Unspoken Pleasure

Incest Getaway:>1

Brother and sister forced together realize they like incest.


Ben Walker smiled as he walked outside and breathed in the country air. Ben and his sister Lindsay had just arrived at a cabin in the woods for a week long getaway and it was beautiful.

Ben and Lindsay were the guests of Trent and Marisa Clifton, the son and daughter (also twins) of the wealthiest family in town. The four hadn't always been close but Trent and Marisa were persistent and wouldn't take no for an answer. They had promised a week of relaxation and partying with a group of their well-to-do friends.

Ben and Lindsay weren't well off like Trent and Marisa; their upbringing had been very different. Their father spent the majority of their childhood in and out of jail and their lives. Their mother tried her best as a single mother but struggled to hold down a job which in turn led to struggles with alcohol. Simply put, Ben and Lindsay were from the wrong side of the tracks.

For the majority of their childhood they had been picked on by the Trent's and Marisa's of the world. Their family history and social status made them constant targets for exclusion and ridicule. As a result, they were very close. Ben and Lindsay spent a lot of time together; they were best friends who had no secrets. Lindsay often fell asleep beside her brother in his pullout bed in the living room because he was the one person she could trust completely and the one person who provided comfort in a world where she struggled to find any.

Likewise, Ben loved every moment he spent with his sister. They had spent many nights talking late into the night about their plans for the future, all of which involved them striking out into the world together.

At 19, Ben was older than his sister by 12 months and took his role as protective big brother very seriously. Their bullies had learned the physical approach no longer worked on the siblings as Ben filled out. Unfortunately for Ben and Lindsay their bullies soon learned mental torment brought them even more satisfaction.

That's why Ben and Lindsay were so surprised when six months ago Trent and Marisa extended them an olive branch, claiming they wanted to make amends. Trent and Marisa were the same age as Ben and had been quite cruel growing up. However, to their credit, they had tried very hard to make up for their actions when they were younger.

The Clifton family cabin was quite large and really more of a mansion secluded in the woods than a cabin. Ben and Lindsay had come up early with the twins to set up.

Lindsay was more excited than Ben for the week away. She had always yearned to be accepted and saw the week as a chance to achieve that. She knew she could talk Ben into it as he never could say no to her.

Lindsay walked outside to join her brother, "it's beautiful up here isn't it?"

"It really is sis," Ben said as he turned around.

It was at that moment that Marisa joined them, "and not another soul around for miles, just us."

"Thanks again for inviting us," Lindsay gushed, "this place is great."

The three walked inside where Trent was already making some margaritas. "So when will everyone else arrive?" Ben asked.

"The group is actually coming up tomorrow afternoon, Mar and I thought the four of us could have our own mini party tonight, a sibling kickoff to the week," Trent replied.

"Works for me!" Lindsay exclaimed as she and Marisa each grabbed a drink, clinked glasses and downed their first round.

Ben smirked as he watched his sister indulge. She'd always been the more outgoing of the two of them. Whereas Ben built up walls Lindsay continued to put herself out on a limb.

Lindsay was very attractive but that didn't help keep the bullies away while she was in school, if anything, it attracted them. The popular girls didn't take kindly to the pretty 'poor girl' stealing attention away from them and hated when their boyfriends called her 'rich girl hot.' She was of medium height with brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, a soft round face with green eyes, a button nose, pouty lips and tanned skin. Her defining feature was her breasts, they weren't huge but they were far from small. They were a solid C cup and appeared to be perfectly molded to her body with just the right amount of bounce and firmness. While they attracted stares from boys in school as she matured they were also a source of ridicule when she went through a growth spurt when she was younger and their mother couldn't afford new clothes.

Ben had always considered himself to be average on the attractive scale and readily admitted his sister got all the looks in the family. Like his sister he blossomed as he got older and went to great lengths to get in shape. Lindsay knew how her brother viewed himself and went out of her way to comment on how handsome he was. It was important to her that he hear it from someone, he was her big brother, her protector, her best friend and the most important person in the world to her. Ben stood over six feet tall with brown wavy hair, blue eyes, a firm jaw and a trim but solid build. He didn't have washboard abs but he had an unassuming strength.

Ben grabbed a beer and was about to crack it open when Trent asked him if he wanted a margarita.

"Yeah! Ben! Have a margarita, not a boring old beer!" Lindsay cheered from across the kitchen.

Marisa giggled at Lindsay and then joined her, "yeah, put down that boring old beer Ben!"

Ben chuckled and shrugged his shoulders as he and Trent shared a look, "what's a guy to do?" Trent said as he handed Ben a drink.

Ben grabbed the drink and the four clinked glasses once more, and that was the last thing he remembered before everything went black.

"Ugh, what the hell happened..." Ben said to himself as he groggily woke up.

His head pounded and his eyesight was blurry as he started to wake up. Ben raised his body to sit up, but was met with resistance.

He tried to rub his eyes but again was met with resistance. It was then he realized he was tied to a bed.

"What the fuck?" he asked himself. "HELLO!! Anyone!! HELLO!"

Slowly his vision got less and less blurry as he struggled to free himself on the bed. "Hello! Anyone! I need help! ANYONE!"

Ben looked around the room and tried to determine where he was. The room was unfamiliar but the décor looked somewhat familiar.

"Am I still at the cabin?" he asked aloud as he pulled on his bonds again.

It was at that point that Trent Clifton walked in the room, "indeed you are Ben, indeed you are."

Ben looked at Trent, "what the fuck man! What's going on?!"

Trent looked at Ben but ignored his question. Instead, he turned to his right as the door opened even wider and Marisa walked in guiding a very groggy Lindsay.

"I told you it was a good idea to tie him up, look at him struggle!" Trent said as he looked at his twin sister.

Marisa's eyes twinkled as she looked at Ben, "I like it when they struggle," she teased. Ben looked at his sister, "Lindsay! Are you ok! Lindsay! I swear if you gu-..."

"Oh relax" Trent said as he waved his hand at Ben while Marisa sat Lindsay down and tied her to a chair, "she's fine."

Ben struggled with his bonds even more but it only succeeded in the rope digging deeper into his wrists.

"Where am I?" Lindsay asked quietly.

"Lindsay? Lindsay! It's me Ben, I'm right here!"

Trent and Marisa cackled as they watched Ben, "It's so cute how you look out for her," Marisa smirked.

Lindsay started to get her wits about her as she looked where she was and where her brother was, "Ben? What's going on?" she asked as fear creeped into her voice.

"What's going on," Trent started, "is we're going to have some fun."

Marisa smiled as she looked at Lindsay and sauntered over to sit on the bed beside Ben. She started to play with his hair as she talked, "my brother and I have a confession

to make," she started as she played with his hair and stroked his cheek softly.

"Stop touching me!" Ben yelled as he shook his head and struggled. "Let us go!"

Marisa giggled and bit her lip, "he's a fighter, I love fighters." Marisa ignored Ben as she leaned in to whisper in his ear, "I wonder if you'll put that energy to use correctly..."

"Get away from him!" Lindsay screeched as Marisa toyed with her brother.

Trent rolled his eyes, "either you guys can calm down and listen or we'll come back later."

"Or you could just untie us, you asshole," Ben spat.

Marisa cackled with glee and clapped her hands, she gave Ben an unwanted soft peck

on the lips before standing up, "he's feisty," she cooed.

"We'll come back later," Trent said as he turned to leave.

Ben and Lindsay watched them take a few steps then Lindsay yelled out, "WAIT!! Just

tell us what this is so we can get it over with."

Treat and Marisa turned around with smiles on their faces, "finally a sensible response," Trent said dryly.noveldrama

Trent pulled out a chair and made a point of exaggerating while he sat down, as if he was a villain in a movie.

"As my dear sister was saying, we're going to have some fun. You see, we never much cared for you two, you were so resilient and loyal to one another, it was sickening," Trent started.

Marisa moved over to Lindsay and started to toy with her now, "I mean really," she said as she picked up for her brother, "you two are so close it's like you live 24/7 in a TV movie."

"So," Trent continued as he picked up for his sister as she played with Lindsay's bangs, "we made each other a bet. I bet Marisa we could turn you two into depraved animals by the end of the week. If I'm wrong, I'll pay her $1, but if I'm right..."

"I'll let him fuck me," Marisa said, letting the comment hang in the air. She leaned in to whisper in Lindsay's ear, "He's been trying to get in my pants forever."

Ben and Lindsay were shocked, "this makes no sense!" Ben yelled.

Trent and Marisa only response was to laugh.

"What do you mean by depraved animals?" Lindsay asked.

Marisa moaned softly, "good question sugar bear!" she said in a mocking tone.

Marisa walked over to her brother and let him wrap his arm around her, "by the end of

the week you're going to be fucking each other like the desperate, poor pieces of shit you were meant to be," Trent smirked.

Ben shook his head, "but she just said YOU want to fuck HER!"

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