Pregnant I left him To His First Love

Chapter 172

Kelvin grits his teeth in annoyance as Justin smirks at him, returning to his seat. Justin currently has one up on them. Liana never mentioned that she was carrying a weapon that day, maybe she didn't think it was relevant but as long as he can prove she wasn't on the scene, things would still go well for them.

"It's going to be okay, you did great," He says calmly to Liana, patting her shoulders as she takes her seat beside him.

"Is the defence ready to call its witness?" Judge Bruce asks.

"Yes," Kelvin replies and stands up. "Defence calls Beta Trent Easton."

The door to the courtroom opens and Trent saunters down the aisle with a smug look on his face, his shoulders held high in pride, his steps pompous and full of confidence.

He stops in front of Liana and looks at her for some seconds before he scoffs, shakes his head and proceeds to the witness box.

After Justin gets him to take the oath of truth, Kelvin steps forward.

"You were with Henry and his wife on the day of the murder, am I correct?"


"And where were you at the time he was murdered?"

Trent scoffs. "Doing what any capable man would be doing, killing those rogue bastards."

"But you were not with the deceased at the time of the murder?"

"That's correct."

"And the said attack happened barely minutes after you joined them?"

"It would be so, yes."

"I see," Kelvin smirks. "You joined them almost halfway into the journey. Why is that?"

"It was the wish of my alpha, when your alpha commands, you obey. Although I can't say the same about you," Trent glances at Leila with a cold smirk on his face, "for obvious reasons." Murmurs immediately fill the courtroom and Carmela even laughs out loud.

"Order," Judge Bruce commands and silence immediately falls on the courtroom again.noveldrama

Kelvin keeps his face stoic. "So you're saying, specifically, that it was the Alpha's wish for you to join them?"

"Well I-"

"Because I have here with me, Alpha Darren on record, stating that you personally requested to join them on the journey, Kelvin walks to his seat and holds up a piece of paper which he hands to the judge. "So my Real question to you is, why did you put in that request? What was your motive? You had no reason to join them, none logical whatsoever."

"Objection your honour, battering the witness." "Sustained."

"Oh come on Justin," Kelvin waves Justin off with a disappointed look on his face before he turns to Trent, pointing at him with four fingers. "Are you saying a man like Beta Trent is so weak and simple minded a man, he cannot even tell this court the reason he wanted to join them or perhaps he acts without reason?"

"How dare you?" Trent growls at Kelvin. "Henry was my friend, I put in the request to join them in the celebrations and I'll save you the stress of asking me silly and irrelevant questions. I saw that woman with a gun in hand, go after my friend into the woods. She did it, she murdered him."

"He's lying, he's lying," Liana cries out, tears pouring out of her eyes.

Judge Bruce gives her an eye without saying any words and she sniffs, wiping her face.

Kelvin doesn't remove his gaze from Trent at all. "Just for record purposes and clarity, you're saying you saw her go in. Did you also see her do it?"

"No, I did not see her because I wasn't there but I only heard one gunshot and he died from a bullet to his heart, it is logical enough," Trent replies coldly.

"Logical," Kelvin nods, "so you did not see her do it but you only assume she did because she went after him into the woods?"

"I just fucking told you that! Are you going anywhere with this?!" Trent yells at Kelvin.

"Raise your voice or use that language in my courtroom again and I will hold you in contempt," Judge Bruce reprimands Trent.

"I apologise on his behalf your

honour," Kelvin says smugly and he points to Trent. "This man probably hasn't been educated that when it comes to the law, assumptions mean nothing and only facts count and today, I will prove as a matter of fact that my client was nowhere

near the scene of the murder."

Kelvin walks back to his table and picks up a flash drive. "I have here with me, in this drive, video evidence to prove this claim and I would like for it to be admitted as an exhibit for this case." Justin stands up immediately. "The prosecution objects to that, your honour, the video could have been doctored and manipulated, we have no way to verify its authenticity." Kelvin smirks.

"I was hoping you would say that. Beta Trent, you can come down from the box," Kelvin says before facing the judge. "Your honour, I would like to call my next witness."

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