Prince Justus and the Rogue

Chapter 20 - The King Has Been Murdered!

* Werewolf King's Castle: Loches Castle; Golden Moon Pack * Beta Augusto POV

I have gathered Delta Ermo and Gamma Gosse into my office. I have visited with Tielo and we now have confirmation of what the oracle told The White Witch Queen Fiona. It's time that we go to King Richard. I think we have enough evidence to bring Achard down.

It's a tense meeting but we tell the King everything that we have discovered about Achard and what he has been doing. As we talked to the King I saw a vast array of emotions move through his eyes from denial to fear to disappointment to a deep sense of hurt and betrayal to anger to loss to acceptance. "We need to arrest Achard and take him to the dungeons. But, he is my son. I want to do this myself. Also, send out my best men to find Justus and bring him home. We will accept his mate as queen." He shakes his head then grabs his sword and walks out of the door.

I nodded my head as being a father I could understand the king's emotions right now and his need to take care of his son himself. I would do the same if it was my son. I am also happy to learn of the king's decision to bring Justus home and accept his mate as queen. That will be a good thing for the kingdom.

King Richard POV

I walk slowly into Achard's room and I'm taken aback by the scene in front of me. He's sitting in a chair in front of the fireplace with a young maiden in his arms and he's slowly draining all of her blood from her body.

I draw my sword. "Achard what are you doing? Stop! You know it is against the law to feed on human beings. I am here to arrest you and take you to the dungeon."

Achard stands up as he drops the girl's lifeless body to the floor and turns to face me with an evil smile. "You want to arrest me? Oh dear father, you have no idea how happy that makes me."

Achard POV

My father has made a fatal mistake and now he must pay. He walks toward me with his sword drawn but his movements are shaky. I can tell he's afraid and really doesn't want to do this. I can take advantage of his emotions that are indecisive. I draw my sword and attack. He blocks my first blow but he isn't ready for my rebound and I knock the sword from his hand. Then I jump on him to bite his neck and suck his blood until he's dry. I let his lifeless body drop to the floor. From somewhere in the castle I heard his wife screaming. I could care less. I stabbed his body with my sword. I grabbed the girl and stuffed her in my closet to dispose of later then I cleaned off my sword as I didn't want any blood on it. Then, I ran to the guards calling them to my room saying that I just found my father dead. That someone has murdered the king! But, the people shouldn't fear as I would take the crown immediately. The first thing I need to do as king is kill the current Beta, Delta, and Gamma.

I grabbed my assistant Tielo. "Tielo, I need you to start planning my coronation immediately. I want it to be lavish and extravagant. Oh, and send Bozhena to my room." I shoo him away as he's mostly annoying to me and I've begun to question his loyalty. I've stopped allowing him with me at all times and I no longer feed off of him either.

Bozhena POV

Achard has requested me to come to his room. I hate visiting him now. I wish I had followed my father's advice and stayed away from him. He fucks my mouth with his dick so hard that my lips are chapped and cracked. He'll often slap me knocking me on the bed and then rape me. During the rape he'll often slap me again unless he's fucking me from behind. It's usually hard and fast. I get no pleasure from it, only pain because of how rough he is. I often have bruises on my face so I try to cover them up with makeup but it doesn't do enough so I just stay in my room now and hardly go out. My skin is no longer tan but a pale yellow. I've also lost a ton of weight as I don't eat much anymore. That seems to make him laugh, actually anything that causes me pain makes him laugh. He says I should be happy that he hasn't begun to feed off of me yet.

What makes me angry though is who caused all of this. That damn Gracia. If she had never come along then I would have been mates with Justus and he would have been made king and I would be queen but that's all gone to shit now because of that bitch. Everything is her fault. I hate her! She destroyed my life.

* Blood Moon Coven *

Achard POV

"Lord Dempster, why have you called me back? Things have gotten pretty busy at the palace." I said with a clear hint of annoyance in my voice. "Well, we've come across someone that may be able to lure Justus and his companions out into the open." Lord Dempster said with an evil smile. "Okay, you have my attention. Who may this person be?" I don't have time to beat around the bush. I want details now.

"Gracia's father. He's an old drunk but he's been searching for his daughters since they left him and he could be very useful to us. I've been in contact with him and for the right amount of money he's willing to try to lure Justus and Gracia to a particular place so we can kidnap them and then kill them in the dungeons." Lord Dempster explains, still wearing the same evil smile.

"I like it. Let's put this plan into practice. Oh and by the way I just killed my father so I'll be crowned king soon. I've already asked my assistant Tielo to start planning my coronation." I tell him with an equally evil smile. We both laugh and drink fresh blood from gold goblets.

"Let's celebrate. We can attack a whore house I know of in the next village over and no one will say a thing about the dead girls." Lord Dempster says excitedly. This is the first time I've seen him excited in years.noveldrama

"I love the idea!" I laugh heartily thinking of draining the blood from a few young girls. I can fondle their breasts and rape them first then drink all of their blood leaving them lifeless. I love hearing their cries as I fuck them hard and then drink thier blood.

Vampire King's Castle: Land of Brujah *

Justus POV

During the night Gracia finally gave her body to me fully. We made hot passionate love in bed, twisting our bodies together, and trying different positions.Goddess I love this woman more and more every day. A knock on our door awakens me to the realities of our life and where we are. The man at the door is a messenger requesting my presence in front of the king at his study. I quickly get dressed and wake Gracia.

"I have been summoned by King Damon. Get up and get dressed then meet everyone downstairs for breakfast. If anyone should inquire into my absence let them know where I am. I'll be there as soon as I can." I kiss her softly on her head and then I go to meet the king.

When I arrive at his study I'm surprised to meet Prince Cassius there as well. Prince Cassius is King Damon's and Queen Marceline's son and also a childhood friend of mine. I'm looking forward to catching up with him. After greetings and such are done we get down to business.

"I have just received word, through my personal unnamed sources, that your father has been murdered and Prince Achard is about to be crowned king. You have two choices: go there now and defeat Achard, or build up an army of allies and then go to defeat Achard. Either way you at least have my army at your disposal." King Damon tells me.

"This is a difficult decision to make. I also must grieve the loss of my father. I fear for my kingdom allowing Achard to take the throne. But can I honestly defeat him without additional allies? If I show up and cannot defeat Achard, is that really defending my kingdom? But allowing him to take the throne is essentially throwing my people to the predators. I must start thinking like a king. As future king I know what my answer is. I know what I must do to protect my people." I say as I look up to King Damon, resolution clear in my eyes.

A/N Please drop me a comment and let me know if you like the story or the chapter. I love all feedback both critical and complimentary. Also check out my other books Dragon Brothers

Cyprian and the Slave

Her Demon His Angel

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