The Kings Series #1 His Beauty Queen

Chapter 16 The Symphony Alexander

He surveyed the building they were in. He didn’t know what to expect at first. It was certainly not this. The structure of the condominium was located in a bustling part of the city.

Dubious people milled about. Some watched their vehicles with undisguised interest, wanting to dismantle them for chop shops right before their eyes. He tightened his hold on his mate possessively, pulling her closer. She glanced up at him, smiling excitedly. Damn her innocence. It was killing him. How she and her sisters survived in this shady place boggled his mind.

He and Xavier glance at each other. Silently communicating. They had the same thoughts. To get their queens the hell out of here right away. They had instructed their warriors to surround the building for precautionary measures.

The bell ping inside the elevator, signaling they were on the correct floor. His mate’s unit was located at the last one on the left side of the hallway.

Anna halted before they reached the door to knock. He peered down at her, silently asking if there was anything wrong. He sniffed the air just in case. Nothing was unusual, well except the strong odor of garbage and rotting paint.

“Can’t you hear? My sister Mish is singing and playing the guitar. I think that’s one of her compositions.” She jumped giddily. He can’t help but be happy with his queen’s excitement. He cocked his head to the direction of the music and sobered instantly. Her sister’s original composition spoke of loneliness. Of insecurities and longing. Of how she felt so alone in her own world. Then finally someone came along believing in her. He winced.

He glance at Xavier, he has a pained expression on his face. He must be feeling it tenfolds since that was his beloved’s agony he had witnessed for the first time. Finally, the music stopped, they could hear whizzes and deep coughs. In a few seconds, they knew Mish was struggling for breath.

His mate rapped her knuckles on the door, panic in her voice, she called out her sister’s name several times. She glanced at us. “Rie must be out.”

Without second thoughts, he saw Xavier kicked the door open, it separated from the hinges in one soft blow. He found his beloved on the floor, curled in a fetal position, gasping for air. He picked up Mish and cradled her gently in his arms. He went directly to the only bedroom of the cramped unit.

“My fucking medical kit, Alexander!” He barked. He couldn’t blame his panic state. If his mate has keeled over, he would act the same, maybe more.

He and Anna watched as he tended to his Mish. He was on full doctor mode and had his precious patient in portable oxygen right away, while he checked her heartbeat and lungs.

“Fuck! She’s burning up. Her lungs are filled with phlegm, possibly fluid, this may be a case of pneumonia. I will inject her with antibiotics right away. Then I will extract some blood for tests.” Anna nodded. With tears in her eyes, she turned to him. Seeking comfort. He pulled her in his arms. Embracing her fiercely.

“Don’t worry, baby girl. Xavier knows what he is doing. He will take care of your sister.” He wiped the tears on her cheeks. Loathe to see her like this.

A movement on the bed caught his eye. Mish was looking at Xavier reverently and she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She held out her slender hand to him, clasping his trembling hand like a lifeline. She pressed his open palm to her hallowed cheek and she whispered,

“My beloved.”


“I am so sorry, sis. I didn’t know she’d be strong enough to get out of bed. She finally had an appetite after several days of not eating anything and wanted me to make her Caesars salad and baked lasagna. That’s why I went out.” He can see Marie was on the verge of crying. This really was a close-knitted family.

His mate got up to hug her sister and he managed to suppress a scowl. Being separated from her even for a few minutes was really hard. Goddess, he had to mark her soon. Or else, he would be killing unmated males if they got near her.

“It’s ok, Rie. I know how tenacious Michelle can be. You can relax, she’s in good hands now.” Xavier had not moved from his beloved’s side ever since. He was watching her like an eagle even in her sleep.

“I noticed that the doctor is exactly like the man in Mish’s dream. You know, her so-called prince charming. Her be-lo-ved. Curly blond hair, ice-blue eyes, an impressive physique,” he chuckled at Rie’s description, while his Anna glared at her. Xavier did not mind them at all but he knew he could hear the sisters’ banter.

“Don’t make fun of your sister, Rie.” She hissed.

“Yeah. Yeah. But imagine her shock when she saw her prince charming,” he can hear Alexie chortle behind him. Entertained.

Don’t encourage her, Lex.

That girl is fun, brother.

“Hi, gorgeous lady!” Anna Marie whispered yell and waved at Alexie even though they were in the same room. Guessed Rie was the cheerleader in the family. Always in high spirits.

“Hello, Rie. Nice to finally meet you in person.” Alexie replied, grinning.

“Where’s your Adonis look-alike husband?” His sister did not take offense, she can smell that the girl was not attracted to her mate.

“He went out for a while.”

“Does he have a brother?” Alexie chuckled. Same question as before.

His mate rolled her eyes at her sister.

“Really, Rie?”

“Why? You girls are lucky. Even Mish found her prince. Well, anyway I will stick to cooking. It’s less complicated. We need to eat before we go. Lend me a hand gorgeous lady?” His sister nodded and they left the room. He gave a sigh of relief. Rie and Alexie combined were too much energy.

“I need to check our items of baggage, Xander. What is our schedule?”

“The crew are refueling the jet, mia amore. Then we will be up in the air again by 11 pm. Do you need help packing? Make sure to bring just the important things, anything your sisters need we will buy it for them.” Anna nodded, she pecked his lips before she went out of the room, closing the room behind her.

“I will provide for Mish, Xander. Anything she wants.” He glanced at Xavier.

“Of course, my friend. But how about the living arrangements, she is just 16, my queen would never agree for her sister living with you at such a young age.” He sighed. Xavier was an honorable man. A gentleman to the core. He will never consummate the bond until his beloved turns 18. How he wished he could explain that to his Lycan Queen. It would make things easier if she knew of their kind and what will transpire in the near future.

“I thought about that, I am opening my estate in New York City. I want your permission to go in and out of your territory anytime.” He watched him as he leaned to his beloved to caress her bony cheek.

“You know you have it, Xavier. Anything I can do to help you and your beloved. As soon as she turns 18, I know my Anna will give her consent for Mish to live with you.” The girl in the bed was too fragile. Too skinny. They have to fatten her up.

“I will hire a nutritionist for her. She must weigh 90 pounds give or take. She needs to be strong before I begin her treatment. Shit! How I wish I’d known where to find her. I could have taken care of her a long time ago.” He felt his anguish. A beloved was just as important as a wolf’s mate. Xavier’s instinct was to protect Mish. He was beating himself, thinking he had failed her somehow.

“It is not too late, Xavier. You will have eternity to make it up to her.” He reassured him.

“I want to try the vaccine I invented on her. That will heal her faster, it will also get rid of her lung and heart disease. When we get back, I will set up our laboratory again.” He can see that the doctor was convincing himself. He was in total agreement and will have his full support.


Xavier (The Vampire King)

Anna Michelle. His beloved. The only woman who completed him. At every level. The one woman who was going to spend eternity with him.

He gazed down at her, tracing every contour of her delicate features. Despite her being sick and undernourished, she was the most beautiful woman in all the realms. He had seen plenty of stunning beauties before, been with some intimately in his teens and early twenties but no one could ever compare to her.

Her scent was like a drug he was forever addicted to. Roses and violets. Yes, that was her delicate scent. He will ask the world’s famous le nez to create that exact perfume for her and surround every corner of their various houses with her fragrance.noveldrama

He watched her eyes flutter, she was waking up. “Hi. How are you feeling,

moy lyubimyy?” He murmured and found her gaping at him. As if she couldn’t believe he was here. He smiled softly. An alien expression if anyone else saw it right now. She reddened from her cheeks to her hairline. Cute.

“I… I think a can breathe a little better. You are my doctor?” He nodded. The images her question brought to his mind was distracting. He can’t have these carnal thoughts when she was this weak and sick. And young. Very young. He cough to hide his arousal.

“Yes. I am,” he leaned down to check her heart and lungs. Fuck! There was a staccato beat on her heart. He will have ECG done stat, then 2D ECHO, and echocardiogram when they reach New York City. Her lungs were full of thick mucus, on both chambers. He will double the dosage for her antibiotics and start nebulization today.

“You look like the man in my dreams.” She whispered. “My beloved, that’s what I call him.”

“I can be the man in your dreams, moy lyubimyy.” He teased. Chuckling at her unladylike snorting. She was so fucking adorable.

“Yeah. I bet. I am sure you have a lot of girlfriends.” She avoided his gaze. She looked so sad, he felt like chopping off his hands just to make her smile.

“Well, I don’t.” She looked back into his eyes. “I only want to be with my beloved and I finally found her.” The radiant smile she gave him made the 285 years of suffering from loneliness worth it.



Author’s Notes

I just couldn’t resist adding Xavier’s POV. I find their budding romance adorable. Please check out the YouTube video I uploaded. The lyrics describe Mish’s longing for the man of her dreams.

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