The Selection: Bride Of The Dark Dragon

Chapter 76

It takes Dargen a few good seconds to catch up with what is really going on and he lets go of me, screaming in rage, “What the actual chaos?!”

He tries to put it down but the dark fire only gets bigger. Flames spreading all over the sleeve of his fancy frockcoat.

“Can I help?” I mumble as music stops and so does everyone else.

“Do something!” he grits through his teeth and I summon water element at once, putting the fire down, but slightly overdo it, so Dargen is definitely wetter than he is supposed to be and looking at me as if he is about to murder me himself.

“Oh, gods, your Highness!” I curtsy, “I apologize!”

He measures me with a furious gaze but says nothing.

“Go change, cousin,” I hear Derrien’s voice right behind me, “You are the face of the Empire now and cannot stay looking like this. Do not worry, I’ll take care of your favourite and we wouldn’t start without you.”noveldrama

He says it calmly but it seems like mocking and everybody around us is silent. Because in a situation like this the wrong word could cost you a life.

“Lady Miradora,” the prince bows slightly, clearly displeased with the whole situation, “I’ll be right back. The archduke will keep you company.”

“Thank you, your Highness,” I curtsy and he disappears in a cloud of dark smoke. It immediately gets easier to breathe for everyone.

I turn to look at Rien and there are five girls practically hanging on him, which annoys the chaos out of me!

He smirks meeting my gaze and says to them, “Excuse me, ladies. I am afraid I have an official task now and have to leave all of you indefinitely.”

“But,” one of the girls mumbles but he looks at her sharply, dark magic flashing for just a second in his eyes but this is enough for all of them to step away in horror.

Lady Mira,“ he offers me his hand, which I accept, and the music starts again. He leads me confidently, as always, and neither one of us is able to look away. I notice that butterflies on my dress started to live on their own – flapping their wings, flying away as I twirl, and then coming back again. Magical.

“So, to how many girls exactly have you sold me to?” he asks me with a face that shows no emotions at all. Which I know now only means trouble.

“Well,” I squeak.

“Mira!” he snaps, pressing me tighter.

“Rien!” I mimic him and roll my eyes, “What do you want me to say? You said it yourself that I can promise them anything if I need to bribe them.”

“AnyTHING,” he corrects me, “Not anyONE. I remember clearly that I told you to be reasonable.”

“And I was! A few dances for a clue is not that bad!” I retort, “You can survive spending time with a few pretty girls.”

“Well, at least that’s true that they are pretty,” he chuckles and I step on his feet. Hard.

“Oh, pardon me. I feel so clumsy today!” I give him my fakest smile.

“That’s quite all right”, he smirks, “I like it when you are jealous.”

“Me? Jealous? You are confusing reality with your desires, lord Derwood!”

“Oh, lady Freyn, you would find out everything about my desires if we meet inside the portal,” he whispers into my ear as the dance finishes and bows to me while I curtsy.

“Let’s see IF that happens,” I clench my lips, and sparks of dark magic start dancing in his eyes, making me feel guilty for my words.

“Let me be honest,” he says suddenly, “If I don’t see you there… It would all be over. I would not pursue you anymore.”

“I can tell you the same thing!” I snort but flinch inside.

“By the way, where is my locket?” he asks after looking me up and down once again, “I thought I was clear that you need to wear it at all times.”

“I am wearing it,” I smile and take a goblet of wine from one of the servants.

“Well, I do not see it!” he says grumpily.

“Well,” I look into his eyes and smirk, “That’s probably because it’s hidden in a place not everyone is supposed to see – somewhere under this beautiful dress.”

Sparks again. I love it that it’s this easy to make him react to my words in this way.

“Mira,” he g****s and there is so much hidden meaning inside the sound of my name on his lips.

“Rien”, I take a sip of the wine as he leans lower to my ear.

“Don’t forget what kind of wine is served at the events here,” he chuckles and I immediately spit everything back into my glass and put it away, only making him laugh more. I cough a few times and then clear my throat, pretending that nothing happened.

“So, what do you think about Alexandra?” I change the subject, popping a grape into my mouth.

“I think there is a good possibility that she is involved in all of this. But I don’t want you to be involved in all this anymore. I’ll take it from here.”

“Now that’s just not fair!” I object, “I was helping you all the way and now you want to exclude me?”

“I want to protect you!” he interjects and we both have more to say but stop talking once a cloud of dark smoke appears next to us and Dargen comes out of it. He looks us both up and down and then orders, “Derwood, a minute! Mira, have some wine while I am gone!”

Both men walk away and start talking in the far corner of the hall while I pretend to sip the drink I was brought by one of the servers. No way I am taking it in for real, knowing what effect gerdian wine had on me the last time I consumed it. I bet this is exactly what Dargen wants – a very drunk and agreeable me. Disgusting.

Music starts again and the Crown Prince marches towards me, dragging me to the dancefloor, clearly still furious.

“I hope you are ready,” is all that he says to me.

“As ready as one can be for something like this,” I say and praise the gods for the fact that in this dance we are supposed to change partners. So, just in a few seconds, I am rid of Dargen and his sour mood. The next gerdian I dance with is unfamiliar to me and we don’t even say a word to each other. But when the time comes to change partners again, I gasp as I land in Tristan’s hands.

“Oh, gods,” I mutter to him, “Are you even supposed to do this?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he says firmly, “Mira, remember. When you go in, don’t think about any of them. Think of home, think of where you belong.”

“What the…,” I start saying when Brandon Sevill gets me next.

“And what was that all about?” he raises his brow, “Conspiring with your ex?”

“Of course not!” I snap, “Why do you always assume the worst about me?!”

“Because you always prove me right,” he sighs, “Derrien deserves a shot at happiness and he needs someone who wouldn’t bring him trouble! And that’s definitely not you!”

“Well, if you don’t like me this much why don’t you send me an empty jewellery box?” I roll my eyes.

“I already did!” he smirks and I want to step on his foot too.

“Then be a good boy and tell all your gerdian friends to do the same!” I hiss.

“I will!” he nods and it’s time for us to part.

A few gerdians later I finally reach Rien but we don’t say anything to each other anymore. There is no need. However, right before it is time to pass me on to Dargen, he whispers, “I will be waiting for you!”

I feel uncomfortable in Crown Prince’s hands and he grits through his teeth, “I hope you know what to do! Do not disappoint me, Mira! You would not like the consequences!”

I say nothing to that. I know if I will see someone, it most definitely won’t be him.

Everything is so hectic, mad even. And I start to feel dizzy when the music suddenly stops. Men bow to their women and Ryden k****s my hand before walking away to the other side of the room.

Lady Cecilia and Tristan come to the center – at both sides of the huge arc and touch crystals mounted into it. The arch begins to shine with transparent blue light, separating men from women on different sides of it. And even now I see Derrien’s eyes sparkling with dark magic.

“My lords and ladies!” Cecilia says, “The time has come! Enter the portal of desires and you will find out if your feelings are reciprocated!”

A few girls start moving and I see a few gerdians entering the portal first. Dargen also strides resolutely into the unknown. I walk slowly and before I touch the blue light, I see Derrien right opposite of me. We look at each other for just a second and take a step each…

It feels like gerdian transportation. But it definitely takes more time. Finally, I step out on green grass in the forest. What the chaos? Where am I?

Suddenly, I recognize the place. It’s the glade in front of the mountain hut where Rien and I… And that’s when I realize that he is not here… I look around, then again and again… but I am completely alone in this place.

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