Contract Marriage with My CEO Boss (Kylan and Katrina)

Chapter 94

Another week went by, and Oxcar was effectively discharged from the hospital and recovering at home. His treatments were working and his doctors were confident he would be okay eventually

With this in mind, the air around her and Kylan was more relaxed. More refreshing. Less filled with worry, and more focused on each other.

She stood in his kitchen, mostly watching him m make a complicated dinner that she had no idea how to help him with

He didn't really want her help, either. He enjoyed cooking without the stress of her trying to be involved.

He poured a bit of heavy cream into a saucepan, whisking it before adding in a handful of diced onions. She took a sip of the red wine the was casually nursing, scrolling on her phone while the sounds of sizzling vegetables filled the kitchen "My uh. My thera


My therapist gave me an assignment to do this week, Rylan suddenly spoke, his back to her while he focused on cooking

She looked her phone and straightened on her stool. "Oh! What's the assignment?" She kept her tone casual, just as she did any time Kylan talked about his therapy

"Are you able to take a week off work, any time soon?" was Kylan's only reply.noveldrama

assistant know."

She cocked her head to the side, watching Kylan carefully, "I can probably manage that. I'll just have to let

Kylan turned and looked at her then, a shadow of a smirk on his lips. "Your assistant. I don't think I'll ever adjust to hearing that from you" he mused with a playful huff.

She smiled at him and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't think I'll ever be used to it, either. But I genuinely don't know what I would do without Yanna. She's the biggest help, she admitted sincerely.

"I understand. That's how I felt about you." Rylan returned his attention to the saucepan, sprinkling a bit of salt and pepper over the vegetables and

She felt her face flush and stood from her stool, walking over to Kylan. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder "Mmm. is that so! I was a big help, was 1" she whispered in his ear.

This sauce is going to burn, if you distract me, Kylan warned, his voice slightly strained.

She only smiled and planted a kiss against the side of his neck. "Let it burn," She cooed

Kylan scoffed, turning off the burner and moving the pan to a cool one. He turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist. "That's blasphemous, Katrina," he chastised, leaning down and swooping her up into his arms without warning. "Come on, then. He found her lips easily. kissing her and carrying her to his bedroom at the same time.

She laughed the whole way, allowing herself to fall into the domestic bliss, the happiness that Kylan gave her.

A few days later, she found herself in Kylan's Bentley, holding his hand while he drove her through the city. Her suitcases railed in the SUV trunk, and she wondered exactly where they were going.


"Why did I need to pack so much snow stuff, Kylant It's nearly spring," she asked for the second time, playing with the tips of Kylan's fingers while he drove.

"It's still March, Kate," Kylan responded as if it should be obvious.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "I don't get why I can't know where we're going" she grumbled impatiently.

"You'll know as soon as we get to the airport. Now just relax. We have a stop to make," Kylan attempted to quell her curiosity yet again.

She rolled her eyes yet again but remained silent now.

She stared out the window, watching the city fade and give way to more suburbs and fewer skyscrapers

Where were they going? What was the stop they had to make!

Kylan drove her for another twenty minutes, the only sounds being the jazz coasting from the car speakers and the quiet buzz of Bentley's engine

When the streets became winding, lined by trees on either side, she sat

Ten minutes later, Kylan made a right turn and her breath caught in her throat

He was bringing her here?

"Kylan." she breathed, grasping his hand a little more.


"This is the assignment from my therapist." The softness in Kylan's voice, the vulnerability, caused her to turn in her seat She couldn't fully decipher the look on his face, but he was definitely grim. seat and look at hi

at him.

Tm. I can wait in the car if you w

want," she offered in a rush

As far as she knew, Kylan never came here, let alone with you. She felt like she was encroaching on an area of Kylan's life that he kept hidden, locked far away for only him to bear witness to. Though he had let her in, and though their relationship was healthy and thriving in all the ways she had only dreamed it could, this was still. More. A step, a big one

Kylan pulled the Bentley over and shifted it into the park, staring out the windshield. "I brought you with me because I want.. I need need you to Shit, I need you to.. help me do this." He was struggling to force the words out, but she made no mention of it. She never would. She

with me. I only had patience for him, especially when he talked to her like this.

"Then I'll be there, Kylan. Of course, I will be she sofily vowed, her words a promise for more than just what she was agreeing to at that moment

"Right Olay Good Kylan cleared his throat, adjusting his shirt collar a bit. "They're both here. Just a bit away from each other" He opened his door and she realized his hand was trembling.

Without waiting for him to come around to her side, she opened her own door and met him. He wouldn't look at her, but she took no offense to that. He was just.. Kylan, and she knew how he operated. How he needed to operate, in order to get through situations like this one. Kylan opened the trunk, and she waited near the hood of the car. He emerged a moment later, now carrying two massive bouquets of flowers. They were a vibrant rainbow of colors, a combination of orchids, lilies, carnations, and daffodils.

"Symbolic," Kylan explained tightly, gesturing to the mixture of flowers

She smiled at him, nodding her head in understanding. "I can... If you

u want. I can carry one?" she offered, reaching her hand out

Kylan grunted, handing her one of the bouquets. She kept her distance from him, not wanting to make h him uncomfortable

When he took hold of her hand, she bit her tongue so she wouldn't sigh with relief. He wanted her close, wanted her with him. It warmed her against the evening chill around her.

James and Keith gave me directions on how to find them. So just. Follow me." Kylan licked his lips and inhaled.

She studied his profile curiously. "You've never Been here, before now?" she inquired quietly.

"No. L. No. Kylan sounded almost embarrassed, and she held his hand tighter in reply.

Grief was a personal journey. It wasn't linear. There was no rule book for any of it

If Kylan hadn't visited the graves of his loved ones yet, she wouldn't judge him for it. She never would

She trailed behind Kylan, allowing him to guide the way, careful where she stepped so she wouldn't defile any of the grave markers.

They walked for a few minutes, and then she felt as Kylan stiffened beside her and came to a stop. His eyes were fixed on the ground, his face a canvas of agony.

Following where his gaze had landed, she realized which grave they were near.

Yasmin Gale

That name. The name of the only other soul that Kylan had ever cared for as he cared for her. It stared back at her silently. Reverently.

Kylan sank to his knees, one hand on the raised marble headstone, his knuckles white and his head bowed. His bangs created a curtain around his face, and she couldn't see his expression clearly anymore.

Timidly, cautiously, she knelt beside him, situating her bouquet in the empty vase built into the headstone.

"Tim so sorry, Kylan," she said the words just as carefully, just as slowly, not wanting to startle or upset him

"She would have... She would have liked you," Kylan croaked, his voice shaking and small.

She sniffled, wiping a stray tear from her eye. "I would have liked her, I'm certain of it. Anyone special enough to be loved by you. I would have loved her, too." She brushed a few leaves away from the grave, dusting the lettering with her fingertips. She heard Rylan shift beside her and she watched as he reached into his jacket pocket. He pulled a folded rectangle out and she fought the urge to touch him as he opened it.

The picture. The picture of Kylan, James, and Yasmin in Rhode Island at the beach. The one he was looking at on the floor of his closet when he was a completely broken man, a shell of the person he was now.

He brought it with him.


face of his oldest friendl

He placed that very picture on the edge of Yasmin's grave, his fingers grazing over the f

She only observed the sacred moment, not saying anything else. Not moving to touch him. Not wanting to infringe on Kylan's memories in any


"I'm sorry, Yasmin. I'm so f*cking sorry," she barely heard the words as Kylan spoke them. They weren't for her to hear, not really

Her hands were clasped into fists, her fingernails digging into her skin to keep from reaching out for Kylan.

He stayed like that, his head bowed, his eyes downcast, grief radiating off him in waves so real, so potent, they stole any breath away from her.

Finally, he raised his head and looked at her, his eyes so stormy. So broken, she couldn't help herself. She slowly moved to grasp has hand, giving him the time he needed to reject her advance, if he wanted to. But he didn't reject her. Instead, he took hold of her hand first and latched on

"If this is... If you don't think you can handle seeing her.. I'm sure your therapist will be so proud of what you've already done, Kylan." She couldn't handle seeing the hurt on Kylan's face. The regret. The devastation. Kylan shook his head, inhaling and exhaling a few times. "No, I owe it to her. I owe it to her to see her." He stood from his spot on the ground. paying no mind to his dirtied knees.

"Okay, darling. I'm here," she reassured him, keeping hold of his hand as he stared at Yasmin's grave for one more fleeting moment

He guided her along more rows of graves, several of them draped with their own flowers and other memorabilia. The mood was somber. Quiet

He stopped

Karina Ross

ar a grave that was far more lavish than Yasmin's and she stared at it, her heart breaking in her chest


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