The Lycan King’s Hybrid Queen

Chapter 28


"Is that really necessary?"

"Duh." Starr playfully rolls her eyes at Harmony. "We have to go shopping. Lyric needs a dress, which can only be bought or made to order from Marco's." "What's Marco's?"

"I'll forgive you that question because you're new here."

I shake my head at Starr. She's so extra. I can barely contain the laughter trying to escape me.

"We also need to get you a dress." Isla points at Harmony while spooning more food into her daughter's mouth.

"Yeah, but we need to make sure it's something adjustable. Because the way you're growing..." "Starr!" Isla snaps with raised eyebrows.

I shift in my seat at the dining table. Listening to Starr and Isla bicker reminds me of being home in Black Water Pack. There was always someone bickering, especially if they were siblings. Tracey and Gina come to mind. They were foster children of our Gamma, and though he loved them dearly, the sisters couldn't stop themselves from arguing over the smallest things. Dad said it was their age, thirteen and fourteen, and they'd grow out of it. I never did find out if that was true. But looking at Starr and Isla, one hundred and thirty-two years between them, I doubt it.

Though Starr could learn some tact, it is pretty apparent that Harmony's pregnancy is progressing rapidly. I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into the dining hall this morning. I did a double take because she looks eight months gone! How is that possible when she's three weeks pregnant?

Moira saw the look on my face, chuckled, and told me it was perfectly normal with Lycan pregnancies, even more so with Royals.

I pointed out that Harmony is not a Lycan. Moira smiled and said Wolves are pregnant for sixteen weeks, and Fairies are pregnant for four weeks. Hybrid fairies and wolves usually carry for ten weeks, just as Lycans do, though it's not a guarantee. With Lycans being pregnant for a minimum of six weeks, the math means Harmony should be pregnant for around thirteen weeks. You'll get the correct math for half the pregnancy rate of each species. As she's mated with a Royal Lycan, she'll carry as Lycans do.

Moira lost me at math because that is not my strong point. None of it made any sense to me anyway, and even less when Moira said she doubts Harmony will carry past six weeks. If that's the case, Harmony will have her baby in three weeks' time.

It took me a moment to realize Moira mentioned Harmony being part fairy. My sister saw the look on my face, and she mind-linked me to let me know she'd told the family what we were. She said they were understanding and they wouldn't mention anything to anyone. I hope not because I can't deal with the people of Lykos turning on me just yet.

"Never point out how big a pregnant woman is getting." Isla snaps.

"It's not like you were much smaller." Starr laughs at the open-mouthed expression on Isla's face.

I smile while shaking my head. Starr is a b.itch in the best way. I really like her, and I don't like many people.

"Are you saying I was fat!?"

Harmony looks at me while pulling her white top over her baby bump. She didn't need to, but she's nervous.

'You're not fat, Harm. I tell her through the mind link. 'Starr wasn't calling you fat, babe. She's young and has never been pregnant. She'll have children one day, then she'll swell up, and you can call her fat!

Harmony laughs loudly at my words, causing everyone to turn and stare. Harmony bites her lower lip, trying to quell the laughter.

"Isla," She looks at Starr. "I'm not saying you were fat, nor that Harmony is. Have you ever met a fat shifter? No? That's because there aren't any. With our super fast metabolism, it's not possible to be fat. I just meant that being pregnant..." "Quit while you're ahead." I laugh.

Starr looks at me and laughs. "Sorry, I don't know when to shut up sometimes."


I turn and look at Esme. She's a beautiful little girl, and I love that she isn't trying to grow up too fast. Many girls these days do when they should be enjoying their childhood.

Esme is very much a pink, frilly, and glittery kind of girl. She's wearing a pink dress with darker pink tights and white shoes, and her hair is in two braids at the side of her head.

She twists in her seat at the dining table. Goddess, she's so short her feet don't touch the ground!

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"Well," Esme twists her fingers nervously. "I wondered if I could go shopping with you? It's okay if you say no; I just..." Everyone is looking at Esme as she bites the inside of her cheek. It's sweet that she wants to spend time with me.

"Of course, you may come." I crouch down in front of Esme and take her hands in mine. "Don't be afraid to speak up for what you want, Esme. It's good to let people know what you want and how you feel."noveldrama

I expected Esme to say something in response. But instead, she smiles and wraps her arms around my neck. I startle for a second because I do not like to be touched! Harmony's eyes widen, and her mouth opens as if to say something. I shake my head slightly, letting Harmony know that everything is okay.

The touch of others, unless I initiate it, scared me. It always has, ever since the rogue attacked me and burned me to death. I was okay with my parents and sister touching me, anyone else, and I freaked out.

However, as I wrap my arms around this little girl, I don't cringe. In fact, I breathe her in with a smile on my face. There is something so innocent and perfect about Esme, and I get such a sense of peace from her that it warms my soul. "Thank you," Esme mumbles in my ear.

"You don't need to thank me, Esme." We break apart, and I take her hands in mine. "You are a very beautiful, kind, and sweet girl. Never lose that, and never forget that you are strong, Esme. You have so many people who love you and will always be there for you. Just as I will always be there for you. Always remember that."

Esme giggles while nodding her head vigorously.

"What a wonderful thing to say." I look at Moira as I get to my feet. She's smiling at me, so I smile back. "Thank you." She mouths.

I didn't do it to be thanked. I see something special in Esme, and I know she has it in her to be tougher than she comes across. Esme is eleven, so being a kid is all she needs right now. But one day soon, she'll need to reach for that strength and show the world she isn't to be messed with.

"So," I look at the others in the room, Harmony, Starr, and Isla. "When are we going dress shopping?"

"Yay!" Starr jumps up and down, clapping like a spasticated seal.

"Well," Isla lifts Ivy from her highchair. "Mom will be giving you lessons ASAP to help get you ready to officially become Queen."

"Yeah, and there's a lot to learn." Starr nods. "Did Thane set a date for Lyric's coronation?"

"Two weeks," Moira nods. I'm not shocked because Thane already let me know this morning. "There is much to do in that time. Dress shopping, I suggest you do it next week. By then, Lyric will be well underway with our customs and traditions. Also, it will help Harmony with sizing."

"Sounds good." Harmony smiles. "Does she have to wear white?"

I laugh as Moira, Starr, and Isla unanimously say, "Yes."

I stare at them, eyes wide.

"It's tradition," Moira tells me. "Thane will also be wearing white, Lyric. It symbolizes purity within your mateship."

"Which doesn't make any sense because everything knows you've been at it like bunnies. What's pure about that?!"

"Starr!" While Moira tells Starr off for her comment, I rub my throat. I can barely swallow the lump in my throat. I can feel the air leaving my lungs.

What the fuck is happening?

"Lyric?" Harmony grabs my arm, but I shake my head. "Lyric, what is it?"

"I... can't breathe," I say that, but the feeling passes as quickly as it came, and I take a much-needed breath.

'Lyric, that wasn't our pain.

'What are you talking about, Aspen?'


I bolt from the room, running with the speed of my wolf to get to my mate. The girls are following me, I can sense them, but I continue until I reach the meeting room. The door slams against the wall, my eyes locking instantly on Thane. He's sprawled on the floor, Blaze and Tyler crouched down on either side of him.

"Thane!" I push Blaze out of the way, lean down and press my forehead to my mates. "Wake up. Don't you dare leave me!"

"He's gone, Lyric," Tyler tells me softly. Moira screams behind me, and Starr and Isla are crying.

This is b.ullshit; Thane isn't dead. He was perfectly fine and healthy this morning. Lycans don't die of natural causes, and it doesn't look like he was attacked.

So what's going on?

I lift my head. "What the hell happened?"

"He was poisoned." I hear Blaze say.

"What?" Moira gasps as she drops to her knees above Thane's head. "How the fuck did that happen?"

Thane doesn't look dead, just sleeping. Though I can't sense his heartbeat.

'Aspen, can you reach Jagger?'

'No. I tried, but he's gone. What will we do?' Aspen sobs in my mind. I can't answer her because I'm struck dumb.

"It seems someone poisoned Thane's water. How? We don't know, but it could only have been someone on kitchen duty. Few have access to the kitchen today."

Tyler explains how he's already got Callen on the case, and we'll soon have our culprit. If there's anyone who can find whoever did this, it's Callen.

What fucking good does that do me now?

My mate.

I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes.

Why is this happening?

Haven't Thane and I been through enough lately?

Mom and Dad said that Thane and I would be stronger together. I thought that meant we'd have a life long enough to fight Astro. I thought we'd become parents when it was all over. I wanted...

My eyes open wide. Thane's chest just raised under my cheek, and I swear, I heard his heartbeat. I'm not imagining this; I know I'm not.

The gasps from all around me are deafening as Thane's arms wrap around me. He pulls me tightly against his big body and kisses my head.

"Why are we lying on the floor?"

I chuckle, lift and look at Thane. Tears fall from my eyes as he cups my cheek.

"The fuck?" A male gasps.

"Thane," I kiss him, and he smiles against my mouth. "I thought I'd lost you. You died." I pull away from him, clamber to my knees, and pull Thane into a sitting position by his hands. I take his face between my hands. "How is this possible? You were dead, Thane." "What?" He looks as confused as I feel. "What are you talking about?" Thane looks around the room, seeing his mother and siblings staring at him in shock. "Blaze?" Thane gets to his feet, dragging me with him.

"Your water was poisoned. Don't you remember grabbing your throat and gasping for air?" Thane nods. "Well, you died, Thane."

"Lyric felt everything," Moira tells my mate, who looks at me with concern in his eyes. "She ran in here, lay on your chest, then you woke up."

"It worked." Comes a gasp from the doorway.

All eyes turn to the retreating figure.

"Get her!"

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