Wolf Bait (Perry and Jonas)

Chapter 182

Michael is a big guy. Just like his cousin Jordan. As I'm taking in their skills to pair them up for sparing. I can't help but laugh and Jordan isn't helping with his cars burning bright red. It alw doesn't help that they look very similar. While fortan has pretty honey amber eyes, this guy has hy blue eyes and his hair a nice soft brown shade.

"Michael, welcome." I greet him.

"My Queen," he bows.

"You're pairing up with Lillies for a sparing, I inform him. Jordas tenses up. "Jordan, you'll be pairing up with James,"


"Yes, non-negotiable,"

"He's a beta." James protests.

"Bunny, you and Mack,"

"Yes," the two of them high-five each other and make their way over to the mats.

I turn my attention to the King who is paying attention to his phone. I take it out of his hand and set it on the table behind him. He looks up at me annoyed.

You can spar with me,"

"We've been through this," he shakes his head.

"It's just a warm-up so we can show the others what to expect," I take his hand and lead him to the mat. He looks down at me unamused with the situation. "Okay, so I'm going to attack him and he's going to try and stop me. I want you to pay close attention to our movements,"


"Assume a defensive stance," I encourage him.

He takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly before doing what I asked. I clear my throat and step to him widening his feet and helping him with his posture. It annoys him further, but when I swing he catches my move with his hand. I kick at his stance but it doesn't teeter him in the slightest. We both move around each other, me attacking and him blocking.

"You have a heavy hand," he complains when my fist meets his forearm with a sharp smack.

"You can take it. I'm sure I've dealt worse," I laugh.

I spin around and go for his legs. I punch the back of his thigh and knee the back of his knee taking him down. He reaches

up to grab my arms before I can fully put him in a headlock. My arms shake as I try to stop him from pulling me over his head.

I put my knee on his back and pull back enough to give me space to use my left leg. I wrap it around him and lift myself to fully lock him in. He knows he can't pull apart my legs without actually hurting me. We fall on the mat and he finally taps my knee and release him. "Cheater," he growls playfully making me laugh.

"See, that's all sparing is. We all have skills and we have to take advantage of all of them in a fight. Fighting isn't about releasing your rage. It's about focusing that anger on the opponent in front of you and using it to your advantage. If you give in to that anger it's already over. You let the thing that makes you thrive take over and nothing else matters,"

Chapter 18y

"Why don't you ry with come with a hittle more express

And who do you think that might be, your 1 off

Don't do e. I've been there Makenzie huffs

You said I need more training. I can slave you exactly what I can do he challenges The King doesn't like that I take his hand and smile at him

"All right

"Perry," he growl.

"I can take him even in wolf form. I broke his kneecap without even trying."

Jordan snorts making James growl at him. I wave James over and he waits for the king to get off the mat. I assume a defensive position and give him way to come at me. That's what he wants and I plan to show him just how utterly unprepared he was to be given the position he wanted at the Falcon's side. James comes at me trying to sweep my feet out from under me. I step back and bring my knee up When he goes to cover his face I quickly spin around and kick him on the side of his head hard enough to make him fall over.

Instead of stepping back so we could start over he loses his temper and comes at me. I dodge his wild attacks and allow him to slip through enough for him to slap me across the face. Acting on instinct I backhand him. He staggers back but I don't stop. I unleash a barrage of attacks on him until he's lying on his back winded.

Get up, I growl. "You want to fucking play with me. Get on your fucking feet,"

"He's not even a little prepared. Hold back," Mackenzie growls at me. "Back off, Prince Boy,"

He pushes off the ground fully giving into his anger and swings at me trying to use his claws. My body instinctively takes in his demeanor and every time he reaches me with his claws the energy in my body is released. He takes that as a challenge and continues to try and attack me with the intention to kill.

I let him. I let him come at me with everything he's got. When he starts to slow down I move in for the kill. He growls with the hard slap of my skin against his and for the final fuck you, I swing for his face. My fist meets his nose with a sickening crack. His head whips back and he hits the mat.

"You are not anywhere near where you think you are. I don't know how you made it this fucking far, but I can tell you that any one of those alphas that fuck sent you to would have torn you to shreds. Get up. You're not fucking done. You're still going to spar with Jordan," . "My nose is broken," he growls at me. I step up to him looking it over and press both sides to pop it back into place. He slaps my hands away as blood comes out of his nose. He spits it on the mat making a bigger mess.

"I don't care if it's broken. You are going to participate whether you like it or not. You want to be the best, this is the conditions the best always fight in. You're not going out on the field with this mediocre ass training. Get up and clean this shit up," I motion the blood. One of the guards with the King tries to come help him, but I put my hand out. I growl at him and he lets out a heavy sigh letting James get himself back on his feet. We all watch him as he gets up to get the towels by the cleaning station. He cleans himself up and comes back to clean the blood up.

To say he's pissed is an understatement, but that's the only way he seems to learn. Like myself, the only way anyone ever stopped me was by force. My father, Alpha Redwood, the Rogue King, the Falcon, and even the King. It's not something I've ever wished to use on anyone, but this guy is way in over his head.

He's an alpha, not a King. There's a huge difference between him and his brother. One he seems to think makes the King weak. It's a fucking miracle that Jonas didn't turn on all of them after what they did. That's real power in opinion. It shows Chapter 182

real strengthnoveldrama

"Everyone take a mat. Let's get ready to begin, I call out.

James takes a water bottle from the fridge and as the others set up I walk over to him.

"What?" he asks bitterly.

"I'm not trying to humiliate you, James,"

"Are you sure about that?" he scoffs.

"You're the only person who can give me that power. If you act like a victim, you're never going to stop being one. You're not Jonas. Stop trying to be. Comparing yourself to him is like me comparing myself to Morgan."

"That's not the same,"

"Yes, it is the same and it's stupid. You don't thrive in politics. Politics isn't about money. It's about character. Power. You don't have either. You have a different set of skills. A different mindset. I would never give him the assignment I gave you Saturday night. He wouldn't even where to start. "Get that out of your head. I'm trying to help you become more than what you think you deserve. You're the prince of the entire Lycan race and everyone fucking hates you. Is that what you want? To be this fucking useless kid living in the shadow of your brother?"

"Fuck you," he growls looking me over with real hatred. I smile at him and nod.

"Use that. That anger. Bottle it up. Let it keep you going. Do you want to go back to that box or do you want to be the person your father wanted you to become?" I look back at the others as the way for us. "Look at them. They feel sorry for you. Is that who James Prince is?" "No," he shakes his head.

"Then step up. Let Jordan teach you how to use all that shit killing you. I need you to help me. That hasn't changed. You have to take my place. There's no one else but you. I trust you to have my back and your King's,"

His eyes snap to mine. They go over my head where the King is standing. I guide his gaze back to me.

"No. You don't owe him anything. Your focus is going to stay on me. I'm holding your leash. Go get in line. Ask questions. Get all that doing it-alone bullshit out of your head. You have me. That's all you need for now," "Okay," he nods. "Whatever,"

"Okay. Prepare yourself. Even I have trouble with him," I pat his back as he goes over to the mats.

My hand is aching from me punching him in the face. I shake it out and feel the aches where he hit me everywhere. He's insanely strong and driven. If I had let my guard down he would fucked my shit up. He's just carrying a lot of pain and resentment on his shoulders. There's only one way to help him out of that and it's teaching him how to control it. He's in his first stage of feral. He can come back from that. It's not too late for him.

"You okay?" the King comes over to check my hand.

"Yeah," I nod. "He just-" I growl. "Fucking asshole,"

"Yeah," he laughs kissing the top of my head. "I warned you. I have to go. If you need me for anything. Let me know,"

"I will," I promise. He tips my chin up and places a kiss on my lips before he smirks.

"That was beautiful. I didn't know you had this much grace," he smirks.

"Fuck off."

"Only because it's you who's asking. Your Grace," he smirks. "Di

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