The Wanted Alpha

Chapter 8

Greer came back into my cell a few minutes later to take me for a shower, to brush my teeth, get changed into fresh clothes and then after in my cell, carried in a tray with my breakfast on it. He closed the door leaving me alone but opened the viewing port again, from when the Beta and the Gamma had visited and had instructed it be closed while they attempted to question me. He hadn’t tried to say anything to me, just offered a pitying smile that merely confirmed my resolve to escape. I picked at my food contemplating how to go forward with this plan. I hadn’t wanted to try anything while I was in the shower, I really didn’t want him to see me naked; that may have to be my backup plan though. I took a sip of my hot coffee…wait, that was it!

I pulled the leg of my jeans away from my skin and poured the contents of my mug down it, the liquid was pretty hot but didn’t burn my skin. I dropped the mug onto the floor, hearing it smash and gasped as though I had had an accident to attract Greer’s attention. His face was instantly at the viewing port.

“What was that? Are you ok?” he asked with a voice laced with concern, instantly making me feel terrible for what I was about to do.

“I dropped my coffee, I think I burnt my leg. It really hurts” I said with a wince, faking pain.

“Ok, give me a second. We have a first aid kit, I’ll give you a check over.”

A few seconds later he was back, flinging the door open, not bothering to close it behind him.

“Where abouts?” he asked.

I indicated the stain and he leaned in a little more. Now was my chance.

“…I’m sorry.”

“Nah, it’s fine, don…” I didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence.

I launched my fist to his neck, right at the nerve spot Conner had shown me and hooked my arm around his neck to apply pressure as I wasn’t strong enough in my punches to take him down with my fist alone. It was over in a split second and he slumped forward onto the bed. I hauled the rest of his body into the bed and covered him with the blanket. He was far larger than my body but it may give me a few more seconds. I searched his pockets beforehand for keys and took them. I left the cell swiftly, grabbing my boots and shut the door making sure it was definitely locked. I made for the shower room quickly to change my jeans, the coffee smell was strong and would give my trail away. Once changed with my boots on and coat that had been returned, I made my way swiftly trying to find the exit. I followed my nose following the scent of fresh air, hoping this would lead to the entrance. I passed through a gate that required the keys I had taken and continued on, surprised that I hadn’t been spotted on the cameras yet. I came to a doorway that seemed to be some sort of small break room for the guards on duty. I froze hearing a voice approaching.

“If you change your mind on the coffee, let me know” it was a guard approaching.

I ducked into the doorway of the cafeteria as it was the only place I could hide and pressed myself against the wall. The guard completely walked past me, heading straight for the machine. I would need to deal with him now or he would see me when he turned. I snuck behind him and, using my elbow, performed the same manoeuvre straight into his neck and leapt onto his back, securing him in a headlock. I pulled his unconscious body away from the line of sight of the door with some difficulty, dear goddess, these males were heavy.

The doorway just up from and opposite the break room was a surveillance room with no-one inside, hopefully the male I had just knocked out was supposed to be on duty here. Just up from my position I saw the entrance with two guards stood, quietly laughing with each other. Even though they looked only a few inches taller than myself their build was massive in comparison. Luckily I had the element of surprise on my side plus my speed. I took a deep breath and went for it.

I quickly leapt, launching my elbow into the side of the head of the first guard while kicking my foot out into the back of the knees of the other, sending him to the ground. The guard I had kicked I quickly grabbed in a headlock to knock him out. The guard I had elbowed was just starting to shake off his disorientation.

“I’m so sorry about this” I said as I grabbed his head and smashed it into the concrete doorway, rendering him unconscious instantly, but thankfully alive.

…I had actually done it.

I wasted no time celebrating and ran quickly over to the security fence, swiping the card I had stolen from one of the guards on the entrance at the gate that led out to my freedom. I dropped the card and ran for the treeline with every bit of energy I had. It was early morning, no more than 9am, so I used the sun to navigate the direction I needed to head in. I had been heading north and approached this pack from its southern border, so I needed to head south to get my bag, if it was still there. I couldn’t leave it behind. That picture of my family was worth my freedom. The pack couldn’t have found it as the Beta and Gamma would have brought it and questioned me about it. It was a stupid endeavour but was worth the risk. I ran as fast as I could, I didn’t know where this prison was located or how far away from the southern border it was.

After about 15 minutes of running, I heard howls sound out behind me in the distance.

Damn. They found out fast.

I kept my focus on heading south, praying that the scent markers of the borders would make themselves known soon and willed every ounce of energy into running as fast as possible. August fueled my strength with her own but I could still feel her whimpering about leaving our mate behind. I felt the same, the mate bond willing us to return but self-preservation willing us to run.

After what felt like days but was more likely only an hour or two I picked up the scent markers and quickly passed the borders. Now I had to find my way back to that gorge. After a while I started to recognise the landscape and tried to retrace my steps from four days ago.

I found the gorge and was ecstatic that my backpack was still there, hidden under leaves and logs. I threw it on and quickly scrambled up the steep incline of the side of the rock face. Just as I had hit the top, I felt a presence approaching and fast…my mate.noveldrama

My stomach dropped and I hid behind a tree, praying he wouldn’t find me.

I heard what sounded like frantic footsteps searching the area.

“Come back!” I heard his voice shout out desperately.

“Please! Come back, I’m sorry” his voice sounded filled with anguish.

‘Mate…’ August sobbed, wanting to go to our mate to ease his pain.

…I wanted to, too. But what if it was a trick? Using the mate bond to make us return? And if it wasn’t, if I returned, his whole pack and himself would be plunged into danger from the Monkshood Moon pack.

…I couldn’t go to him.

Me leaving was the only way I could truly help him.

“Please…come back to me…” he sounded so utterly broken, every fibre of my being was urging me to go to him.

I wiped the tear that had fallen down my cheek and silently moved away, returning to a run once I was far enough away and allowing my tears to fall as I ran.

2 months later

Winter was beginning to draw in now it was early December and there was already a light dusting of snow covering the ground these days. I was currently in a human held town around three hours away from the Quebec province border of Canada, my current destination. I had left Maryland and my mate’s pack well behind now. As each day passed and the further I ran from Ethan, the bond pulled stronger, urging me to return.

I had needed to buy a few cans of supplies that I could carry before I headed off out of this town. I had been here two days now and needed to move on.

As I walked swiftly down the street with my hood pulled up, I felt an aura and picked up a scent I could never forget and almost froze…I had been found.

I tried to continue as normal. A car going past reflected the figures behind me, confirming the person I had been running from. As soon as I turned the corner I took off in a sprint heading for the tree line by the town. I would never be able to win in a fight, he was highly trained…I was not. All I had was speed and unfortunately my energy stores were running low. I hadn’t been eating much lately and any weight I had gained from my brief imprisonment had long gone.

But I was determined that this man wouldn’t catch me again.

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