The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter Twenty-One - Arrival-2

"I like that one the best."

I screamed and turned around to see Adam standing directly behind me, laughing.

"You scared me, you jerk!"

I swatted at him and he caught my wrist.

"You're cute."

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't even hear you come in."

"I'm very stealthy," he said, winking. "You look beautiful by the way."

He lifted my hand up to his mouth and kissed the inside of my palm.

"Thanks," I said, pulling my hand away.

I turned back to look at the dresses and was considering the pink one when his arms slid around my waist.

"I can help you change, if you like."

I laughed. "You're funny."

"I'm being serious."

"That's what's so funny."

"C'mon," he prodded. "I'll close my eyes and I won't peek."

"Yes, you will!" I exclaimed. "That's the whole point of helping me change."

"I won't," he insisted. "You have my word."

I rolled my eyes. "Mhm."

I grabbed the dress off the rack and carried it over to the wardrobe where I gathered a strapless bra and panties.

"Good choice," he said, referring to the rose-colored thong I had grabbed.

I tried not to blush as I went into the bathroom.

I put on the bra and panties before I pulled out the thin-strapped silk gown and stared in horror at the row of buttons that cascaded down the back of the dress, almost to the butt. I slowly began to unbutton the dress and was soon able to slide into it.

The silk fabric felt like air against my skin. It was so soft and the beaded bodice glistened in the light.

Only problem was: I couldn't button it.

The tiny buttons had been a pain to undo when I was standing in front of them, but trying to do them backwards presented an entirely new set of problems.

I attempted at rebuttoning them but was only able to get one clasped successfully.

I groaned.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked through the door. "Does it not fit?"

"It fits fine," I grumbled.

"What's the problem then?"

I sighed and facepalmed.

I can't believe I'm about to say this.

"I... I can't get it buttoned."

"Sounds like you're in a compromising situation."

I rolled my eyes as I made my way over to the door and opened it.

Adam was leaning against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest and a devilish gleam in his eyes.

"Would you like some help?" He offered, lifting an eyebrow.

I said nothing as I turned around slowly and pulled my hair over my shoulder.

I could feel my pulse racing as he began to hook the buttons at my lower back.

"Are my hands cold?" He asked.

"A little."


The reason for the goosebumps across my back was not because his hands were cold. It was because he was continually touching my bare back with his fingers as he worked on the buttons. "I hope your eyes are closed," I joked awkwardly.

"I've seen your breasts before," he said dryly, "and you're worried about me seeing your bare back, which I have also seen before?"

"Don't remind me," I said. "Also, I was joking."

He hummed in response.

Adam finished the buttons and slid his hands across my shoulders and down my arms.


I took a deep breath and pulled away from him, walking into the bathroom and grabbing the matching sheer duster from the bag and putting it on. "Gorgeous," he commented.

I couldn't help but blush.

"Thank you."

He walked past me, into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

I walked over to his bed and sat down.

My mind was racing at all the thoughts of Mr. Chandler, my father and mother, Vega and Jace, Malcom, and Adam's plans for Europe.

Will this headache ever go away? I thought to myself, massaging my temples.

I heard the shower turn off, and soon Adam came out of the bathroom in a towel.

"Could you hand me that?" He asked, pointing to the dust cover beside me.

I grabbed it by the hanger and handed it to him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I got a dress as well."noveldrama

The unamused look on my face made him laugh at his own joke.

"It's a tuxedo, love."

He went over to the wardrobe and grabbed a pair of boxer briefs.

"Do you have a hair dryer?" He asked me, attempting to towel-dry his hair.

My eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, it's in here."

I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I pulled my hairdryer from the drawer and Adam walked into the bathroom in his boxer briefs, hanging the tux on the towel hook. I handed it to him and he looked at it, unsure of what to do.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I've never used a hairdryer before," he admitted. "But I can't put my suit on while my hair is wet."

"Would you like me to help you?"

He nodded and I put the plug into the outlet and turned it on.

I reached up to try to begin to dry his hair, but he was so tall that I couldn't reach properly.

Adam smiled at my struggle and picked me up and lifted me onto the countertop.

Now, I was nearly eye-level with his mouth and it was easier.

I ran my fingers through his hair as I dried it, trying to keep myself distracted from his intense staring and naked chest.

I finished and turned the dryer off.

"Thank you," he said.

I hopped down as Adam combed his fingers through his hair, trying to control the natural wave his hair had.

I left the bathroom and put on my heels, Adam emerging a few minutes later as he tied the bow tie around his neck.

I knew I was probably drooling with the way I stared at him.

That man was made to wear a tuxedo.

"One more thing before we go," he said, walking over to me as he reached his hand into his pocket.

He pulled out a little black box and opened it to reveal tear-drop diamond earrings.

"I know it's not the diamond you wanted, but I figured these would hold you over until you get the ring."

My eyes widened.

"I got these for you when I ordered the dresses, but they just came in this morning," he explained, pulling one out to show me.

My jaw had dropped to the floor as I watched it sparkle in the setting sunlight that streamed through the window.

"It's too much," I whispered.

"Nonsense," Adam said.

He pulled them both out of the velvet box and handed them to me.

"Be quick about putting them in," He said. "We're already a few minutes late."

Once I was over the initial shock, I reached up and put the diamonds in my ears.

With those earrings, the dress, and the shoes, I was certain the worth of everything I was wearing would have bought a nice house. How did I go from a drunkard's daughter who couldn't afford my own groceries to this?

"You look stunning," he said, kissing me on the forehead.

"Now, let's not keep anyone waiting any longer. Shall we?" He asked, opening the bedroom door for me to walk through.

We walked downstairs and I could hear the chatter of the hundreds of people who were in the ballroom as we approached it.

Adam grabbed my hand and pulled it up to rest on his arm. I held on for dear life as the doors were opened for us.

I took one look at the hundreds of people and gulped.

So it begins.

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