The Alpha’s Triple Lunas

Chapter Twenty-Three – A little dragon queen.

He’d surely live to meet her again, she’d regret their next meeting. He hoped she’d like his surprise.

The young woman turned and looked at him, “Wait, you’re the Cold Prince, eh?” she had a heavy voice. One that the cold prince couldn’t believe sounded nice to him.

He said nothing so she shrugged and ran off.

While his eyes were still on the path Margaret had disappeared to. A wolf jumped on one of his soldiers snapping off his head off.

He drew back his sister and started fending off the animals.

Margaret had never left. She stayed back making sure that these strangers were killed off.

But how did those wolves become less vile? Or was the prince too much for them? She’d never seen a prince so she stayed back to see this one.

From the stories she had heard, he didn’t look so princely. Unless the rather well built body and stoic face.

The young man with his brown long hair was surely skilled in sword art.

His moves were swift but not strong. As it was a defensive technique not attack. He still gave small cuts to the wolves.

His red attire only hinted on him being, perhaps, a senior ranking soldier, who was sent to kill Scott. His last assistant had been shredded my the wolves already.

The young man’s only hesitations were to avoid hurting the little girl besides him. Margaret guessed it was his sister.

They had an uncanny resemblance and she was too young to be a lover or wife.

She wasn’t even sure if they’re enemies but they sneaking up on her with weapons showed they weren’t friends. She did feel bad for the little girl who could die.

“Hey, look out” the small girl shouted as the leader of the wolf pack pinned her brother to the ground. Fighting to claw off his face while he protected it’s teeth with his sword.

“Dark Dragon, Dark Dragon” the little girl screamed and hurried brought out a flute tied on her waist, playing it, the melody sounded way too familiar to Margaret.

A sensation began moving the trees and the birds began fretting. Little animals began scurrying for shelter.

And the wolves whimpered slowly backing down. High pitch screeches could be heard a far off.

“Did dragons still exist?” Margaret wondered.

Her answer came as a ten feet black bird with fiery eyes dived down to the ground, sending everything around it flying to the air.

Even the strangers were hit harshly unto a wall. She was lucky to have landed on some soft grasslands.

The leader of the wolf pack took a clever initiative to run off with the surviving wolves. The bird didn’t bother chase.

The brown haired prince seemed to have pass out and he’s hair turned a pale grey.

“Dynasty magic?” Margaret eyes popped out. Of course, the visitors Scott had spoken about.

The dwarf and a queen. Only that, the young man wasn’t a dwarf. And the little girl… shouldn’t be a ‘Queen’.

The little girl ran to the bird and enveloped it in a hug. Margaret staggered to her feet and rested on a tree.

Shouldn’t the bird be pecking her to death? Such huge birds must only be magical creatures. Bird like dragons she had only heard tales off.

“Get up, get up!” the girl coldly kicked her brother from the ground. That was someone that had gotten clawed by a wolf trying to save her.

The latter didn’t move. The girl struggled to put him up but to no avail. Margaret felt like helping but stood still.

“Fine, dark dragon, send him home. Then come back for me. Don’t leave your Queen out here for long. I’d live to kill Scott and those his pesky Lunas, you hear?” she rubbed the bird’s beak.

The bird made some noises and grabbed the young man. It went into the sky made loud screeches and flew off. The girl squatted nearby a tree looking around in fear.

Margaret cackled loudly as she came out of her hiding place with a long tree branch in her hands, “Hey, dragon Queen. So it’s you?”. A lot of feelings were in that question.

Anger that she once felt pity for the little thing. Bitter that they were actually indeed here to kill Scott and her sisters. Happiness that, well, she has the girl all to herself now.

The girl stood in a defensive stance peering into the darkness trying to make out who the voice is, “If you hurt me, you’d pay! I am the first daughter of the dragon dynasty and heir to the throne. My brother would slice you in pieces!”.

“Same, girl. I got two crazy sisters, a brother with crazy martial arts skills, a cousin really good at archery. Not to forget that my husband is a powerful werewolf. How’s that for a brag?”.

The girl looked at Margaret, confused.

Margaret began swinging the branch coming closer to her, “Our plan would remain. We did plan to steal the dragon queen” a mocking emphasis was on the last part.

Then a swing and the little girl fell with a blooded head. It won’t kill her but keep her shut while Margaret transports her back to the cavern.

She regretted her decision along the way, the girl weighed a ton. And if the girl weighed that much while looking so little, she wondered what she weighed.

Well, someone should make a congratulatory supper for her. As she just out smarted the cold prince and kidnapped the dragon queen without any of Evelyn’s crazy plan.

Some high screeches warned her on walking faster. The dark dragon was coming back and she didn’t know if those things breathe fire and she didn’t want to know.

The animals would surely know how to track so she walked into the little stream so it can’t follow her footsteps or smell her.

She hated getting wet and was relieved to walk on dry land after being far away from the creature. She felt a furry creature under at her legs.noveldrama

“You and your wolf pack are okay, right?” she asked the pup. He whimpered like he was disappointed in himself and his pack.

“Don’t worry. I got you. That princey would cry when he realizes that his sister is gone. I hope he likes the surprise”.

The cavern entrance came into view and she sighed in relief shifting the girl more balanced on her shoulder.

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