Falling for my Ex-Fiancee’s Best friend

The exchange

Nathan stood there giving Hampton a death stare. He felt like ripping his eyes out and cutting off his tongue. That way, he wouldn’t be able to spit trash or set his eyes on Demelza again.

“Leave my office Hampton.” Nathan shouted.

At this point, the employees already heard the shouts that ensued between Nathan and Hampton.

There were lurking and ears are attentive like antennas.

“Y’all still need a job or nay?” Ryan asked them when his eye met their poking nose.

He is in charge of the employees and it is his duty to see to it that they are well behaved in the office.

He didn’t hesitate about cautioning them because he knows he still had a pending matter with Nathan. He needed to please Nathan at all cos to avoid his secret being leaked out to the world.

He felt tight in a box because he had no idea about what was going on with his sextape or what Nathan intended to do with it.

After cautioning them, they all ran back to their desk and offices. They knew Nathan is no joke and they will have no jobs if he catches them lurking.

“Are you really sending me out of your office because of this slut?” Hampton asked Nathan in disbelief.

“Call her that again and it might be the last thing you say.” Nathan warned Hampton as he clearly did not appreciate Hampton disrespecting Demelza.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Hampton spat and stormed out of Nathan’s office.

He acted like he was the bigger person, but deep down. He was scared of what Nathan might do because he has never seen him so angry before and worse because of a woman.

While he walked out of the office building, he noticed eyes fixed on him which made him feel embarrassed. As he entered the elevator, he swore to himself to make Nathan pay for belittling him like that and in front of lowly employees.

Demelza was still shaken by the whole episode and she wished she had not worn that gown to the office to see Nathan. She wished she had remained at home and slept rather than the whole drama that happened.

“I’m sorry Nathan. I’m really sorry, this was so stupid of me_” she apologized, trembling and pointing to the gown she was putting on. “I should have just remained at home, it’s my fault.” Demelza kept apologizing and crying at the same time. She felt so guilty and stupid at the same time.

Nathan watched and started smiling. He did not realize how his anger was immediately replaced by a happy smile threatening to turn into laughter.

Demelza became confused and began to wonder what exactly was funny. “Er_” she stuttered, not finding the right words to relay her question. She used her hand to gesture but she couldn’t help but look more confused.

“I think you should come stay in the house in the meantime, you can stay in the guest room and you’ll have your space. Just until the dust settles.” Nathan told her as he pulled her closer to him. He wanted to save her the trouble of asking whatever was stuck in her throat.

“Erm, calm down Nathan. I do not think all of these are that serious. I dated Hampton for five years and I can tell you these are just empty threats.” She said plainly refusing Nathan’s offer.

“That is the problem Mel, can’t you see that he is obsessed with you? Huh? What man gets married and wants to control his ex-girlfriend at the same time? He’s got your father and now he is threatening you. Can you not see how he has you in his web? I need to know you are safe so you will come home with me today. Infact right now.” Nathan told her as he was ready to call it a day. It has been a dramatic day after all, rest was necessary.

“Calm down okay. I will be fj and if I do not feel safe, I will call you to come get me okay.” Demelza told him obviously wanting her space at the moment. She wanted to relax and take a break from the whole Nathan thingy, she didn’t even know what she was doing anymore and how she got deep into whatever they were doing.

“Okay, I will agree to that on one condition.” Nathan said to her.

“And what’s that?” Demelza asked with her arms crossed across the chest.

“I will take you home everyday after work and the driver will pick you up every morning. There will be a stand by bodyguard by your apartment to watch you in case of emergency. I would prefer him in your apartment but I figured you will need your space. So?” He raised his brows after talking while waiting for her response.

“Fine you win.” Demelza responded and raised her two hands in the air in surrender.

“Good. So, enough drama for today. Let’s eat lunch somewhere and I’ll take you home alright.” He told her and she nodded in response without debating it with him.

She went to her desk, grabbed her purse and they both headed out of the office almost immediately leaving the employees to gossip.noveldrama

She knew that they might start hating her due to jealousy but she wasn’t worried because she had all his attention.

The rest of the evening went smoothly and Nathan dropped her off at her apartment before heading home.

Night came fast and they both resisted the urge to communicate with each other until they both fell asleep.


It was soon the dawn of a new day and Demelza lazily turned off her alarm that woke her up by 5am.

She stretched her body after opening her eyes and then the drama of the previous day flashed through her mind. She cringed from it all but she put the thoughts aside by breathing in and out and also kept repeating to herself that it is a new dawn and a good day.

She dressed up pretty fast and she was soon ready for work. She looked classy and simple that morning because she wasn’t in the mood for anything extra.

Immediately she stepped out of her apartment, she saw Nathan’s driver and one of the office cars.

‘He sure wasn’t joking about that’ she muttered to herself, smiled and entered the car.

The drive to the Firm was a very smooth one which she enjoyed.

She soon got to the Firm and alighted from the car. She could feel the eyes of the employees on her but she pretended to be unbothered.

‘I wonder what age did to seduce him.’ one of the ladies standing and watching whispered to a coworker but Demelza played a good acting role and walked to the elevator with her head held high.

Immediately she got into the elevator, she heaved a sigh of relief from being free of the threatening stares.

Immediately she got to her desk, she saw a flower basket on her table and she smiled thinking it was from Nathan.

She blushed and sat down while she picked out the card to read.

‘Still your favorite fliers right?’ Demelza’s heart skipped after reading that line because he knew who it was from. He held her chest a bit and tried to calm down before she continued reading.

‘How did you find the friend I sent to you the other night? I think I’ll send another, slut!!! You think you can get your father out? Dreams… I think I’ll send another friend to you tonight because I think you will like him better than the last. By the way, the offer of being my mistress still stands. You know where to find me when you decide.’

Demelza could feel her hands tremble as she was surely spooked from that.

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