Unspoken Pleasure

It All Starts With A Brother: Ep17

Now it was Lexi's turn to sigh deeply, "it hasn't been going on for that long. It started earlier this summer with Will and I. We were lonely and a little drunk and in the hot tub. Things got a little hot and heavy and he got freaked out, we talked and then... you know..."

Mary raised her eyebrows, "yes I do."

"Daisy and I have had these... crushes... on Will for a while and he obviously felt the same." "Do you always do it together?" Mary asked.

Lexi shook her head, "not always, we both get our alone time with him," she said, realizing how crazy this must sound.

Mary looked at her daughter, "I saw Will finish inside Daisy, please tell me you and your sister are still on your birth control..."

Lexi looked at her mother, "yes we are, absolutely." Lexi paused, "are you mad?"

Mary looked at her daughter, "I was shocked when I first found out, then I was mad, disappointed, hurt and mad again." Mary slapped her daughter softly on the arm, "this is so dangerous! What if someone other than your mother found out! It's so wrong!"

Lexi looked down at the ground, "I know but it just feels so good when we're together. Will loves me and I love him. No one else looks at me the way he does. He lusts for me but also truly cares and..." Lexi paused.

"And what?"

Lexi looked up, "... and there is no thrill that could ever surpass fuc-... making love to your brother."

Lexi's words hung in the air for what seemed like an eternity. Finally Mary spoke again, "to answer your questions from before, I'm not going to call the authorities and I'm not going to kick you out. You're all adults and if I kicked you out it wouldn't change anything other than the fact I'd lose you three."

Lexi perked up.

"But..." Mary continued, "that doesn't mean I'm ok with our home being turned into some family orgy frat house. I still don't know what to think completely, there's so much swirling around in my head. Hurt, sadness, confusion and..."

"And what?" Lexi asked.

Mary smiled, "nothing sweetie, go to bed. We'll talk in the morning, everything will be ok."

Lexi waited for her mother to fall asleep before quietly making her way down to her brother's apartment.

She found Daisy snuggled up against Will just as she thought she would. Lexi sat down on the bed and shook her brother awake.

"Will... Will... Will!"

Slowly he woke up, Daisy stirring beside him. "What's going on? What's wrong?" Will asked. "Mom's home and she knows."

Will turned on a light and tried to wake up, "she knows what?"

"She knows about us doesn't she," said Daisy.

Lexi nodded, "she caught us a week ago and that's why she went to Aunt Sherrie's."

Daisy immediately started to worry; she leaned into her brother as Will made room for Lexi.noveldrama

"What did she say?" Will asked.

Lexi shared her conversation from earlier that night.

Will paused, "so she's all over the map."

"Should we stop?" Daisy asked.

Will and Lexi looked at her, "we never talked about what this would be long-term or short-term. Maybe we should stop?"

Both Lexi and Daisy looked at Will. He kissed both softly on the forehead, "I will never force either of you to do anything you don't want to do or to continue this if you want to find someone who isn't your brother. I love you both - a lot - but I want what's best for you." The three siblings stayed together for a moment, "I don't want to stop," said Lexi.

Daisy looked up at Will, "I don't want to stop either but what about mom?"

Will looked at Lexi, "you said mom seemed hurt mostly and worried but also may be confused?"

Lexi nodded, "yeah, almost as though she liked it but didn't want to."

Will smiled "ok, let's get some rest. I'll talk to mom in the morning, everything will be alright. I promise."

The next morning Mary awoke to the smell of eggs and bacon filtering up from the kitchen. She walked downstairs and found Will alone in the kitchen making breakfast.

"I thought it was you," Mary said. "Where are your sisters?"

Will poured his mother a mug of coffee and walked over to hug and kiss her hello as if nothing was wrong.

"Welcome back, first off," he said. "They're still sleeping but I would have told them to rest anyway, I thought it would be best if just the two of us talked."

Mary smiled; this was a very Will-like thing to do, just like his father. Will's father always had the tough conversations and met difficult situations head on.

"I thought you might. Bribing me with bacon?"

Will smiled, "couldn't hurt."

Will and his mother sat down as Will dished his mother something to eat.

"I'm sorry you found out the way you did, that's not what any of us would have wanted. I don't know if there is a good way to learn something like that, but that wasn't it," he started.

"That's the only secret we've kept from you and the only secret we will. I know you don't like them, but it's not the easiest thing to tell your mother."

Mary ate her eggs as she listened to her son, "the easy solution there sweetie is to not start in the first place."

Will smiled, "that's true, but we did start and we don't want to stop. I love them mom, as sisters and as women. There's nothing that could compare to being with them, short of being with you as well," he said.

Mary's eyes bulged in shock, "WILLIAM JAMES BRADY!!" she exclaimed.

Will chuckled, "calm down mom, it's true but I'm not propositioning you, I'm just saying outside of you, there is not a person alive that being with could thrill me the way Daisy and Lexi do." Mary sighed and looked at her son, "so what's your plan?"

Will cleared his throat, "well we're not all going to run off together, especially since Lexi told us you won't kick us out. We're going to see what happens and be honest with each other. The last thing any of us wants to do is hurt either of the other two or hold them back. But we do want to... continue."

Mary pushed her plate away, "I won't stop you kids, you're all adults now, but I don't want to walk in one day from work and find you all together again. If you're going to continue it's got to be out of my sight. In your apartment only, I don't want you three going out and renting hotel rooms and getting caught."

"Fair enough," Will replied. "I've got to say, you're taking this quite well."

Mary looked at her son and gave him a half smile before continuing, "why do it? You could have anyone, Lexi and Daisy could have anyone, why do this? Why? Why risk it?"

Will paused before answering, "why did you pick dad? Why does anybody pick anybody?

Sometimes it just happens, some things just feel right. It's not just physical for us, there's a connection and a trust that's a perfect combination of traditional and non-traditional sibling feelings.

Mary couldn't help but hand it to her son, "non-traditional sibling feelings?" she chuckled. Will smiled, "it just came to me. The bottom line is it works for us and now that we've started I wouldn't have it any other way."

Mary sighed and paused as she considered what her son said, "Ok. I can't believe I'm saying this, but ok. Be careful and respect my boundaries, this is my home too and I'm still your mother."

Will stood up as he cleared his mother's plate away, "absolutely mother."

Will felt his mother's eyes on him as he cleaned up "is there anything else on your mind?" Mary looked at her son and smiled, she was tempted to continue but thought better of it, "no sweetie, I'm fine. In fact, I'll finish up here and you go wake up your sister's."

Will turned around and looked at his mother, raising an eyebrow.

"Wake them up, that's ALL" she said as she punched his shoulder.

Will chuckled and was happy to see his mother smile and joke as he left the kitchen.

Will saw some movement as he walked over to his apartment and heard his sisters quickly

scampering down the stairs, he took his time before going down himself. When he reached his room he found his sisters yawning, acting as though they just woke up.

"How much did you two hear?" Will asked.

Daisy looked at her sister, "I told you he saw us."

Lexi ignored her sister, "we heard enough to know you looooove us," she teased.

Will got on the bed and started to playfully wrestle with his two sisters, "don't let it go to your

heads," he said as Lexi and Daisy shrieked and giggled with pleasure.

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