Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Drake’s Story Chapter 32

“We need to get you better so we need to turn the clock back and get you in a different mindset. Right now you forget about Donovan Frost and everything else you and Lisa talked about today. We’re taking an hour and a half to nap and then we’re getting up, we’re getting a shower and going to my sister’s for dinner. No freak outs tonight. You be my perfect Angel and we’ll have a good night, okay? No freak outs. No anxiety. You’re my perfect Angel. We’ll have fun.

You won’t feel embarrassed or anything when you see Lisa, and we’re gonna just chill out, have some good food, and some laughs. Okay? Then we’ll come home and if you pull all that off… I’ll make you come real hard, baby. Alright?”

Whoa. What?

“If tonight doesn’t go good, if you aren’t a perfect Angel, maybe we’ll just go to sleep and you won’t get to come. How about that? Will having that in your head help you get through the rest of today?”

Wow. Oh my god. I felt a gush in my panties.



“Master.” I sighed and nuzzled into him. I felt this overwhelming peace surround me.

“Yeah.” He pulled me closer and kissed my temple, “We get to play the master and slave game for a bit to see how that goes, baby. We do this with you knowing that I won’t ever really hurt you. You mean something to me. You mean a f**k of a lot to me already.

What I think we can have, if we get through all this s**t, which we can and which we will, it means everything to me. But Lisa and I talked and she gave me the lowdown how she acclimated after Kruna and we’re gonna give her method a try.

Do you trust me with this power? Is this okay with you?”

“100%. I’m all in, too.” My voice was laced with emotion.

“Good. I don’t know yet that it’s okay with me, Angelbaby, but I’ll try. For you. For now, nap. Then we wake up, get a shower, and maybe you straighten your hair for tonight. Okay?”

“Good idea, Drake.” That was a good call. He was intuitive.

“Sleep, baby. When we get up you’ll be my girl, my good girl, and we’ll go out and have fun. Okay?”

I nodded.

He pulled me closer and I closed my eyes and took a nap. It was a really really good nap.

Drake’s POV

We got to Ed & Luc’s and Lisa hadn’t shown up. I was asking about her when Claire embraced me at the front door and I introduced Angel to her. Two seconds into that introduction Luc and Tess grabbed Angel and brought her to the family room and Claire hung back and told me Lisa wasn’t feeling good but when I asked if she looked like she’d been crying Claire nodded with concern etched on her face.

I texted Lisa.

“You need anything? You ok?”

She answered right away.

“I’m fine. Sorry to bail on you tonight but it was a bit much. I’m okay, though. Just wanna have a quiet night alone. I’m gonna eat some ice cream and watch a comedy.”

“Ok. You need anything, you tell me. Ok? You sure you’re ok?”

“Yes. Totally fine. Have a good night.”

I went into the family room and Angel was sitting on the sofa getting passed a crying baby Nicky. He settled instantly. Serena and Katrina were both playing with her hair.

She smiled at me. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was gorgeous all the time but right now, a baby in her arms and toddlers all over her? f**k.

Azriel clapped me on the shoulder and jerked his chin toward the other room for us to step out and talk.

Angel’s POV

Almost as soon as I was in the door Luc gave me her fussing infant son so she could check dinner and the gorgeous chubby baby boy stopped fussing instantly and was all gummy smiles and cooing. Her two girls were all over me, too. Kids flock to me like flies to horse poop; it’s always been that way.

The place was a bit of a madhouse. Luc and Tessa and Eddy and Rosita in the kitchen bickering. Not really fighting but arguing over who gets to do what, who does what better, the right way to grate the parmesan, the right way to slice the bread.

Tessa’s boys were on the floor like total angels doing a large wooden alphabet puzzle together and Luc’s girls were all over me talking a mile a minute.

Drake came in from talking to Azriel’s wife Claire by the front door (Claire is a knockout but she has a sweet demeanor about her. She puts me at ease completely, despite the fact that I can tell she knows the truth about me. It’s obvious in the way she smiled at me. But it’s like she’s not judging me. And I know that she can kind of relate to my and Drake’s unusual situation in a way.)

And then Drake looked at me with the baby in my arms and got this sexy and intense expression. Wow… if a look could get you pregnant I’d be pregnant with quintuplets right now. Boom! Pregnant. I’ve got goosebumps all over me.

And Drake’s brother Azriel is there. He said Hi to me and kissed my cheek when we first got in. He is really tall, dark, and looks a bit like Drake in the facial features but has light brown eyes. After Drake and Claire came into the room Azriel pulled Claire into his lap on the sofa and started whispering quietly to her, making her smile and blush. By the way he’s touching her and talking to her, I’m getting a little bit damp in the panties.

Drake’s brother is hot. Like hot hot hot. Oh my. I can tell by just looking at him and seeing how he and his wife act toward one another that he’s 100% Dom. Phew. Is it hot in here?

He looks at her the way James Deen looks at the women he’s f*****g in his porn movies. Such intensity. James Deen isn’t all that much to look at, pretty average really, but the way he f***s? Holy moly. I bet Azriel f***s like that.

Okay, I need to stop thinking about Drake’s brother and his wife f*****g. I shifted in my seat.

Another couple came in. He is a mountain of a man, a bald biker type with a reddish beard and she’s a tall brunette with a killer body and a great sense of style. They’re introduced to me as Nino and Bianca. Bianca and Claire embraced and then I stood, still holding the baby, shook hands with Bianca, and then her husband kissed me on the forehead and gave Drake a high five, glancing at me with approval. Bianca rolled her eyes but smiled good-naturedly. They have a little boy, maybe in first or second grade. He smiled at me, gave me a hug around the legs, told me his name was Joey, and then he dashed to the kids playing on the floor. Luc’s girls rushed to him, fawning over him.

Then Eddy called out “Dinner is served”, from the kitchen and we made our way to a big eat-in kitchen with a huge table for the adults and a small table set up for the kids.

It’s a big and open-plan new house and it’s a not just a house, it’s a home. There are kindergarten paintings on the refrigerator and in frames hanging on the walls, there is a colorful kids’ table with the two girls and the three boys and the baby was put into a swing. We all sat down and Eddy said grace over the meal. The meal ensued with laughing and joking and shenanigans, and there was almost a food fight between Luc and Tessa who giggled uncontrollably about something I missed with Rosita holding Tessa back from dumping a dish of parmesan cheese all over Luc.

“Hey? You look a million miles away,” Drake whispered into my ear.

“Sorry. I was. I’m okay.”

“Gone to a good place?”

“Yes. A very good place. Dinner was good.” I hadn’t let myself think about my Dad much but being here around a real family, it sort of made me feel like it was okay to think back.

“Yeah, I’m stuffed,” he said, putting his hand on his stomach. I reached over and rubbed his belly. He smiled at me and tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear. His smile told me he was pleased with me.

“Dessert is coming,” Luc announced. She and Rosita went to the kitchen to get it.

“Need help?” Claire asked.

“Nope, stay there. We’ve got this under control,” Rosita called back.

“Welcome home Azriel and Claire!” Luc called out bringing out a massive white cake. It was huge and it had been painted with icing in the image of Azriel and Claire holding one another, Claire in an off-the-shoulder ruffled wedding dress, Azriel dressed in a white tux. They both looked gorgeous and in love.

“That’s beautiful,” I said to Drake.

Rosita said, “And I have gifts for them.” She thrust a silver bag at Claire with white handles and purple tissue paper sticking out of it. Oh no. That bag again.

I felt Drake’s hand land on my leg and his fingertips dug in almost painfully, “Keep your cool,” he said into my ear and his other palm landed softly on the back of my neck, massaging, fingering my collar.

I took a few slow breaths while Claire dug into the bag. That jewelry store really needed to change their signature wrap for the sake of my sanity.

Inside was a silver baby rattle and it was engraved with the name Clarke.

Claire rolled her eyes and put it on the table. Rosita beamed at her. Then Rosita handed Azriel a gift bag that was black with red handles and red tissue paper sticking out.

He opened it and let out a hearty laugh. There was a black pair of handcuffs with red frills around them and a bottle of wine in the bag as well as a blue plastic ice cream scoop.

“Get her drunk, cuff her to the bed, and knock that Chiquita up!” Rosita shouted.

The room burst into laughter.

“I was gonna put in a box of ice cream to help things along but it woulda melted,” Rosita added with a cheeky shrug. Azriel burst out laughing and Claire went beet red in the face.

“Oh, what’s this?” Luc asked.

“Nevermind!” Claire glared at Rosita. Azriel kept laughing.

“No parents around to bug you two for grandbabies so I’m taking that job and I’ll be the granny. Okay?” Rosita looked on the verge of tears, “I love all-a-you like you’re my own kids. So there.”

The room hushed.

“You’re not old enough to be a grandmother,” Drake broke the quiet.

“You’re too sexy to be a grandmother,” Eddy added.

Rosita snickered and wiped the tears away.

“You are way too stingy with the sugar to be a granny!” Claire threw in and everyone including Rosita laughed.

“Stepping out for a smoke, Angelbaby,” Drake said to me, “Get me some cake.” He kissed me on the mouth and softly whispered, “Good job. Keep being my good girl.” And then he backed away.

My heart tingled in a happy way.

He walked over to the other side of the large table and whispered something to Azriel and then Azriel grabbed the two empty gift bags and followed Drake out of the room, carrying them with him. I was glad to not have to stare at that bag for the rest of the evening.

Drake’s POV

“Thanks, man.” He handed me the empty gift bags. I put the black and red one on the counter but stuffed the silver one with the purple paper into the trash bag, “f**k. I bought her a gift in a bag like that and she had a panic attack. Reminded her of something bad.” He followed me out to the back yard where I lit a cigarette.

“Good that she held it together tonight. No?”

“Yeah, it’s good but it’s only because I had to threaten her before we got here.”

“Threaten her?”

I explained to Azriel about the report I’d gotten with instructions on how to manage her, how they offered the same for Lisa. Then I explained how Lisa pulled some dominatrix s**t in my apartment when Angel had her meltdown, and then I told my brother that I had to assume the “Master” role to try to help her.

He completely agreed that it sounded like a logical way to handle things. I told him about her needing to be held down, about wanting to be spanked. He joked that it didn’t sound too taxing to have to use it to my advantage in the bedroom.

“I know you’d be all over that, man, and I won’t lie; some of the s**t we’ve gotten up to so far has been f**k hot. But I’ve gotta handle her with care. I want this girl. I want her whole. Not a shell of a person, you know?”

“Submissives aren’t shells, man. They want to please their Dom, ache for it even. A submissive can feel whole when they connect with their partner. They place a huge amount of trust on you and it’s a big responsibility. It’s really easy to f**k it up so you gotta be careful but if you do it right, she’ll get off on it.”

I nodded, “I know submissive doesn’t mean broken. But because she is, maybe it’d hold her back in future.”

“You’ll have to see how it plays out. Me and Claire have had a rocky road in the bedroom. It’s a work in progress keeping myself in check, not f*****g it all up.

Sometimes I go too far but sometimes that’s because she pushes the boundaries. I created a monster but I f*****g love the monster,” he shrugged, “Nothing’s really wrong between two people in bed if it means you both get something out of it.”

I shrugged as well, “We’ll see how it goes. Not gonna lie, it was hot when my ex used to play the submissive s*x kitten. Angel ain’t playin’, though. It’s her. But that’s because they broke her. She took 19 days to break, man. 19. Most of those slaves were broken in 3-4 days. What does that say about how strong-willed she was before?

If she were well she probably wouldn’t want this. When she gets well maybe she’ll be disgusted with the s**t we did when she wasn’t well and what if she hates me for it.

f**k, that’s why I hesitated, man. I didn’t want to get in deep with someone broken because if they can be fixed, how do you know how to be? How do you know you’re not keepin’ them broken?”

“You’re overthinking it. Just take cues from your girl. Lots of strong women are submissive in bed. Believe me, I’ve seen it. You see how it goes. You see how she is as she gets well and then you two decide if that’s the way you wanna keep playing.”

Azriel’s eyes shot up to behind me. I looked over my shoulder.

Angel was in the doorway. She had a little frown on her face. I didn’t know how much she’d heard.

“Hey, baby,” I said hesitantly, stubbing out my cigarette. Azriel clapped me on the shoulder and then went back inside.noveldrama

“Hi,” she said softly.

“Get over here.” I could see by her face that she was trying to mask how she felt about whatever she’d heard of our conversation.

I pulled her against my chest and then she softly said, “If anyone can fix me, it’s you. But if you don’t want the job, I won’t hold it against you. I really won’t. I don’t want to be a ball and chain for you.”

“Baby, I’m sorry you heard that. I already told you I was all in. I am. I wanna be. I just wanna do right by you. I feel like a heel for getting involved with you in a way that may make you later think I took advantage. You gotta see it my way.

I was absolutely not going to go there with you because I didn’t wanna be like my old man. But you and me, we have something. I want this. I just want to do this right. I’m doing things blind here, baby.”

“I was always a submissive, Drake. Always. Always liked it rough and I don’t think that’ll change.”

“Okay, baby. It’s premature to talk about this but you might be different, want something different when you’re past the trauma. And if you don’t ever wanna be submissive again, it’s not a deal breaker for me. Okay?

We’ll just take things a day at a time. I don’t want you thinkin’ you’ve got to be something specific to keep me happy. This relationship has two people in it. We will find our way together.”

“And I don’t want to make you be something you’re not just because I’m so broken. It’s good to know that you like it, though. I know a Dom when I see one and it comes natural to you. That makes me feel a little better about things. Please don’t feel guilty for dominating me. It’s what I want. It’s what I need.”

“Things are beautiful between us in the bedroom, Angel. I just wanna keep it that way. I don’t generally share details of my s*x life, but Azriel’s been around the slave trade more than me; my experience is limited to picking you up at Kruna. He’s the closest to an authority on the subject I’ve got and he has insight here. And having advice from Lisa, too, hopefully I can help you.”

“Drake, it’s fine that you talk to others about it. It doesn’t bother me.”

Yeah, probably because she isn’t used to having any privacy where s*x is concerned.

“You wanna head home?”

“Yeah, if it’s okay. They’re about to play Pictionary, I was sent to get you two for it, and I kind of feel like that’s too extroverted for me right now…”

“Yeah, uh… no to Pictionary. It’s highly competitive in my family on any day but when that fuckin’ game comes out, the gloves come off and the Clarke genes bleed through. My sisters are serious about their Pictionary. Serious as a heart attack.”

She chuckled.

“I like them. I like all of them.”

“Good.” I smiled at her and put my arm around her and led her back inside so we could say bye, “They like you, too. Let’s get them to wrap up some of that cake for later.”

Angel’s POV

My heart sank when I heard him talk about me being broken. I didn’t wanna be broken. I wanted to be whole. I wanted to be the girl he wanted in the bull riding video.

How did he know it took them 19 days to break me? I was shocked at hearing that it was only 3-4 days for the average Kruna slave. I felt broken on day 2 but evidently the breaking crew didn’t agree. I wondered what else Drake knew.

When we got back to his apartment I followed him into the bedroom.

“I want you to take a shower and then wait for me, in bed. Spread wide for me,” he said without looking at me and then he left the room.

I swallowed hard, feeling liquid with arousal, and did exactly what I was told.

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