The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 1728

Chapter 1728 A Mole

Dave froze in place after hearing those words. The other party decisively hung up, leaving him in shock and confusion.noveldrama

Dave quickly bolted to the door, locking it securely. Then, he moved to the window, peering outside cautiously. He didn't notice anything unusual, but his behavior alarmed Arwel, who asked urgently, "Dave, what's going on?"

He quickly turned to Arwel. 'We've been exposed."

Arwel shot up from his seat, joining Dave at the window. His gaze landed on a few nurses he didn't recognize. Pointing them out, he said urgently, 'Look, do you recognize those people? I've never seen them before.'

Dave narrowed his eyes. Sure enough, they weren't familiar faces. They had meticulously reviewed the hospital's staff list earlier to ensure everything was in order.

Dave had already been slightly suspicious when Wynter appeared unexpectedly, but Drexel had assured him she was a recent hire. Trusting the explanation, he hadn't pursued it further at the time.

Arwel's expression darkened as he glared outside. "Damn those Cascadians! They've found us out. They've probably discovered the situation in the basement, too. We need to get out of here immediately!"

Dave nodded in agreement. "It seems like the hospital has already been secretly taken over. We'll have to use the secret passage to escape."

With that, he walked over to a bookshelf and pulled out a specific book. A hidden mechanism was revealed behind it. Placing his palm on the button, he pressed it firmly. An underground door slowly creaked open, revealing a pitch-black passageway.

After carefully placing the book back in its original position, he turned to Arwel. Together, they turned on the flashlights on their phones and slowly moved into the secret passage.

Meanwhile, Wynter appeared in Drexel's office. 'Mr. Asquith, Lucas should have already called you. Don't dwell on things that have already happened, and focus on the task at hand. I've already secretly captured Elisha."

Then, glancing at her watch, she added, "In two minutes, Dave and Arwel will also be apprehended. Call their office now and tell them the higher-ups have an urgent task for them.'

Drexel nodded firmly. He reached for the phone on his desk and dialed the number quickly. The landline's sharp ringing echoed through the enclosed office, but no one answered.

Wynter's brows furrowed at this. She immediately took out her walkie-talkie and issued an order. "Listen up. Proceed to the office at the corner of the third floor right away."

Then, she strode toward the door with purposeful steps.

Drexel remained silent, but his unease was evident. He, too, realized something was wrong. They would have picked up the phone if they were in their office

The Special Unit's members secretly stationed in the hospital gathered at the third-floor office's doorway. Wynter carefully placed her hand on the doorknob and turned it gently. A few seconds later, the door creaked open, revealing a room filled with documents, desks, and books. Yet, the two men were nowhere to be seen.

Wynter immediately picked up her walkie-talkie. "Has anyone outside the hospital seen suspicious individuals leaving, particularly two foreign men?"

A member stationed outside responded promptly, "Ms. Quinnell, no suspicious individuals spotted. The only people we've seen are a pair of young men and an elderly couple carrying medical files."

An elderly couple. A realization struck Wynter instantly. "What were this elderly couple's characteristics, and when did they leave?"

"The old man was dressed simply with a head full of white hair. The old woman was slightly hunched and wore a hat, but we couldn't see more details. They left about ten minutes ago."

Wynter immediately issued a new order. "Everyone, mobilize now! Pursue that elderly couple with full force they've used disguises. The old woman is likely covering her golden-blond hair with the hat. If necessary, request assistance from traffic control and access surveillance footage."

The Special Unit members quickly shed their nurse uniforms and dashed toward the exits.

Sitting in the office, Wynter tapped on the desk rhythmically, her mind racing as she mumbled to herself," How did they realize they were exposed? And with the hospital under such tight surveillance, how did they manage to move from the third floor to the first?"

Questions replayed in her head, over and over, until a thought struck her the pharmacy's hidden passage.

Her sharp gaze swept across the room, landing on the bookshelf. She scrutinized the shelves, noting the books on medicine, pharmaceuticals, and foreign languages.

Her attention zeroed in on a single worn-out book on the bookshelf's second row. It was something that seemed out of place in their office. Reaching for it, she pulled it from the shelf.

As she suspected, a concealed mechanism was revealed behind it. Without hesitation, she pressed the button, and the sound of a door opening came from behind her.

Switching on her flashlight, she stepped into the darkness. A short walk in revealed a table with two white lab coats laid neatly on it. The name tags read Dave Cowell and Arwel Merrick.

Continuing forward, she came to a staircase leading downward. At the bottom stood a large door with another button beside it. As she walked over to press it, the door creaked open to reveal a hospital ward. Inside, a motionless patient lay on a bed.

Wynter slowly stepped out of the ward, noting the proximity of the passage to the hospital's main door.

Shortly after, a report came through her walkie-talkie. 'We found a hat and a wig discarded in a trash bin 2500 feet from the hospital."

"Come back. They're already long gone," Wynter announced.

Right after, she pulled out her phone to make a call. "Lucas, the two spies in the hospital have escaped. I suspect we have a mole, and a high-level one at that. This operation was known to very few people."

Lucas, on the other end, slammed his hand on his desk in frustration. Juan flinched but stayed silent. Lucas said deliberately, 'Wynter, give me some time, and I'll investigate. From what I know, only provincial officials have the right to know about this operation. Leave it to me."

After a brief acknowledgment from Wynter, Lucas ended the call

He then immediately dialed another number. "Mr. Munn Senior, Wynter just reported that the operation to apprehend the spies failed. But only Colifernia provincial officials know about this operation."

Jackson narrowed his eyes. 'Be bold and take action! The thing I despise most in life is spies. Back in my day, I'd deal with them the moment I caught one. I'll take the blame if anything goes wrong!"

His words were like a shot of adrenaline straight into Lucas veins. "I will give it my all!"

Elisha was brought into a detention room, his hands and feet securely bound. Glaring at the people flanking him, he shouted angrily, "I'm the attending physician at Willowbrook Medical Center! What gives you the right to arrest me? I'm going to call the police! I'll sue you!"

The two guards ignored him entirely. Seeing their indifference only fueled his rage, and he was about to unleash another tirade when Wynter entered the room.

"Do you want to know what gives us the right?" Wynter asked, her tone icy. "The fact that the medicine you sold is problematic is more than enough to get you executed ten times over."

Hearing her words, Elisha quickly retorted, "I was doing it for the people! The medicine does work-it can cure them! How is that wrong? Is it just because it's not covered by health insurance?'

Wynter waved dismissively. 'I'm not here to argue semantics. I have a few questions for you."

Before Elisha could protest, she cut him off. "You have the option to stay silent. If you choose that, I'll have you sent to court right now. Rest assured, I'll do my best to ensure you'll cease to exist in just a few days.'

The color drained from Elisha's face. 'I'll answer! Ask whatever you want!"

"It's said that you were an unremarkable doctor before-someone who struggled in the profession. Then suddenly, you rose to prominence during the recent outbreak of fever and cough.

"Did you know about the outbreak in advance, or was it just a coincidence that your reputation surged along

with it?'

Elisha hesitated before replying, "I admit, my skills are average, but I've always been ambitious-"

"Speak plainly,' Wynter interrupted.

"It was because someone told me about this medicine, claiming it could cure fever and cough. At first, I only wanted to try it out without expecting much. However, to my surprise, it worked. Then, more and more patients started coming to me for it."

Wynter caught an important detail. "Who told you about the medicine?"

Elisha waved his hand dismissively. "It was Mr. Cowell. He said time was of the essence and that I should

follow his instructions if I wanted fame and fortune.

"He's a great guy. He knew it was Rohan who got me into the hospital. That's why he helped me out a lot." His tone betrayed his admiration for Rohan.

Wynter nodded. 'Dave and Arwel have likely fled. They were foreign operatives sent to sabotage Cascadia. Right now, you're nothing more than a fool who's had their head slammed in a door."

With that, Wynter stood up, preparing to leave. She had a strong feeling that Elisha was nothing more than a


Elisha froze at her words. "What? What do you mean they've fled? Weren't they here to save the patients? Does that mean the outbreak was their doing? Did they give me the formula o prescribe to patients, only for me to take the blame when things went wrong?"

Wynter didn't mince words. "Exactly. While they appeared to treat symptoms, the drugs they provided were designed to worsen the patients' health over time. It's like a slow-acting virus, meant to cause immense


"And you, the so-called 'miracle doctor? Did you even test the formula they gave you? I bet you didn't. You distributed it like an unregulated, uncertified product.'

Elisha lowered his head. "I ran tests, but they told me it was a fight fire with fire approach. I did suspect them, but they assured me there wouldn't be any consequences. They said if anything happened, someone would

clean up the mess."

Wynter looked at Elisha. 'Clean up? Did they say who?"

Elisha shook his head. "No, but I overheard them on the phone. They mentioned transferring funds overseas

to that person's spouse-someone with the surname Muller. They promised everything would be clean and even offered to visit the province to express their gratitude in person."

"With the surname Muller?' Wynter rose from her seat and strode out of the room while dialing a number on

her phone.

Meanwhile, Lucas had gathered all the documents of the officials in Colifernia who were aware of the operation. Their dossiers were laid out before him on the desk

His phone suddenly rang. He immediately answered when he saw that it was from Wynter.

"Lucas, I just got intel from Elisha. Those two people are backed by someone with the surname Muller. Check


if there's anyone with that surname among the officials Lucas quickly flipped through the files on his desk twice but didn't find anyone with that surname.

"Wynter, I've checked all the files in front of me. There's no official with the surname Muller.' Wynter furrowed her brows, carefully analyzing Elisha's words-'someone with the surname Muller" and a " spouse". The spouse's surname was Muller, but Elisha hadn't specified if the spouse was a husband or a wife.

Lucas interrupted her thoughts. 'Wynter, what are you thinking?"

Snapping back to reality, Wynter replied, "Lucas, the spouse's sumame is Muller, but that doesn't prove the spouse is a male. What if it's a female instead?"

Lucas froze for a moment, stunned by her perspective. He hadn't even thought that the spy could be a female.

He was focused solely on male officials since all the files on his desk pertained to male personnel in the

province. Rubbing his temples, Lucas said, 'I get it now, Wynter. I'll immediately dispatch someone to investigate the female officials' husbands."

Wynter added, 'This individual may not need to know about the operation directly, but the spy must still be

within the province."

Lucas acknowledged her insight and promptly ordered an investigation into the female officials and their

spouses' files.

After hanging up, Wynter returned to the detention room. Looking at Elisha, she said, "If this information leads to results, I'll push for you to earn merit through your cooperation."

Elisha was visibly dejected. He looked at her with regret-filled eyes. 'It's all my fault. I trusted the wrong people. Please, you have to catch them!"

Meanwhile, Dave and Arwel lounged leisurely on the couch.

Just then, an electronic sound echoed from the door before it swung open. A figure stepped inside, fully

covered from head to toe in thick clothing.

Dave held up two glasses of champagne, offering one to the newcomer. "We couldn't have pulled this off

without you. Now we can properly welcome you."

The person removed their sunglasses, casting a sharp glance Dave. "This is the last time. You've gone too far this time. You are provoking Cascadia's authority."

Without waiting for a reply, the newcomer began scanning the room, heading toward the bathroom to check


Arwel smiled faintly. 'There's no need to look. It's just Dave and me here.'

Hearing this, the newcomer slowly removed their mask and picked up the champagne glass. She took a sip,

leaving a faint lipstick mark on the rim.

In a calm tone, she said, "I've done my part. Make sure the rest of the money is transferred to the account


Dave chuckled as he shook his head. "The money isn't an issue, but we're not done yet. We need your help to

leave this place."

The woman immediately shook her head. "That's out of the question."

Dave swirled the champagne in his glass, fixing her with a knowing look. "That's fine. The worst-case

scenario is we get caught. Of course, we'd have no choice but to tell them all about you."

Her expression darkened. "Are you threatening me?"

Dave spread his hands in mock innocence. "It's not a threat but just a friendly reminder of an old Cascadia

saying-The wise adapt to the circumstances."

"Wait for my news." With that, Seraphine Muller donned her mask and sunglasses once more, leaving without another word

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