You Rejected Me. Remember?

The Warrior’s Abused Mate Chapter 53

“Yes. I want her as my Queen. She is still alive, which means those good for nothing wolves took her back to their pack. She isn’t in this kingdom. If my father had hidden her anywhere in the palace, I would have found her by now,” Draven inhaled. “She is mine. No one else can have her. You heard what seer Fredo had said the other day. She is alive. So we must go and get our Queen from the wolves. They are holding her hostage,” Draven stated in a hushed whisper.

“Yes, master,” Polanski replied.

Elijah shook his head. He understood that the sick bastard had started to fancy Monica.

“So that’s why he went back on his word that day,” he mumbled internally.

“Exactly,” Fenris replied.

“In the morning, we punish Damien. And then we prepare to attack the werewolves soon after. I need my bride with me,” Draven told Polanski.

“They are going to attack the pack!” Fenris growled.

“The hell! I will not let him succeed!” Elijah responded to his wolf and rushed towards the exit. As he was dashing in full speed, he ran too close to one of the guards, and unfortunately, he sensed the presence of another being.

“Who is there?” He growled, widening his eyes and Elijah quickly stepped away.

“s**t! Elijah! Be careful!” Fenris hissed under his breath as Elijah rushed towards the trees in the yard.

“What? Who?” Draven was quick to respond to his security.

“Master, I felt the presence of someone…” the guard trailed off. Elijah quickly hid behind a tree trunk. He knew he was still invisible, yet he was anxious and didn’t want to take chances. Breathing heavily, he peeked at the vampires who seemed to be looking around.

“Are you sure? But there is no one here,” Polanski frowned.

“Uh… I don’t know …” the guard stuttered. “I felt…”

“Don’t tell me you believe in ghosts,” Draven looked bored.

“I don’t have time to waste. Perhaps you need a day off. Or maybe get laid. Take some rest if that’s what you need, Jon.”

Elijah was relieved when Draven dismissed the alert and walked out of the main gate.

“That was a close one. We better warn them about an upcoming attack,” Fenris told Elijah.

“Alpha.” Elijah was quick to contact his leaders.

“Yes. We are here. Anything new?”

Miles was already in a meeting with the Royal couple and the others since Elijah had alerted him about what they planned to do to Damien. So he opened the link to everyone so that it would make communication easier.

“They are planning to attack the pack tomorrow sometime. We better surprise them before they do,” Elijah warned through the link and all of them went stiff.

“s**t! Elijah, stay there and stay hidden. We are gathering the troops now and will hopefully attack by sunrise. When we do, join the battle. You will still have the advantage of being invisible. We are going to use every advantage we have. Right now, we are discussing our strategies with everyone,” Miles told Elijah.

“Yes, alpha,” he paused for a while. “Alpha, is Monica coming?” He inquired.

“Yes, she is adamant about joining us. Why?” Miles asked.

Heaving a deep breath, “because Draven seems to be extremely interested in making her his bride,” he told him, unaware that Miles had opened the link to Cade and the others.

“What the f**k! Not even in his dreams!” He heard Cade.noveldrama

“Draven needs to go. And I’ll make sure he is gone.” Cade growled through the open link.

“Do you think it is safe for Monica to join the battle?” Elijah heard Calli’s voice.

“I am going. This time, I refuse to stay behind. I too am alpha. Don’t expect me to stay behind in the pack while everyone else goes to battle,” Monica’s voice was firm.

The confidence in her voice made Elijah smile in contentment.

“We must not waste valuable time. Elijah, stay low until you receive orders from us. We have heard enough. We will be there by sunrise. That’s when we attack,” the Queen’s voice was authoritative even through the mind link.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” they all replied in unison before ending the link. Elijah laid his exhausted body down on the ground under the tree. However, his anxious heart made it hard for him to get any rest. Time flew, and slowly, his eyelids grew heavy as the night deepened. He was able to get a few hours of sleep before he received the mindlink that woke him up, alerting him of the army’s arrival at the perimeters of the vampire territory.

“We will attack the palace, taking them by surprise. Wait for us and join the battle,” Miles informed Elijah.

“On my way, Alpha,” he instantly obeyed and rushed towards the palace, where he was certain that Draven would be resting.

The rumbling of the earth was proof of the approaching army. Elijah, still under the influence of the vanishing potion, smirked.

They were here.

An army consisting of werewolves and lycans had surrounded the palace. The presence of Ava and Amelia reinforced their army. As usual, Ava had informed her Grandma and this time, her father too. They had promised that they would join the fight.

Cassy made sure that they warned all the kingdoms of what was happening in the vampire territory. All of them condemned Draven’s nasty act, yet upon Cassy’s request, they remained silent. Cassy wanted to take them by surprise. And she warned the others so they too could take proper precautions.

The sun’s rays had spread throughout the horizon, marking the start of the day. Yet, those vampires who were now immune to the sun would take full advantage of their powers and immunity.

Monica glared at the grand main gate of the palace. It was closed. Perhaps they had realised that they were being attacked. She was determined to make him pay for his crimes. If it was a possibility, she would make him die a hundred deaths. She wanted to get vengeance on behalf of every soul he had wronged.

Glaring at the closed gate, Cassy strolled in front of the entrance.

“Draven! Show yourself, coward!” She bellowed, her voice rising well over every other sound in the area – the sound of occasional growls and grunts of the angered warriors, and the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind.

“Such a scaredy-cat! You sounded so confident and arrogant when you planned to kill your brother! Where is that vigour, now?” Her voice thundered in the atmosphere.

A balcony door opened and Draven walked outside. Undoubtedly, he had heard the thunderous voice of the lycan Queen despite the doors and windows being closed. He squinted at the massive army at his doorstep. He had indeed planned to crucify his brother when the sun rose. Yet, his guards alerted him of a massive army of lycans and wolves approaching them just moments before the sun rose, giving him no time to prepare for war.

He had chosen to lock all the entrances and hide in the grand palace. However, when he heard that somehow, the news of his kingdom had reached the ears of the lycan Queen, he couldn’t remain inside.

Polanski stood beside Draven, equally bewildered. Only Draven’s closest men knew about Damien’s fate. Draven glared at his guards.

“I’d be damned if any of you are betraying me,” he hissed.

Monica scoffed.

“Conceited much! I bet he hadn’t noticed us yet,” Asena growled in her mind.

“What a loser. You have no idea of what is going on,” Cassy sniggered, taunting him with her smirk.

“You can’t come through the locked gates of the palace. The palace walls and all the entrances had always been fortified with magic so that intruders cannot barge in just like that! And the locks … it will remain locked until I open them!” He declared loudly.

Monica looked at the entrance. As her lips stretched in a lopsided smirk.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Draven,” she hissed, as she discreetly unlocked the gate using telekinesis.

“My Queen, the gates are unlocked,” Monica walked over to her Queen and whispered into her ear.

Draven’s breathing hitched.

“It’s her!” He gasped oblivious to what Monica had told her Queen. His gaze followed the girl who he had been waiting for.

His lips stretched. So she is here… His gaze focused on Monica. She had survived. And now she looked even better than she used to. The way she moved had changed. It was no longer timid. She was confident and he liked it.

Just like a real Queen.

Narrowing his eyes on her, he started to think of a way to capture her and keep her for himself before shooing the wolves away.

“Can you open the door?” Cassy whispered in response.

Nodding her head, she looked at the main entrance. Her brown eyes glowed red as she smirked and used telekinesis to open the gate of the palace. The massive metal gate flung open, surprising the vampires.

“Attack!” Cassy screamed out her order.

Raising their hands, they screamed, expressing their obedience to their Queen and advanced into the palace, some of them shifting to their wolves on their way in.

“Quick! Fight!” Draven ordered his recruits as he floated inside to fight against the wolves.

A brutal fight broke between the wolves and the rogue vampires. Open wounds shed b***d, coating the interior of the palace once again. Yet it wasn’t an easy fight for the vampires, unlike the last time. Back then, they had taken full advantage of their immunity against those who weren’t immune to the sun. But this time, things were different.

Amelia started to cast spells to weaken the enemies. She was going to finish these vile creatures once and for all. Helping them once was a grave mistake. This time, she wasn’t going to let them get away to cause more mischief on land.

While she was deeply lost in one of her spells, a rogue approached her from behind. Unaware of the danger, Amelia continued to chant her spell. Sneering, the rogue vampire, raised his hand to tear through her body. He knew what she was up to and he didn’t want to let her succeed.

A loud hiss from behind startled Amelia, interrupting the spell she was about to cast. Sensing danger, she turned around, just in time to see the rogue’s claws that were about to end her life.

She screamed and squeezed her eyes shut. Yet, the fatal blow she expected never reached her. When she opened her eyes she noticed that the vampire was lying at her feet in a pool of b***d. His throat was ripped open. She looked around, yet her saviour was not around. It took a moment for her to realise who it could have been.

“Elijah,” she smiled.

“Yup, and no time. It’s war!” He exclaimed.

Grinning from ear to ear, once again, she started to cast her spells, aiding the wolves.

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