Divorce to Destiny: Reclaiming My CEO Husband

15 The Club

15 The Club


My brain is mush and it's almost nine at night when I answer Phillip's call.

"I think you should call it a night," he says.

"Is Abby okay?" She'd been a little off this week. Maybe coming down with a virus.

"She's asleep. All tucked up with Puppy."

"Did she ask about me? I'm always there by bedtime." I do feel guilty missing bedtimes all this week, but we usually get a video call in to say goodnight.

Time just flew by tonight though after the board actioned all of our recommendations, I wanted to get the ball rolling.

"She sure did. I told her you love her very much and you would be there to kiss her good morning. She was fine. Anne made her warm cocoa and I read her a book."

"Great. Thank you, Phillip. You'll make the best dad." He'd make an awesome husband too, but I just can't go there, even though I know I'm being an idiot not to grab this opportunity. But love isn't always logical What am I saying? Love is never logical. It was painful, ridiculous, and dramatic, but never logical. Not in my experience anyway.

"I think I'm done here," I say. "Pretty sure I've read the same paragraph in this report a hundred times."

"You're working too hard."

"Coming from you? You can't talk." I laugh. "Pot, kettle, black is all I'm saying."

"We are both as bad as one another. Lance called to see if I wanted to join them at the club. He said you'd turned him down."

"I don't want to go back there and have everyone think it's the same as it used to be."

"Maybe the only way to show them it isn't, is to go."

"Are you saying you want me to go?"

"Abby is asleep. I'm here and so's Anne. Go have some fun."

"I'm really not sure. I can't just turn up after I said no."

"It's a free world, you can please yourself. You don't need to answer to anyone. Own who you are now and don't apologize for it."

With Jayden being away, maybe this is the best night to go. At least it won't be as awkward with him not there. "I guess you're right. I'm done hiding. That's why I came back." "Exactly. Plus you just work too damn hard. You need some downtime too."

"I can't go dressed in my office clothes."

"I know you have a change in the bottom drawer. Just in case. You always do. And you can shower in the

15 The Club

company gym. Not like anyone else will be there."

I guess I can't really argue with his logic. "You just call me right away if you need anything. Abby is coming down with something I think."

"I will. I promise. Now go unwind."

That triggers a memory for me. At times I wish I could forget everything: it would make life so much easier. Jayden had always dragged me to unwind after worked too hard in school.

"Come on! The books will still be there, you big dorky nerd!" He'd say with the sexy grin I could never resist or stay mad at.

And to punish him for calling me a dorky nerd, I'd wear my sexiest outfit and dirty dance with our friends till he couldn't take it anymore and dragged me back to his apartment.

Sigh. A strong drink is just what I need to help me forget how good we were together.

I sit down at the bar and order an extra dry martini. Here I am. I can't believe it but I'm here in the dance club. I watch the younger folk dancing and feel like I'm ancient. It hasn't been that long. The bar attendant gives me my drink and I pay.noveldrama

Then Lance is beside me." You changed your mind. Good for you."

"I figured I could use a drink to unwind. It's been a week."

"Sure has. Lisa is in the bathroom. She's going to be stoked. Wanna dance?"

"Not yet." I shake my head. "I need a couple of these first. The old bones ain't what they used to be." I grin. "Lance laughs. "From what I can see, the old bones are better." He looks me up and down and whistles. I feel my face warm. "Lance Collins! Are you flirting with me?"

"Don't tell Phillip." He leans in, "but yes."

"You are a bad, bad boy. But I know you too well. You aren't like that."

"I am too a bad, bad boy," he pouts.

"There, there, of course you are." I pat him on the arm like a child. "But you don't seriously hit on women. you know are in a relationship."

"Oh damn, my secret is out." He feigns surprise.

I laugh and finish my drink and order another. "But thanks for the confidence boost."

A young blond with plenty of curves gives him a wink and a wave from across the bar. Lance holds up his glass to her.

"Do you mind? Tilly and I met last week."

"Go ahead. Never let it be said I interfered with the work of your loins."

"Hah! Thanks. Lisa will spot you, don't worry. See you on the dance floor later." He gives me a wink and wiggles his hips. 15 The Club

""We'll see."

Then he's gone and I'm enjoying not being behind a desk it feels weird watching Lance across the bar using all his Someone sits beside me on the other side. Damn, I was fend off some jock hitting on me.

Oh well, I guess I do still have what it takes. I may as we

I turn and choke on my drink and almost fall off my stoc

Jayden gives me that smile of his. "Where's Philip?"

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