The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 9 - Arrival at the Palace

Anna tossed and turned all night after they went to bed. She was worried that when they went to the palace, the king and queen would force Kamryn to mate and mark the witch. How would she go on without him? It had only been a few days since they met, but she felt empty inside thinking of a life without him.

When the sun started to rise, Kamryn woke up to the sound of Anna crying in her sleep. He could tell she wasn't awake because her eyes were still closed. She was talking, and he was trying to figure out what was wrong. "No. No. Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone anymore. No. Kamryn you promised me." When he heard his name, he tried to wake her up.

"Angel, wake up. You're dreaming." He kissed her cheek and forehead. When he saw her eyes flutter open, he gave her a soft kiss on her lips.

"What has you so upset that you're crying?" He asked her when he saw she was fully awake. Kamryn used his hand to wipe away her tears.

"I dreamt that I saw you marking the witch, and I was sent away to live by myself again. When I asked you to stay with me, you laughed and let me be dragged away." Anna started sobbing, thinking about her dream. "I won't do that. Trust in me. I love you and only you. I won't mate with another." Kamryn took her hand and put it over his heart. "Do you feel that?"

"Yes," Anna answered softly, still sniffling.

"My heart only beats for you. It's calling your name. I don't know your real name, but you will still be my angel even when we find out what it is. Feel how it pounds against your hand. It will only ever do that for you." Anna giggled at his cuteness. She felt better, but there was still a nagging in the back of her mind that she was going to be torn away from him. She wasn't going to give in, though. She was going to fight to be with her mate.

"I love you too. When are we leaving? Do you know how to get there from wherever we are?" Anna asked, snuggling closer to him in the bed.

"Legend will get us there. I'll have you ride on his back. We can leave after breakfast, but first, I want dessert." Kamryn ran his hand down her naked body while kissing her. Anna felt her body getting hot when he touched her between her legs. She couldn't believe how her body responded to him.

A couple of hours later, after they were spent and had showered, they were eating some of the dear meat for breakfast. Kamryn was anxious to get to the palace so he could help his angel find out who she was and so he could mark her. He wasn't worried about the witch he was supposed to mate with. That was out of the question.

"Are you ready?" He asked Anna as she looked around the cabin. She wanted nothing there, but she was worried about not having clothes. She didn't need but a few things.

"Should I take any of these clothes with me?" She asked, looking in the small dresser.

"No. We'll get you new clothes when we get to the palace. I don't want you to have any reminders of this place." Kamryn kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. Anna hugged him back. She was terrified, but she trusted him. They went outside, and Kamryn took his clothes off, handing them to Anna. He then shifted into Legend. Anna smiled when she saw the giant tiger. She walked over to pet him and looked into his eyes.

"You'll keep me safe when we get to the palace, won't you, Legend?" She asked him as she rubbed his head. Legend growled softly, and she knew it was his way of telling her yes.

"Alright, I'm depending on you both to not let anyone keep us apart." She gave him one last scratch behind the ears, and he purred loudly. Legend wouldn't allow anyone to keep their mate away from him and Kamryn.

Anna crawled onto his back and took a deep breath. She had wanted to get out of the cabin, but that didn't stop her anxiety. As Legend began running through the forest, the feeling of unease grew inside her with every step he took. It felt like they had been running for hours when Legend stopped at a small creek to get a drink of water. Anna got off his back to stretch, and she realized riding a tiger took a toll on the body. She looked around and saw nothing but forest all around them. She couldn't tell the difference between where they had come from to where they were. It looked all the same to her.

After a few minutes, Legend lay back down for her to get on him again. Anna crawled back on and held tight. He started running, and she began noticing changes. The trees started thinning out, and she could see mountains in the distance. She stared at them, feeling a sense of familiarity with the mountains.

Legend started slowing down, and before she knew it, he came to a stop. When he lay down, she got off and looked around. They were in a clearing, and she could see a large building in the distance, but she couldn't tell what it was exactly. When she turned around, she saw Kamryn standing behind her, smiling.

"Where are we?" She asked, looking back toward the building.

"We're home. That's the palace you see through the trees. We ran for five hours, so they had us deep in the forest. I want to know who poisoned you to make you lose your memory and me to lose my tiger abilities temporarily. Don't be scared I'll be with you." Kamryn said while putting on his clothes that Anna had held during the trip.

She looked toward the large building again and couldn't believe its size. Even from where they were, she could tell it was enormous. She turned back to Kamryn and took his hand.

"I want to find that out too. I would at least like to know my name." He leaned down and kissed her hoping to ease some of the nervousness that he could feel coming from her.

They started walking, and Kamryn squeezed her hand in comfort. As they got closer, Anna couldn't take her eyes off the spectacular palace in front of her. It seemed to go on forever, and she estimated it to be at least four stories high. The color was a pale cream-colored stone. She could see dozens of large windows and a dark wooden door that seemed large enough for giants.noveldrama

"This is incredible." She whispered as they approached. Anna saw people looking in their direction, and a loud horn sounded. She looked up at Kamryn in confusion.

"They're announcing my arrival." He said, watching to see who would come out the door. They started walking up the steps, and he saw his mother and father walk out. He held Anna's hand tighter, not wanting her to be scared.

"Kamryn?" Lynette said as she saw him walking with a beautiful young woman. She noticed they were holding hands, and she frowned.

"Mom, dad, I have a lot to tell you, but first, I want you to meet my fated mate." He pulled Anna forward, and she saw both of them look at her unhappily.

"What do you mean, your fated mate? You know you're supposed to mate with the witch from Spirit Energy." Lynette said, not looking at the young woman but at her son.

"I'm not mating with her. I've found my mate, and she's the only one I'll mate with." Kamryn put his arm around Anna when he felt her shaking. Randal looked at his son and the woman next to him. He could tell this wasn't something that was going to be solved now.

"Go inside and get settled. We'll talk about this later." Lynette looked at her mate with wide eyes. Elsie would be here anytime, and they could not tell her that the mating was off. The witches would be angry, and who knows what they would do as revenge.

"Thanks, dad." Kamryn started to pull Anna inside when his mother stopped them.

"Are you going to at least tell us her name and what she is?" Her tiger Ariel could tell she was something but couldn't tell what. She saw the couple exchange a look.

"That's the problem. We don't know her name or for sure what she is. Someone poisoned her or something and left her in the forest in the middle of nowhere. Legend thinks she's a witch." Lynnette looked at Randal with wide eyes. How was it possible that she had no memory? They were both immediately suspicious of her.

"How do you know she's your mate?" Randal asked, staring at the small woman next to his son.

"The same way you and mom knew you were mates. The mate bond. Legend and I both feel it. At first, I didn't feel it because someone poisoned me, making me lose my tiger abilities and beat me up. My angel was staying in a cabin in the area, and she took care of me. When the poison wore off, I knew she was my mate." He kissed Anna's forehead as she stared at his parents in apprehension. She felt sick as they looked at her accusingly, like she had done something wrong. "How do you know she didn't do something to you? Maybe this memory thing is all a lie to get to you and make you think she's your mate. I demand that she be interrogated now. Guards." Randal yelled, and Anna began shaking in fear when four large men came running toward them.

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