Contract Marriage with My CEO Boss (Kylan and Katrina)

Chapter 23



It was like they were speaking in a different language and all the could do was stand by and watch her eyes slightly wide and her stomach chu nervously. They were loading several golf clubs into the back of a cart, and she had no idea what a single one of them did. If kylan could sense her apprehension, he said nothing of it. He led her to sit in the back seat of the golf cart and then ut next to her, wrapping hau arm around her shoulders again.

y, sat in the driver's seat and headed out onto a paved road. She opted to

James sat in the passenger seat and the person she assumed was their caddy, sat in stare out at the perfect grass of the course as it flew by them.

"Don't be nervous, Rylan whispered in her ear suddenly.

She jumped at the proximity and merely nodded at him in return.

T help you. Follow my lead," he added, surprising her by bending down and kissing the side of her cheek quickly.

She blushed at the contact, noticing James eyeing the pair of her in the rearview mirror adorning the cart.

Ah of course. Pretenses.

The caddy pulled over to the first hole and got out grabbing the bag of golf clubs and quickly moving to set up for James first

She walked hand in hand with Kylan, watching as James expertly seemed to pick a specific club, turning and smiling at her and her boss, before he walked over and took his stance.

A few minutes later and what she assumed were expert swings, James had successfully gotten the ball into the first hole. Which she knew was the objective, at least. How was she meant to play eighteen holes of this, though?

"Kylan, I feel like I should only do a few of the holes. Maybe I'll just watch you after that!" she whispered nervously while Kylan sifted through the golf clubs, looking at her occasionally as he did. He pulled a few out, holding them up to her, and then deposited them back in the bar

-You wanted me to agree to this meeting." Kylan reminded her, pulling out another club and repeating the same process with it

She sighed and came to stand closer to him. James was sitting back in the golf cart and appeared to be on the phone, but she still didn't want him to potentially overhear her talking to Kylan.

"Yes, but I didn't think he would want me to come along. Do I need to remind you of the deal you just sealed because of me!" she whispered to him agitation creeping its way into her voice. Kylan pulled out one more club, holding it up to her and then nodding "Let's go," was all he said, effectively ignoring her protests

He took her hand and led her over to the waiting tee, placing a golf ball atop it. "Now. You need to stand up straight, and bend at the hips. Keep her arms straight as well, and don't be afraid to hit the ground when you swing. The club 1 gave you, should allow the ball to travel far enough in the direction of the hole, that you likely won't have to hit it too many times before you ideally get it in the hole. Kylan explained, his voice clinical as he spoke.

He stood next to her, eyeing her carefully

She attempted to take the exact stance that he described, lining up the club that felt foreign in her hands. She took a deep breath and swung subconsciously squeezing her eyes shut as she did. She opened them when she didn't feel the club connect with the ball on the ground, and she frowned.

Kylan sighed heavily as her side. "Fuck's sake," he mumbled. He walked over to her, coming to stand behind her. "Like this," he breathed, stepping forward until his front was pressed against her back.

Her breach hitched in her throat, every sense becoming hyper-aware of every inch of Kylan's body that now touched her own

"Stand up straight." He reached his hands around her, gripping her hips and prompting her to stand as he instructed. She listened, too surprised to protest

He then straightened her elbows for her, and then his hands brushed over hers, adjusting the way she was holding the handle of the club. "Hold it like this. Don't be afraid of the grass. You really do want to hit it." Kylan's words tickled her neck, and her heart pounded within her chest reverberating through her ears.

She forced herself to swallow and ned. "Thank you, she whispered.

She moved her head to look at his side profile, and he did the same, moving his head to look at her as well. For a moment, they stayed like that, simply staring at one another. Neither of them blinked. Neither of them moved. His hands still rested on hers and his chest was still pressed against her back.

Kylar's eyes scanned her face, an unreadable expression back on his face. "Swing, Katrina, he finally said, his voice sounding especially low in her

She involuntarily shuddered slightly, nodding, and licking her lips. "R-Right," she choked out, turning her head, and ensuring she was standing the way Kylan had intended her to.

He kept hold of her hands, even as she swung the club once more. This time, she hit the ball and watched as it flew through the air, in the direction of the waiting small hole in the ground.

She gasped, very nearly jumping up and down in excitement. "I did it!" she cheered happily. She looked at Kylan again and found he was already looking at her.

*You did," he agreed, and she could have sworn there was the slightest hint of a smile on his face.

toes, and she kissed him square on the cheek. "Thank you,

She grinned at him and then acting purely on instinct, she reached up on the tips of her to Kylan," she breathed.

She watched as his cheeks turned a subtle shade of pink, and then he cleared his throat and stepped away from her. "You still need to finish getting it in the damn hole, he reminded her. Nodding, the walked to the ball and proceeded to try and hit it again on her own this time.


It was surprisingly fun, playing golf with James and Kylan. It was clear that James took it far more seriously than Kylan did, but even her boss seemed to be a natural at the whole process. She never quite got better at playing, but Kylan always seemed to be willing to step in and help her, which she appreciated

The weather turned bleaker as time wore on, and she was glad for the warmth of Kylan's body, each time he stepped in to help p correct her form or

Finally, Kylan allowed her to remove herself from the game after the tenth hole, and she spent the rest of the time watching him talk with James surprisingly easily. She was reminded once more, of how natural this part of the job came to Kylan when he allowed it to. Oftentimes, he fought against any natural flow of things. She wondered not for the first time, what his upbringing had been exactly. She wondered how he and Ryan had grown to be such close friends, considering how different they both were from one another. Surely, something significant had to happen in their lives, in order to bring them together.

After the final hole, Kylan came to take his seat next to her in the golf cart. James was on the phone again, having stepped away to speak to whoever


The wand had picked up around her, and she felt herself shivering some. Kylan seemed to pick up on this, and he moved closer to her and pulled her in close against his side. She couldn't help but laugh.

"I feel like you do this a lot. Keep me warm or protect me from the elements, I mean," she quietly pointed out.

Kylan huffed once next to her, and she smiled up at him.

"That wasn't so bad. Thank you, Rylan. For teaching me," she said with sincerity.

Kylan looked down at her, a strange look crossing his face in a flash before it was gone again.

"Your cheeks, he mumbled, reaching a tentative hand up to brush the side of her cheek with the back of his knuckles lightly. They're rosy. You really are cold," he said, his voice still quiet in her ears.

She shrugged. "I'm okay, now that you're next to me," she said without thinking. I mean, because of the body heat, and all of that she quickly added.

The corner of Kylan's mouth quirked into a smirk.

a smirk. "Of course, he responded carefully.

"We should take another picture to post on

on Litter" She shifted the subject

Kylan nodded and sighed. "Okay. How would you like us to be posed?" he asked, back to sounding just as bored as he always did

She thought about it for a second. "Kiss my cheek? smile at the camera, she suggested, pulling her phone from the pocket of her jacket.

She opened the camera and situated herself back in her seat. She glanced at Kylan, who again, was already looking at her. "Is that okay?" she asked, lowering her phone slightly "That's okay." Kylan concluded.

ng the camera back up on her phone and aiming it so that it captured both of them. She felt Kylan lean in

She flashed a quick smile at him, opening

and then his lips were on her cheek.

They were soft and warm, and she leaned into the feeling a butle bit. She smiled into the camera and snapped a few photos, so she would have a variety to choose from. She locked her phone once she was satisfied. "There," she saidd with a tired sigh

Kylan withdrew from her check, but he didn't move has head away from hers. She looked at him and he strange expression once again.

The was staring down a

nat her

"Kylan"" she asked quietly.

They both jolted at the sound of James voice as he climbed back into the golf cart, along with the cality. Kylan shufted next to her, keeping an armi around her, but no longer close to her Exce She ignored the thundering of her heast, as lightning ironically flashed in the sky surrounding the golf course


By the time she bid farewell to James and Oscar pulled up with the SUV, the clouds had opened overhead, and the rain was falling heavily, with signs of letting up

"I'll have the Ross Corp. lawyers look over the contract, as soon as Elorde Enterprises sends it over," she told Kylan, sending back in her seat and watching the rain wet the world outside. "Thank f*ck, that's over with. I swear to God. Ryan is taking my place the next time some prick asks me to play golf Kylan grumbled next to her, running his fingers through his hair.

She turned her head to look at him and then laughed. "It wasn't all bad, was it?" she asked playfully

Kylan looked at her with slightly narrowed eyes. "No, I suppose it wasn't," he agreed hesitantly.noveldrama

She smiled and then moved her gaze back out the window for the remainder of the drive.

Everything seemed normal, nothing seemed out of place, as she approached her apartment building. Kylan offered to walk her up once more, but she politely declined. She climbed out of the car without his help, despite his protests, stating that she didn't want him to get wet from the still pouring rain.

, she was promptly surrounded by three different prople,

As soon as she stepped out of the car and began the short walk to the door of her building, s all laced with cameras and all asking her a series of the same questions

"Did you sleep your way to the top!"

"How long have j you been dating Kylan Ross?"

"Do you believe your position is fair within Ross Corp, considering you're involved with your boss?"

She was so taken off guard, she temporarily had no idea what the hell she was meant to do in a situation like this. Everything she had ever learned about PR. every situation she had ever helped Kylan out of, left her mind completely.

The only thing that remained was wondering where the hell the group of journalists had even come from. She did her best to ignore them, but they were relentless. She heard a low, angry voice behind her before she felt an arm around her waist, and someone then pulled her forward

She ducked her head, allowing the person to guide her, and then she was finally in the lobby of her building. It was only then, that she realized she was shaking

It was foolish really, to not assume that something like this could happen at any given moment, even at her home. She had been lucky so far, but it was ridiculous to think her luck wouldn't run out eventually

She knew the questions they asked weren't fair. She knew that the public was only aware of what she wanted them to know

Even still, it only seemed to reignite the same feelings she had that morning when Rylan made her feel insignificant and like she was only another moving piece in his life.

every step she took.

She was brought to the elevator, her heart in her throat and her feet feeling especially heavy with She found herself standing near her front door, with little recollection as to how she got there. She glanced at the person holding her, noticing that it was Kylan. He had gotten out of the car to help her, she realized. He didn't have to do that. And yet, that's precisely what he did.

A hand reached into the packet of her jacket, withdrawing her house key and unlocking her door. She allowed Kylan to guide her inside, closing and locking her door behind him.

She was suddenly overcome with gratitude and embarrassment alike. She was meant to be a PR specialist, but she had frozen in the face of beng

1:02 PM 00

Glapter 21

bombarded. It was silly, really. All of i

"Thank you, Sir" She was breathless, absently kicking off her sneakers and sinking onto her living room couch

voke surprisingly serious.

Rylan came to sit next to her. "Did they touch you at all?" he asked, his voice

She shook her head and ran her fingers through her rain-dampened hair. "No, nothing like that. They just "She paused and licked her lips. "Had questions. Basically insinuates how I got to this position. It was nothing we didn't know would end up happening." She shrugged her shoulders as nonchalantly as she could.

She looked at Kylan and found him frowning down at her. "Kate" He swallowed and redirected his gaze to the ground instead of her now "I know I u don't say things like this but...." He winced, and it was painfully obvious to her, just how uncomfortalde be was. "You do good work for Rows Corp. For.. for me. You're my assistant because you earned it. Not because you know," he trailed off, bouncing his kuce very slightly as he spoke.

It was the only obvious sign that he was nervous, apart from the fact that he wouldn't look at larr.

She timidly reached her hand and placed it on his fidgeting knee. She held it there, even as he turned to look at her in surprise.

"I know. Sir. Thank you," she said softly, looking at him as she spoke. "I was caught off guard, it won't luppen again," she promised him..

She noticed for the first time; how close Kylan was sitting next to her. But now that she was aware of it, it was all she could focus on. She was confused by the sudden tension in the air. She was put off by the way her heart and mind reacted to the smell of rain and mint, emanating heavily from Kylan

He was her boss. This was all pretend. She needed to get her shit together.

He was staring at her with that same strange expression that he had on the golf course, and she found she couldn't look away from him.

Subconsciously, it felt like she was drawn to him. Like she wanted to be closer to him.

She felt herself angling her head up toward his, and what was more surprising, was that he was also moving his head toward hers.

At the last moment, when her lips were only a few inches away from touching, Kylan sucked in a breath of air and stood up from the couch.

She was left reeling for a moment before she also came back to her senses. "It's been an emotionally charged day, she managed to say, shocking herself with how calm her voice sounded.

"Remember the contract, Karina Kylan responded quietly.

She stood, wringing her hands together. "I know. Y referenced earlier, they were spec-

You're right, Sir, This is nothing but a response to stress. I understand that whoever Ryan

Kylan suddenly descended on her, coming so close to her, she fell onto the couch with a gasp. He loomed over her, his eyes suddenly dangerous, the grey of them especially dark as he looked at her.

"Do not presume you have my permission to talk about my personal life. You're a good assistant, Katrina. I meant that. But outside of that, you are a means to an end. Someone that was there to fill a role, just as anyone else would have, had I sought them out to do as much," Rylan spoke coolly. methodically, and her eyes widened at his tone of voice.

"I didn' Sir, I never assumed... I'm sorry." She had no idea what she was meant to say or do. She hadn't intended to lean into a... kiss? A kiss that didn't even happen. It wasn't her goal to cross any lines or to disrespect him. It had just Naturally started to happen, for whatever reason.

"Remember your place, Katrina. I expect her to maintain professionalism at all times, outside of the expressed exceptions stated in the contract you signed." Kylan stood, straightening his shirt, and running his hands through his hair a few times. "And keep your f*cking lips to yourself, unless I initiate it in public and only for our fake relationship. Do you understand me?" he asked her, his tone harsh and demanding

She stayed on the couch, staring at the ground in a mixture of shame, shock, and confusion. Hadn't he been leaning into her, as well? It was clear he hadn't meant to, and she hadn't either. He was making such a big deal of it all, and it threw her off balance all the more. "I understand," was all she could manage to reply with.

"Good. Now go take a fucking shower and eat something. With that, Kylan turned and left her apartment, the door closing with a resounding snap behind him.

She stayed there on the couch, looking at the door, feeling the first signs of a headache creeping up on her

A few minutes later, her phone chimed with a notification, and she looked at it, mostly out of habit than anything else.

Kylan had sent her two-thousand dollars. But along with this notification, came a text message too.

"For the contract. I'll send you another copy of it, so you can refresh your memory on its contingencies, he texted.

She frowned at her phone, surprised by how defeated she felt.

1:02 PM

"No need, Sir. As I said, I understand, loud and clear."

She waited a while longer, but he didn't text her again.

She flopped back on her couch, biting the nail on her thumb nervously.

Kylan was a difficult man. She knew that.

He was also her boss. She knew that too.

She needed to get her shit together, and so did he.

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