Living With The Player

Chapter 67 Pleasurable Distractions





Gasping, I lifted my head abruptly following the sound, my gaze was fixed at the door.

Maybe it’s my imagination.


Dylan’s voice sounded the second time. I hopped off the bed, landing on one foot, nearly missing the second foot. Quickly, I held the beddings, stabling myself.

He’s outside.

Wiping both cheeks, I rushed towards the door, exhaled then unlocked it.


He called softly. My lips were quivering, struggling to keep all my emotions at bay.

“Are you okay…”


I choked on my tears.


Practically rushing into his arms, I encircled my arms around his torso, relaxing my head over his chest

“You’ll be fine.”

He cooed, straightening my tangled strands.

It didn’t feel like I would.

“My entire world is falling apart.”

I grumbled, my voice wobbling.

“I’m here.”

Tilting my cheeks, I squirted my eyes to maintain his gaze.

“I’m here.”

He repeated softly.

“I want to see Miranda.”

I blurted then pulled away.

“If I’m going to screw up everything, then I might as well add it to the list. It’s been a while and I’m worried about her.”

He nodded, lacing our fingers together.

“Do you want me to tag along?”

“No, it’s been a messy day for you as well. You have to talk with your brother. This is something I need to do alone.”

He nodded once more.

“Be careful. I’ll be right here waiting for you to return.”

I slipped back in his embrace, shutting my eyes so I could enjoy it for a second or two.


I pulled away, sniffling.

“You’ve got this.”

Lifting my hand, he placed a little kiss over the top. My heart fluttered at his gesture.

I withdrew into my room and grabbed the things I needed before placing a call to her.


We agreed to meet at an alley after much back and forth. She changed a little. Unlike Miranda who prefers trousers, she was wearing a plain skirt and loose shirt. I wonder why. Paula’s doing I fear

“I can’t stay out for long.”

She stated loosening me out of my trance.

“You’re seventeen Miranda. You fucking own your own life. I know you’re scared for your mom but aren’t you fed up? I’m saying this because I’ve had my fair share of realisations today and it’s not funny. You need to take charge before it gets too late. Trust me, I know.”

I paused.

“Aren’t you tired of having to be mocked and controlled?”

I asked tenderly.

“I don’t know if you felt the same way but you’re the first friend I’ve had in a long time. Whenever you’re ready to stand up to her, I will be right there beside you. That’s all I need you to know ”

I paused again and she sniffled.

“You’re not a pawn Miranda. You’re smart, intelligent, beautiful and you’re in charge of your world. Don’t let nobody rule it for you.”

This time, she faced me nodding repeatedly.

“Whenever you’re ready. I’m behind you. I won’t let you get bullied anymore. This has to stop and it will.”

“It will.”

She murmured in response.

“I miss you too. I’m sorry about the mean words I said. I didn’t mean it.”

I spread my arms so she could embrace me. Slowly, she slid towards me, hugging me since we were about the same height.

“I’ll keep in touch. I’ll come up with a plan and let you know. Thank you, Camilla.”

I nodded, releasing a deep breath. One good thing about today at least.


Surprisingly, I enter the living room and everyone is gathered. The smile plastered over my face slowly dissolved.

Everyone was here. Everyone.

Dylan. His parents. Blake.

Oh no. Maybe if I slip away they won’t notice.

“Camilla, I’m glad you’re here.”


I blurted because technically, I’m not part of the family. This seems like a family issue.

“Yes. We have something we wanted to say. Blake and Dylan were already speaking, but we wanted to talk first.”

His mom added. Dylan went to Blake. I didn’t think he would. How did it turn out? I’m highly curious.

I plopped on the couch already sweating.

“Firstly, I want to apologise to you Dylan.”

His dad began. It took everything not to gasp.

That was unexpected.

Dylan shrugged his shoulders, maintaining a straight face.

Mr Emerton exhaled a little then continued speaking.

“I never noticed how little attention we pay to you. It was never our intention to make you feel unloved in any way. We love both of you.”

Dylan sucked in a harsh breath, gazed at his father for a second then looked.

How did they know how Dylan had been feeling?

“I’m also sorry for making it seem like you compete with your brother. For better grades, trophies and most importantly, for our affection. We paid attention to Blake more but we never loved him more than you, we just thought you were doing so well on your own, Blake always needed a helping hand. It’s our fault for now realising how hurtful that must have been. I’m so sorry.”

Dylan kept gazing towards the kitchen. Slowly, he turned to me.

His eyes were filled with pain.

I blinked mine, the sudden urge to comfort him stronger than anything I’ve felt.

“I asked you to stay because I want to especially thank you, Camilla. You came into the house and since you’ve brought joy especially to Dylan. I haven’t had time to appreciate you which is why I’m saying it now. Thank you so much.”

That was his mother. I couldn’t stop blinking my lids. I did not see that approaching. Did I do so much to him?

We shared a look once more. His gaze had softened a little.

“Dylan, we hurt you but we’re asking for your forgiveness. You’re our son. We are your…”


He finished with a scoff.

I flinched, finally, he speaks.

Turning to meet their gazes, I feared for the worse. He’s mad. He’s furious.

“Tell me, if Blake had continued to be the star student you thought of him as would you even dare to do this. If the expulsion hadn’t come, will this “intervention” happen? Without thinking, the answer is “No”. You may think your eyes are open but they aren’t actually. Blake will get better, he’ll apply to a new college so please by all means father, mother, wait for him and continue your love. This apology means nothing. You’re a little too late.”

His mom gasped at his words, his dad said nothing, pulling her towards him.

I was speechless. He’s hurt, he’s saying all these because he’s hurt.

“I’ll be in my room. I have projects I need to work on.”

With that, he simply walked out on them.

Follow or stay behind? Those were two options currently in my mind.

If I follow him, I might come off as rude. His dad did say to wait behind. On the other hand, if I did stay behind Dylan would most definitely act out and I’ll be worried.

Fuck it.

Nodding at both of them, I got up and made for his room.


From the other side of the door, I heard groans and grunts.

I can bet you anything he’s on that punching bag.


He called with my folded fists in mid-air. I hadn’t even knocked.

“I can hear you breathing…”

He added making me giggle. He can’t possibly hear me breathing. Right?

“Or you can see the outline of my feet through the opening and the bottom of the door.”

I lowered my head and the shadow of my feet was visible.

“That too.”

He joked.

We both chuckled when I heard the door click.

“You know I hate you seeing me when I’m in his state.”

I stared at a semi shirtless Dylan trying hard not to gape.

*Well I don’t mind. Not really, I get to see him shirtless which is hot.*

I kept that part to myself. He released the door fully so I could get in, the punching bag already insight.

The moment I got in, he slammed the door shut, tugged me forcefully then caged me over the door, both of my hands secured by his.

I was forced to meet his gaze and might I say, it was hard. Once I got a glance, I had to lower my head and they were fixed my eyes on those abs, looking away was harder.


He snickered, tone reeking with amusement.

“And what’s so funny?”

I bounced back to his eyes, glaring at him.

“Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.”

He says then let me out. I breathed in relief and moved to the centre.

I was right, he was on the punching bag. I moved towards it giving a light punch.

Dylan started laughing. I turned back with a massive glare.

“You’re laughing at me?”

He inclined his head with a smirk.

“You hit like a girl.”

He moved towards me, pinching my nose.

“I am a girl you dumb ass.”

I rolled my eyes making him chuckle.noveldrama

“Ok then well you hit weakly, this is how it’s done.”

He threw one punch at the bag, it shook terribly and so did I.

He plopped on his bed afterwards, I tried again only making Dylan laugh harder.

“Stop it.”

I whined.

“Okay, okay. What do you want me to do?”

“Teach me how to punch.”

I demanded with my hands on my hips.


“Well, I don’t know. It’s cool and who knows who I might have to hit in the future. Maybe Dylan Emerton.”

I grinned mischievously.

“Alright then, come here.”

I eagerly went to his side. He placed his hands on my waist making both hands steady.

“Thrust your hips forward them hit as hard as you can.”

His voice commanded directly into my ear. It was very distracting.


I stuttered doing as I was told. The first one came out weak, I followed his instructions doing better on the second and third. By the fourth, I was almost as good as Dylan. Well not nearly, but a girl can dream.

“Good job Renée”

He commends behind me. Even my last name sounds sexy coming from his lips.

“What next?”

I chirped gushing with excitement.

“I get to do something else.”


I trailed off when he spun me around and crashed his lips fiercely over mine.


*Author’s Note*

*Daily updates are backkkkkkk. Please drop your comments. Xoxo.*

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