The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 32



"Your wife seems very kind sir," Timothy said respectfully as we pored over paperwork in the office.

"She is and she's gorgeous, funny, and kind" I murmured, as I signed some documents, my laptop opened in front of me. I was half listening to Timothy while I did my work.

"Are you worried about the engagement party though?" he pressed "The invitation arrived today" he added, handing it over to me.

I viewed it and then placed it in my briefcase, a wry smile on my face. "I'm not nervous," I said calmly "but my grandfather must be. I know for a fact that Charlotte had her greedy little eyes on the ring I've given my wife and I'm certain there's going to be a debacle over that when she spots the ring on Flair's finger at the party."

In fact, I was counting on it. At least the engagement party was going to be anything but boring, I thought with a twinkle in my eyes.

I grinned picturing it all in my mind. Timothy's jaw dropped open "Your grandfather gave you that ring, even though your sister wanted it. Does he like family drama?" he asked incredulously "is he intentionally trying to cause a rift?"

I gave a small laugh "The old man just doesn't like being told what to do. I gather he's not impressed with Charlotte's fiancee Johnathon so far. There are no surprises there considering that he had an affair with her, while still married to Flair. My grandfather abhors those who cheat on their wives, so already he's in the bad books. I'm hoping my grandfather however will be impressed with Flair when I introduce her to him."

My voice was bland. It mattered not if Flair didn't impress the old geezer but things would go a lot smoother if she did. "Well, there's a lot of wealthy families coming to this engagement party" Timothy warned, as I glanced at him "Even your old friend lan Grant is going, I've heard" he commented with a hint of excitement in his voice.

I grinned. "Ah yes, lan," I said with fondness" It feels like forever since I have last caught up with him. The Grants are wealthier and more powerful than even the Deluca family and put Charlotte to shame. She's afraid to offend them and she even had a crush on lan once but he turned her down. The man has good taste in women and knows which ones to avoid. Do you know they have a sister in their midst that has never been photographed?" I asked him softly "Not once in our friendship has lan ever shown me a picture of her. Says she's shy and doesn't like to have it taken. I'm willing to bet it's the old man's way of protecting her from being kidnapped and ransomed for their family fortune."

"Well, you can hardly blame her old man for wanting to do that. It's happened to other wealthy families" Timothy said agreeably "But you've never met her? Not even when you visited lan?" he pressed intrigued.

I shook my head. "No. lan always visited me at my place and I never questioned it. It's a shame really. With how handsome lan is, there is no doubt in my mind that his sister would be just as remarkably beautiful." "Are you saying if you could have her, you would choose her over Flair?" Timothy asked looking a little taken aback and indignant on Flair's behalf.

"No," I said immediately "Flair is stunning and I have already developed an attachment to her. Just because a woman is beautiful on the outside, it doesn't necessarily mean they are beautiful on the inside. My sister Charlotte is a testament to that fact" I said icily "and what need do I have of wealth or connections when I've managed to create and extend this law firm on my own dime? I was merely saying it would have been nice to meet the woman who has been hidden so well from the world. A curiosity thing, nothing other than that" I assured Timothy.

One couldn't help wondering what a mystery woman looked like. It was intriguing. I glanced at the clock and sighed. Timothy noticed and gave me a smug look. "You're impatient" he accused me "You want to get home to your new wife" he added amused. "Perhaps" I allowed with a devilish grin, scribbling away on some notes "but given who I've just married, a kind, loving, and stunning woman, can you blame me, Timothy?" I asked pointedly and with a hint of laughter.

My assistant shook his head. "You are one lucky man Mr Grayson. I wish I had somebody like that waiting for me at home."

"Well Flair's friend Rachel seemed to be quite cozy with you at the breakfast," I said nonchalantly, causing him to blush "Maybe you should ask her out?" I prodded with a sly grin.

Timothy avoided my gaze. "I couldn't Mr. Grayson," he said quietly, avoiding my gaze "I don't think I'm her type" he added with melancholy and a miserable expression on his face.

I raised a brow "What do you mean not her type?" I asked with genuine curiosity.noveldrama

I hadn't gathered that Rachel preferred one type of man over the other.

Timothy shifted awkwardly on his seat, fiddling with a pen "It's just that I gather that her friend Rachel is used to a certain type of man. I don't fit the bill" he added, looking anywhere but at me. "Timothy, looks can be deceiving. Rachel seems to be quite a nice girl. Why do you think you're not good enough for her?" I asked evenly, leaning back in my chair and silently regarding him.

By all accounts, Timothy was a fine man, hardworking, loyal and trustworthy. He would make an excellent family man one day.

He flushed and looked at the ground. "I gather that she only dates wealthy men."

"Did she tell you that?" I asked with interest.

Rachel had not struck me as the type to be that shallow. She was an extrovert and outgoing but she didn't seem vain or selfish. I had rather liked her as a person. She and Timothy had gotten on well. Where was he getting the impression she would only date rich men? Or was this stemming from a personal confidence issue? I frowned at him.

"Well no" Timothy muttered, "but a woman as gorgeous as her? She's never going to want to go out with a guy like me," he said rather forlorn "she could have any guy she wants. She's not going to settle for a guy who is just a personal assistant." He was putting himself down. I would not stand for that. He was more than just a lowly assistant as he had put it.

I snorted "Timothy if you act like that then you can be assured she's going to say no. You need to be a bit more confident in yourself. You're not just a personal assistant, you're also studying the bar, are you not? To be a lawyer like myself? You're smart and intelligent, not to mention kind. Do you know how many wealthy men are out there, that are complete assholes? Do you think she wants to date one of those men in preference to you?" I demanded annoyed. "Well, when you put it that way," he said sighing "maybe then I should ask her out."

"Do it" I advised "what have you got to lose? A woman like her only comes along once in a blue moon. If you wait she's going to be snatched up by another man who sees her value. Then it will be too late and you will have missed out on what could have been the best thing in the world to happen to you."

I glanced at the clock again and began to put my papers away in my briefcase. It had been hours since I had seen Flair and I was going crazy in my mind, picturing her smile, the way she had looked when I left her this morning. It had only been hours and already it felt like a lifetime since I saw her last. I was acting like a long-lost puppy, but I didn't care. I wanted to make sure she had moved in and was comfortable in the house. If she wanted a housekeeper I would hire one. If she needed anything I would get it for her. "Where are you going?" Timothy asked in dismay.

He was fiddling with his collar and glancing at his phone. I smirked. I knew he was looking down at Rachel's number and hesitating on whether to call her. I shook my head at him.

"Give Rachel my regards when you speak to her," I told him silkily, enjoying the guilty look on his face "and as for where I'm going, I'm going home to my beautiful wife. I'm leaving early, which is my prerogative as the boss" I told him blithely "I will be in tomorrow but hold all my calls and reschedule my morning appointments. I don't wish to be disturbed unless it's for a vital emergency tonight, is that understood" I told my assistant, holding his eyes as he stared, before minutely nodding.

"Good" I exhaled feeling satisfied "Have a nice night Timothy and don't forget to lock up the office before you leave," I said cheerfully, grabbing my briefcase and beginning to head out.

With luck, Flair would be at the house already. There was a spring in my step as I headed out of the building.

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