her face I didn’t know if that was pre-Kruna mindset or post-Kruna or both but it was good to see that smile because sometimes tough choices had to be made.

And in my position right now I had some major work ahead of me to get my freedom from the mess my Uncle left us. Seeing her reaction told me she’d probably be okay with my decision to have to go to the dark side on occasion, if needed. And to get us out of the mess that was my life right now, that might be more than necessary.

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